Why are there no FEMALE players in MLB?
At one time, there were no blacks in Major League Baseball, but Jackie Robinson took care of that, and showed the world that anyone can play baseball, and play it well.
Well, almost anyone, as long as you don’t have a vagina…
There are girls who play in Little League, drive Soapbox Derby cars, and even those who participate in Professional Wrestling, so WHY NOT Major League Baseball?
To support this question, I call everyone’s attention to the movie Blue Skies Again, and suggest that if you haven’t seen it, see it. If you have seen it, see it again.
Yes, it is fiction, AstroChuck, but the idea of a woman playing pro baseball is an idea whose time has come, and in the 21st Century, this needs to happen.
The women of our nation are every bit as qualified and able to play the game with alacrity, and in many cases, they can put “the Big Boys” to shame!
Are the team owners AFRAID of them?
(Note: If a woman is on a major league baseball team and currently playing in sanctioned games, tell me who she is, because I don’t know about her, at all.)
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72 Answers
Because they can’t compete against the men. It’s a demanding sport and it takes speed and upper body strength. Batting especially.
What? Is it sexist now to say that men are stronger and faster than women? Is that how far political correctness has gone?
So, you are claiming that women are not physically “good enough” to play against “The Guys?”
I challenge any man alive to carry a baby for nine months.
If men had to be pregnant and give birth, there would be no babies!
We couldn’t stand that much pain.
I’m sorry, I’m apparently on crack, because here I thought we were talking about professional baseball, not child rearing.
You must be on “crack,” if you believe that those possessing labia majora are unable to compete with males in the game of baseball.
In my high school, for several years, the school records for the fastest 100 yard dash and 600 yard dash, were held by the same female.
In some officially-sanctioned marathons, the first person to “break the tape” of either gender has been a female.
One of my Taekwondo karate instructors was a female, and I was never able to defeat her, when we sparred.
No disrespect, but you don’t have any GFs, right?
Sorry they can’t compete. All the players in the Majors are the best in the entire world. Sure there are girls that might be able to compete in a playground or maybe high school but they would be playing against people who have dedicated their entire lives to the sport and still barely, luckily have been able to make it to majors.
This is why they have the WNBA. Have you ever watched that? Imagine a WNBA team vs a NBA team. We what would happen there?
Men are better at some things then women and women are better and some things then men. That how it is.
I will admit that you probably have a point there, but this Q isn’t about professional football.
It’s about MLB, and I have yet to see anyone at all, who can produce PROOF that women cannot throw a baseball without “throwing it like a girl,” or who can’t slam one right out of the ballpark, or who can’t catch a fly ball while running into a wall or another player.
In a nation where a woman can be a VEEP Candidate (twice!) or serve on the US Supreme Court, or play Professional Golf (the acronym of which stands for “GENTLEMEN ONLY, LADIES FORBIDDEN,”), then it is time that the collective powers the be remove their heads from their rectums and realize that women should be given diamonds!
Because… “there’s no crying in baseball”
In baseball 95 mph fastball(fastest ever is a bit over 101mph) is considered top notch——that converts to 139.3 feet / second
In womens fastpitch a top notch pitcher will throw 63(fastest ever was just under 69) mph—that converts to 92.4 feet / second
If you need it sited I will, but what I think women could psyche out the guy a bit more.
Martial Arts isn’t a good example its like comparing Soccer with Tennis. I know a few girl I can’t beat but I know if it got down to grappling I’d win. Striking they are faster.
And men cry in baseball sometimes so =P
One advantage to having female ballplayers on your team, is that it would bring a whole new level of excitement to the locker room…
I would bet that championship female tennis players Venus or Serena Williams could smack a baseball with the same ease with which they handle a tennis ball.
Personal opinion, of course…
I was talking about baseball too.Where;d you get football from? Baseball isn’t as physically tolling as football but it is extremely hard. Getting a HIT in baseball is one of the absolute hardest thing to do in sports.
Agreed, but it is equally hard for either gender.
