Has anyone else noticed a recent discrepancy in your lurve and your score?
It appears to me that, once yesterday and once today, I received GAs that were not reflected in my score. Today, for instance, I woke up with 1600 upon getting my +1 for logging in. Since then, I have received 2 GAs and 1 GQ; however, I have only received 8 additional lurve points, when I should have received 13.
A similar thing happened yesterday. I received 5 less points than it appeared I should have.
Of course this isn’t a major issue, but I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
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24 Answers
This i because there is a cap on how much lurve any one person can give you. It stops people from gaming the system. So for instance if i maxed out the GA’s that i was able to give you, but kept giving them to you, you would still get the GA but no points for it.
On one thread I had 36 GAs and only got about 40 or so lurve points. I just figured that most who GAed me had already topped out on lurve for me.
@uberbatman: Interesting! So they would still show up under “lurve for you”? And it would say +5, but I wouldn’t get any points for it?
Now, I am really curious who has maxed out their lurve for me!
@AstroChuck: Actually, I think there’s a limit to how many points a single question/answer can give you.
For instance, janets received 18 GQs for this question, but she only has 16 points total. Clearly, all 18 people who gave her GQs hadn’t maxed out their lurve for her. It was probably the case that only the first 5 GQs counted, which is why she would have +1 for joining the collective and +3 (x5) for GQ, for a grand total of 16 lurve points.
I do think, however, that the limit of GAs is higher than that of GQ. I remember getting more than 5 GAs before, and I did get lurve for at least more than 5 of them, but I’m not sure where the limit is.
In the case of my two instances yesterday, the answers did not already have an inordinate amount of GAs, so I’m assuming that someone recently maxed out their lurve for me. I’m really curious who it is!
I’m also surprised I haven’t maxed out my lurve for anyone yet. I thought I was pretty liberal in giving it to some people. Does it notify you when you try to give lurve to someone you have lurved too much?
I noticed that yesterday or the day before too.
I’ll have to pay attention to what answers don’t seem to be recording my lurve.
Certainly, someone out there knows all the lurve limits out there. I would be curious to here from one of the admins or mods on this.
Lurve recession! We need lurve bailout! :D
…yea, I am missing 16,180 Lurve points…yea…
@chuck: *hear
I’d like to know if I’ve maxed out the lurve for a few users I’m very fond of. I haven’t seen anything about it yet, but I’m sure I must be at least approacing the limit, if not over.
Be one without the Lurve. The lurve will bring you down.
You can tell if you’ve maxed out your love on someone if when you click GA their score doesn’t go up.
I understand the reasoning behind the lurve cap but it is sometimes a bit upsetting when you get loads of GA’s and your lurve score stays the same. C’est la vie
@girlofscience “So they would still show up under “lurve for you”? And it would say +5, but I wouldn’t get any points for it?” Exactly.
I noticed this whole cap thing a back in April and sent an email to the fluther gods about it.Im pretty sure i posted this in other questions about it, but ill repost our emails here for everyone.
“We put in a maximum number of points a user can give another user…
this means you can get a vote from a user but not actually increase
your score (because you’re already at the maximum). We put this in
place to make it harder for new users to have ‘tea-parties’ and
rapidly increase their scores, but great users often now don’t get
points even when they have great answers.”
“while i understand the whole need to cap so that new users cant ‘tea-party’ it doesnt really make sense that i can never really give or get great answers from certin users ever again. Shouldnt it be more of a time period cap? Or as i like to call it the time-(cap)sule.^_^ Like i can only award Riser for instance 5 great answers a week or something to that effect. Because really if people were that determined to ‘tea-party’ they could just make multiple accounts and give the GA’s from all of them.”
“Excellent idea. Yeah, I think that is a better solution, and we plan
to implement that (or something similarly nuanced) when the time
arrives… In the mean time I hope you’ll excuse current crude system.”
So they are planning on fixing the problem, its just a matter of time. ^_^
@uber: Thanks for the info, and I think your time-(cap)sule is a great idea! I’m going to attempt to lurve you for it!
@uberbatman: Cool, thanks for the info.
In reality, though, people can’t make multiple accounts and give GAs from all of them because the moderators will see they’re all coming from the same IP address and reset the lurve score of the user back to 0!
good point, girlofscience.
I asked Ben the same thing once and was told there is a maximum number of GA lurve points you can get for one answer. I think I had gotten 12 GAs and only 25 points – I believe the max is something like 25 or maybe 35 points. BooHoo!
@Folks, having a high score has not changed my life one jot. I am neither younger, smarter, richer, thinner nor happier. Why does it matter? Don’t get sidetracked.
@gail: I know; I agree it’s unimportant. I was just interested to know what was behind the lack of score increase.
@Girl; look at the five lurve-related questions under “siblings,” if you are on a computer. This subject comes up regularly, it seems. And some people did have “private” fan clubs. They used to be called “claques.”
From Wikipedia:
‘Claque (French for “clapping”) is, in its origin, a term which refers to an organized body of professional applauders in French theatres and opera houses.”
@girlofscience the mods wouldnt see the same IP if the people gaming were somewhat intelligent and used a proxy, but still it would be obvious from the mass amounts of new accounts all GAing one person.
Having Lurve has CHANGED my LIFE!!!
I wake up refreshed, energized and feel like I can do anything. BUT WAIT!!! If you call in the NEXT 10 Minutes, we will DOUBLE your offer, yes that’s RIGHT! But that’s not all, if you act now, we will include this Stainless Steal Lurve Holder absolutely FREE, Perfect for those Hard to guess Questions.
If you’re not Fully Satisfied, simply return the Lurve for a full money back guarantee, but keep the Stainless Steal Lurve Holder as our gift to you.
pic 1 pic 2 pic 3
@ windex – “I lurved that and lost 23 lbs. and look how white my teeth are!”
@gail, you’ve said many, many times that you don’t care about Lurve. That’s cool for you, but do you not understand how it may be special for other users? We like to know our answers are appreciated.
yeah – I get a real kick out of seeing my lurve go up. As you said, trudacia, it makes me feel that my contributions are appreciated.
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