How do you feel about JackAdams leaving Fluther?
Do you understand his reasoning?
What do you think could have been different about our community that may have prevented his decision to leave?
What do you think he was not getting out of Fluther that he expected to derive from it?
Which of the ways about how it is currently administered do you think he disagrees with?
Why do you think he felt his participation was only benefiting him and no one else? Why do you think he felt this was a negative thing?
Additionally, why do you think he felt the need to make such a formal exit? Do you think that his announcement about leaving Fluther on a specific date was necessary? Why do you think he continues to use Fluther actively until the date he plans to leave? Why not just leave now?
Do you think he will miss Fluther? Do you think he may return?
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63 Answers
I think he’s entirely within his right to make his decision – and we’re all entitled to feel about it any way we want.
I don’t think it’ll achieve anything to dwell on it.
Asking this question sounds like gossip.
It’s not up for discussion, in my humble opinion. A person is entitled to do as he pleases.
I will miss Jack.
Until you announced it here, I didn’t know that he had said anything formally about leaving. Turns out all he’s done (that I can find) is to write on his profile page:
I’ll be leaving Fluther on November 1, 2008. Thanks to all of you who allowed me to participate. Those wishing to continue a relationship with me, are encouraged to send an e-mail to scorpiomensan [at] yahoo [dot] com
That said, why does anyone do anything? He doesn’t explain his reasoning, so it’s difficult to comment on. Why not ask him directly? PMs work great that way.
@robmandu: I did ask him, and he sent me a vague message that he also sent to everyone who has him in their fluthers. It stated all the things I mentioned in the details that I asked “why” about. For instance, he said that he wasn’t getting out of Fluther what he expected to derive from it. I wanted to further this discussion by asking the collective’s opinion about what these sort of things could be.
I left in late February, early March of 2008.
My reasons for leaving? I was accumulating too much “lurve” [it wasn’t called that then]. I had surpassed a few members who had been here for 3+ years. It felt awkward.
So I left. The Fluther creators sent me an email asking why I left, and I explained as much. But I’m back now, and the old-heads [as I like to call them], have gained a significant and comfortable headstart on me.
@gail, 10k? wth?
@squirbel: Whoa! What did lurve used to be called?
@girl, that’s cool.
But realize you’re asking the entire Collective about something only announced to people who have JackAdams in their fluthers.
It’s difficult to pick up a public conversation about what’s been a relatively private topic to this point.
How do I feel about it? Crappy. He is one of the reasons I tap in. His humor and insight will be missed much.
I need more information. A lot of people leave, and never say goodbye, or tell us why.
Personally, I find all the self-centeredness and pleas for attention to be rather grating. The people here are awesome, but isn’t the site supposed to be about the Questions and the Answers?
@robmandu: Self-centeredness and pleas for attention on whose part?
Well, to be blunt, JackAdams. :-\
From whining about moderation, to imitating moderators in quips and PMs, and now to personally announcing that’s he’s going to be leaving like it’s this Big Deal. There’s been a lot of hounding for attention, either positive or negative.
Personally, I hope he stays. I think the bygones should be bygones. But at the end of the day, he’s just this guy, y’know? And Fluther will get along just fine either way. Same goes for almost any of the rest of us.
He just sent me a PM duping his last comment (including the insult to Uber.)
I then wished him health and luck in his post-Nov. 1 life.
Then this: “The same wishes are not only extended to you by me, but for every member of your family, and all of your friends.
I hope you win the lottery and become a multi-millionaire, and I am serious.
You are one of the MOST INTELLIGENT people on this thread, and I am sometimes in awe of your responses to questions.
I pray that Gawd will heal you of the hatred that has infected your (probably otherwise) wonderful heart.
Shalom & L’Chaim,”
He does take up more than his share of air and time, his reasoning is often circular, and he seems to be unable to resist that last little bit of vituperation. That makes me sad.
I think it’s interesting to note that the only answers to this thread that have been GA’d so far are rob’s, rather than any of the ones that say they’ll miss Jack.
@Hrrm. What about moi? ^^
Yea, I think he should stay but what do I know… I’m just some guy too.
When I leave, I probably won’t have the foresight to announce it and I probably won’t have realized it happened until it’s too late to let you guys know.
@gail—You hadn’t been lurved yet when I wrote that!