I’m not trying to be sexist, but @Jack, if women were equally suited for all sports, then why are the olympics divided into mens and womens events?
oh my God!!!! Women can’t play MLB because they can’t keep up just flipping deal with it. It is a fact. Take V. Williams and her sister if you want and stand them next to oh let’s say Andre Thornton. Who is gonna hit ball harder Einstien?
great answer judochop, i’m sick of people being naive about this and not wanting to face the fact, that when it comes to athletes who dedicate their lives to a sport, women simply will not be as good
@ JackAdams, your point about women being able to play in professional golf is completely irrelevant, because its the LPGA so it is not like they are playing against men.
I’m amazed…
Here it is, the 21st Century, and so many of you are anti-women, with minds/attitudes more properly suited to the 1800s.
You should be ashamed. All of you…
I think maybe we could have a WMLB…...but I have to semi agree. WOmen are just as good but in different ways. We can kick tail at baseball but men do have more body mass so it would not be fair to have a man slam cleats first into a woman that is on a base. And just a note women once were our baseball players: the AAGPBL
Maybe there are no women interested in playing. I have never heard of a woman trying out and not making a MLB team.
They won’t try, unless the are told that they will be ALLOWED to try.
jack…...that is where i learned about the AAGPBL back in schol.
Everyone needs to recall when this existed.
That kind of separation is no longer needed, and neither is gender separation as far as baseball is concerned.
Do you ladies and gentlemen know that in certain karate tournaments, there is no gender distinction, whatsoever?
A black belt is a black belt, period.
wow Jack you are being so naive and bringing up points that don’t even matter in real life. First of all, providing a link to a movie doesn’t mean anything. I understand that there is a real life AAGPBL, but again, it was a WOMENS ONLY league, which only further proves the point that women simply are not on the same level as men when it comes to professional sports
Oh yeah?
Tell that to THIS BABE!
I’ll pay $10,000 CASH to anyone who can PROVE that she was NOT in the last race at the Indianapplepiss 500!
waterskier we are ut in different ways.
Men and women compete equally in this event, which was held on Saturday 10–11-08.
Two things here: the first is that females are shunted to softball at the same time that males start Little League or something similar. By the time, most if not almost all female ballplayers reach the age of 18 they simply do not have the years of experience playing with a BASEBALL that their male counterparts do.
It is not to say that A woman could not compete with men at the high school or college or even minor league level. Or two women or nine women, but overall they don’t have the necessary training and concomitant expertise in skills like batting, pitching and fielding. Not after spending their youth playing a similar but vastly different sport.
The other point is common sense.
Baseball in this new millenmium is dominated by owners who are both businessmen and showmen or show-women who would never shy away from an attraction such as having the first female player in MLB starting at 2nd base for their team. It woudl be a colossal money-maker and this is what drives professional sports as it does all other businesses.
Does anyone remember Bobby Riggs? I quote:
“Riggs had originally challenged Billie Jean King to a match, but King had declined. Following the embarrassing (to the women’s pro tennis world) loss by Margaret Court to Riggs, King accepted his challenge, and on September 20, 1973, the two met in the Houston Astrodome to play what may well be the most famous tennis match of all time. King beat Riggs in the match forever known as The Battle of the Sexes 6–4, 6–3, 6–3.”
She whipped his butt!
Let us put this in perspective:
You initiated this thread by asking about Major League Baseball. Even though women have successfully competed against men on what you call “level playing fields such as sky-diving or tennis (played on a level court)” baseball is not a level playing field because there is a PITCHER’S MOUND that is somewhat higher than the rest of the field, which is indeed level. So you might a partial issue concerning baseball.
As to Riggs v. King – Perspective again, persspective
. In 1973 Bobby Riggs was 55 years old and his FIRST MATCH was played against Margaret Smith Court who was 31 years old in 1973. That is a vast age difference especially in a sport where most careers are considered over by the age of 35. The match against Court (played appropriately on Mother’s Day – Riggs brought her flowers in honor of the occasion) ended in a win for Riggs, two sets 6–2, 6–1. Riggs had been making a living as a tennis trickster and hustler, offering to play people for money and winning by portraying himself as an old man. But he did BEAT Margaret Court in May of that year.
The match against King. King was 30, Riggs was 55. She was at the top of her game. Riggs had been winning seniors tournaments. King beat him in three sets. But Riggis played both games as a publicity stunt and as way to make a few shekels.
These were one-time matches, not played over a long season as baseball is.
Would you kindly address my earlier comment about “if there was a buck to be made by having a female in MLB, somebody would have done it already”?
but Jack, it is always fun and challenging to discuss stuff like this with you on Fluther.
@jack, your discussion regarding the indianapolis 500 is lame, you know that the sport cancels out all physical differences between “athletes” because the car is the part doing the work. and i don’t even think i am going to validate your claim of skydiving competitions with an answer to that. simply put, in any sport where pure physical power is required, men will always win. you bring up the ironman triathlon, now I’m curious, who won that triathlon btw?
srmorgan stated, “If there was a buck to be made by having a female in MLB, somebody would have done it already.”
I would guess (without reading the rule book) that there is some MLB rule that states that a team shall consist of men, or that there is some gender-specific reference of some kind.
More research on my part is needed, regarding that. However, I’m not trying to get rules changed. I’ll let NOW handle that.
Respectfully, I guess I just don’t share your belief that women are inferior.
And couldn’t you have had this discussion without mentioning vaginas or labia majora? We could add ovaries, Fallopian tubes, urethras, etc without furthering this argument, which is really wandering far from MLB.
And usually, when someone says, “Respectfully,” watch out for what’s coming next.
Thank you for your off-topic remarks. You didn’t mention one word about the original question posed.
I sure won’t miss you at all, when I leave here.
waterskier2007, it has been mentioned in this thread that women lack the upper-body strength to play baseball.
Well, upper-body strength is used in skydiving and auto racing (unless you steer a racecar with your feet). It’s also used in pro wrestling, weightlifting (which women do now), and in bowling.
Jack I am a woman and I think a voice of reason. Women should have their own league yes but nt to be merged with the men
among other reasons distribution of body mass
A man and woman o identical weight are built different. The impact potential of a male sliding into plate is more likel to damage or break a woman’s leg due to the body mass while a woman is lss likely to hurt the man. Plus you would need divided locker rooms and have to worry about the threat of sexism in the team that could cause a man to assault a female team mate
OK, if I accept your argument against women playing on the same teams with men, because they are more likely to be injured, then they shouldn’t play at all.
I know a woman named Michelle Jeter with the Carthage TX Police Dept.
A few years ago she was almost beaten to death by a “man” in Texas, after she pulled him over for some traffic violation, because she didn’t have enough upper body mass to defend herself against his assault on her. (Click on her name, to see a short video of that assault on her.)
Your argument is the same one presented by folks who say that women do NOT belong in law enforcement jobs unless they are secretaries or crossing guards.
Don’t forget there are women boxers, and watching some of the “matches” they stuck Mike Tyson with right after he got out of jail, I’m sure a lot of the women boxers could’ve whipped his butt.
Finally! A woman who understands my position!
they are wonderful law enforcemenbut do you know the PSI on the end of a single cleat spike of a man sliding at full speed cleats up is?
Now do you know the PSI required to break the shin of a typical male athelete and a typical female athelete?
The PSI and speed factors you mentioned, would be dependent on the inertia in effect at the time of the collision, the weight of both (or more) individuals involved in the collision, the angle at which the collision occurred, the ground condtions (wet, muddy, dry) at the “impact area”, and the tensile strength of the bones being impacted by the collision.
And while you are factoring those things into the equation, you need to come up with a definition for the terms “typical male athlete” and “typical female athlete.”
I’ll wait…
dont ask me I just know that I got ran into head first by my niece and son. They weigh an exact 68 pounds each and it hurt alot more when he did than when she did. They are both the same height as well.
And inertia is low since one is running fullout when one slides into a base, that is why on impact woth the bag some runners have broken their own legs.
I think the top players in the WNBA would get trounced if they played in the NBA.
But I think, if given a fair shot, the top females baseball players might fare well in the NLB.
Totally unsubstantiated either way, but that’s what I think.
so than why is it 2 people say height and weight and one hurt more than the other?
I quote from the first paragraph of that referenced article:
Can women compete against men in professional baseball?