1. No, I do not understand his reasoning, but then it is impossible to understand JackAdams. He is a moving target.
2. Nothing about our community engendered his decision so he might well have left no matter how the community was configured.
3. It is mere speculation on my part as to what he was not getting out of Fluther, but my guess would sufficient adulation.
4. I think Jack is upset that his answers and actions have been challenged and curtailed to some extent by the moderators.
5. I could not begin to guess why JackAdams would state that his participation was benefiting only him and no one else (unless he wanted us to all decry that and say it wasn’t true). As to why he thinks that’s a bad thing, if true, I have no idea. I think the point of the site is to ask questions and get answers.
6. As to the mode of his departure, JackAdams seeks attention. Heaven forfend that he should just leave. If he did, there would be no reaction (which is what he seeks), there would be no outcry (which is what he wants). He can leave however he wants. It is always a shame when the collective loses a voice, but it is the way of the community. It just happens. Jack is a smart guy. Sometimes, when he just answered the question without the long self stories and the histrionics about the mods and the shallow, facile humor, he provided useful information. He could have been a great asset if he chose to.
7. Who knows. If he decides to return, he will be welcome.
I’ll miss him – he’s made my stay here lots of fun.
As far as anyones opinions of him goes; I don’t think anyone on this site is perfect. Though many think they are. And those are the ones he rubbed the wrong way.
As for someones reason to leave; that’s up to them. Not our place to figure it out.
@Marina: Thanks for actually addressing all of my questions! You had some interesting insight.
Well put, deaddolly.
I am a newbie and I am out of the loop about any inner conflicts amongst the membership. I do know that it would make me extremely uncomfortable if someone publicly offered up what was probably a difficult decision of mine, for intense scrutiny. I think Jack sent a detailed note to anyone who cared to put him in their fluther, meant for their eyes alone.
I could be wrong, but in my short time here, I have noticed an increasingly snarky environment here at Fluther. I am not neccesarily talking about the political discussions. In that case, its expected and the election could be a contibuting factor to why folks seem less tolerant of one another. I have noticed some are quite quick to jump on any puncuation or grammatical errors, when the site is rife with them (my own included). I have seen questions challenged as appropriate or not, when there are many others just as questionable. I have also seen peoples intelligence, motivation, logic and worthiness attacked. Isn’t that what the flagging feature is for? Wouldn’t it be more kind to PM the person with your concerns? This also serves to fluther up the threads (kinda like what I am doing now)with stuff that is off topic and accomplishes nothing but to embarrass the target. I hope everyone sees the spirit with with I have written this. I just think there is so little kindness and compassion in this world. A forum such as this should feel like a refuge, a family of sorts where you can come and be accepted for whoever you are.
@SoapChef: JackAdams announced that he is leaving on his public profile. He clearly wants it to be a public issue. He is making somewhat of a big deal about it. I do not feel that I put him in an uncomfortable position by initiating this thread. In fact, it seems to be somewhat in line with what he wants (attention), so if anything, it’s too bad I indulged him.
@ girl
I guess I meant the details of his departure, that he shared with those he felt would be interested. The details that you used for your discussion points, the ones he did not include on his public profile.
Please understand that I am not trying to vilify you or anyone else. I guess I am just yearning for a kinder, gentler fluther. sigh
It IS gossip.
Joe Biden said in the v.p. debate that Mike Mansfield – then Speaker of the House,
I think – told him when he entered the Senate,
“I can question someone’s judgment, but I don’t question their motivations.” I do like that. It doesn’t make sense to decide what someone else has on their mind if they’re not saying.
We need to lay off trying to interpret what Jack’s up to. If he doesn’t want to tell us,
can’t we respect that?
Why not?
@susanc: I like gossip. Shhhhhhh.
I do know, Jack got a whole lotta lurve in short order.
And I had so many plans… @dead you’re gonna have to fill the void now.
I like how everyone is so outraged about someone seeking attention here. I’d love to follow one single user on this site and be able to find that they never seeked attention. Pleez.
Sorry now but I don’t see how this is as important as people are making it out to be. Jack has made his decisions. First off he decided to complain and often fight for the length of his time here, and now he has made the decision to leave.
Not meaning to come across cold hearted but people leave this site everyday, and some of them valuable contributors to the community. Why do we not mourn for them? Jack has made a free decision to leave, and in pure Jack style has done it as publically as possible to gain the attention he so desperately seeks. I’m not going to be all upset over that.