There is great variation in size and strength among the entire population of men and the same is true for women. Although there are large size and strength differences between the average man and the average women, those differences are far less when you look at only the strongest and largest men and women. When you match up men and women with the same lean body mass and size, the differences are small. Any woman who attempts to play professional baseball will, in all likelihood, a female elite athlete with lean body mass and size comparable to many male athletes in the minor leagues who play baseball.
the top female players are only considered equal to the guys in the minor leagues?
There’s probably more incentive to ‘roid it up in the majors. Har.
Mitsu_Neko, I don’t have an answer to that question.
Are you implying that the best player in a women’s major league team, would only be comparable to the best male player in a “men’s minor league team?”
If so, I wouldn’t know how to calculate that or quantify it.
To everyone: Please note what is needed in your own threads/questions, to get 57 responses.
@JA what exactly do you mean by that? 24 or 40% of the responses were made by you. So your saying if i want to get a bunch of responses to my questions, which mean nothing really, i just have to argue with everyone and beat a dead horse? It was stated i dont know how many times why men and women dont compete together and still you keep argueing it. Half the time with irrelevant arguments. BUT BUT THEY COMPETE AGAINST MEN IN THE INDY wtf?
Fact of the matter is men and womens bodies are built completely different.
“Fact of the matter is men and womens bodies are built completely different.”
That’s about the only thing you got right, besides the number of posts I’ve made.
I just knew that if I kept posting, you would eventually chime in with your 2¢.
Thanks. Your remarks are appreciated (and predictable).
what i am sick of is how you keep saying women compete in bowling, tennis, and other sports. yeah congratulations, they do compete there, in their own league
remember at the beginning when you posted a link to the movie. maybe there is a reason it is called A League Of Their Own
I don’t get how everyone can be going back and forth here. It is not a matter of being sexist at all. I am all for women trying their best in MLB if they want. All I am saying is that men are generally larger and more physically powerful. If you do not have the common sense to see that for yourself then you are simply blind to a MATTER OF FACT. Sure there will be and always will be exceptions to the rules however the majority in this case stands as is. Men play MLB better than women. It has nothing to do with being sexist. Why just because it is the year 2008 can’t people have a little more backbone on this subject. Not every time someone says that a woman can’t do something does it mean that you or “they” are being sexist. Let’s pick a sport that requires more finesse like tennis (this example was used earilier). There is no difference between men and women at this sport. You can throw sex against sex here because finesse and style are required more than brawn and power. Just because women can’t compete with men in MLB or the NFL does not mean that they cannot compete in tennis or pool or swimming or diving or running or almost any sport out there for that matter but not pro baseball. It is just not going to happen, EVER.
@judochop, thank you so much. although i would take out the swimming at the end
…Because society has led women to believe that it is nearly impossible for them to compete with men.
I’ll admit that there are differences in body strength between the genders, but (IMO) the main issue is not whether or not women are good baseball players, but whether or not the best female baseball players are motivated to join MLB. I’m not sure if any have tried. I’m sure someone has – it strikes me that feminists would try to break into all female-exclusive sports.
If a female player can make MLB, let her. It’s important to keep the female league, though. It’s not an inferior place to be, merely different. It also allows females to communicate with each other in an easier way.
I initially wanted to answer this question with a response like, “Stop categorizing the abilities of women and men! Judge each person’s abilities individually!” But the evidence shows that women are weaker than men, on average (maybe not naturally, but at least through behavior modeling – less women are driven to work out and become athletic because muscles on girls aren’t typically considered sexy). We can’t ignore the facts.
Until body image and behavior stereotypes are abolished, most girls won’t be tempted to even try to compete with the boys in sports.
I dunno shad, I would rather see some hot bodied ladies wearing tight baseball pants more then the men. And as far as muscles not being so sexy on women I don’t think you have been down to the beach early in the morning when the womens volleyball teams workout and practice.
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[Fluther Moderator]: It is possible to have intelligent discourse without the personal insults. Please refrain from them.
My public apologies for my removed post.
I sent it via PM to everyone who has posted on this thread, so they will know for what I am publicly apologizing.
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@heyeveryone, you should work on your grammar and spelling before you try to make a statement
And keep in mind that Jack Adams has left the building.
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