I wish him well but will not miss the drama.
Goodbye, good luck, good riddance.
October 13, 2008 4:42pm est
Perhaps some ppl put more importance on relationships with others in communities such as this. So much so, that it becomes a big deal to them.
I’ll bet if certain ppl left this site for awhile and then returned and were welcomed back and ppl were concerned about them; it would make them feel good.
What’s the difference? It’s no reason to be rude or nasty to anyone.
“I don’t think anyone on this site is perfect. Though many think they are. And those are the ones he rubbed the wrong way.”
Two out of three right isn’t bad.
What’s the deal? Why does he irritate so many of you?
I just see him as a humorous guy who has strong viewpoints. wtf is up with you folk?
I’m with squirbel. Don’t take yourself too seriously. It could be damaging.
We all have strong viewpoints on something. There’s nothing wrong with expressing them… especially if you happen to do it in a humorous way.
@squirbel: I can handle humorous. I can handle strong viewpoints. What I can not abide are nasty, rude PMs that I received from him. I was privileged to read a PM that he sent fluther’s most beloved member which was so hate-filled, it made me lose all respect for him. When I called him out on it he accused the member of fabricating the PM, so he’s a liar to boot.
It makes no difference to me either way. I agreed with him many times and disagreed with him many times. There are many other flutherers who annoy me way more. I don’t take any of this personally….
Wow! So much I didn’t know.
Lest we forget; THIS IS THE INTERNET!
i don’t dislike him, don’t know him, but are we supposed to beg him to stay? why did he even post that he was leaving. it seems like, if you want to leave, just leave. or take a break.
He actually just got banned by the mods. He sent me an email letting me know. They no longer want him here and he doesn’t want to be here so it seems like a pretty clean break to me.
I just can’t fathom what Jack could have done to get the boot. I don’t know what he did to upset the mods, but it has got to be something that went on behind the scenes. Jack might not be my favorite, but based on my limited knowledge, I don’t see anything that he did to deserve getting the boot.
Yikes! Why did he get banned?!
I think that, if an explanation is warranted, that we should allow the mods to respond if they choose to.
If they don’t choose to, I wouldn’t blame them. If nothing else, chalk it up to that they don’t want to kick a guy while he’s down, behind his back, etc.
I’m kinda surprised it took this long.
i know he posted an answer a few days (or week or two?) ago something about to the mods:never lie about another fluther member. maybe it was something about that? who knows.
@jca: I have reread your response 6 times, and I still don’t understand. Can you reword?
I am surmising that JA lied about another FM. Several people notified the the powers-that-be. Then some private communications took place, I believe. JA referred many times (MANY times) openly to the promise he made to Andrew about sticking with the truth. That is fact; the rest is conjecture.
Well in his question about MLB and woman he made a personal attack against me (i could really give a shit) but then it got modded off so he sent me(and evidently everyone else who posted in that tread) a PM of that post making sure i got to read it. He prefaced it with something along the lines of “Heres what the moderaTURDS removed from that question.”
The whole thing was childish IMO
Indeed. Fiat justitia et pereat mundus.
@Robmandu. I disagree. Fiat justitia ruat caelum.
girlofscience: i assume you still want me to re-word the answer? what i was trying to say was that in a thread a few days or weeks ago JA wrote something (maybe the question was do you have a tip for a fellow flutherer? i don’t remember) as his answer, something like “the mods should not ever lie about a flutherer” or something like that. i remember faintly what he wrote because it seemed to have nothing to do with the question, and i remember thinking at the time it seems like he has had some personal issue with a mod.
uberbatman, he did the same thing to me! It was obvious that I read the “answer” because directly after it I answered, “ick” (I’m not going to get this one deleted by repeating what he wrote) but I subsequently received a PM from him with the same unwanted sexual comment.
I didn’t really appreciate that particular action, although I’m well aware none of us is perfect.
uberbatman: if he did that and to chica also, maybe he should leave. it sounds like he was being nasty and rude, and it’s not necessary.
His behavior was very inappropriate (and sometimes so untrue as to be legally libelous) to more than Uber and chica. See Breedmitch ^^ for only one example. Details are unimportant and sordid.
then in that case, i say “good riddance” also (along with breedmitch). maybe in real life he’s a lunatic.
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