Another question about lurve. This weird thing happened.
So, I tried to give Augustlan a GA on this thread.
I hit “Great Answer” and it changed over to the exclamation mark version “Great Answer!” which usually indicates that the click has been successful, but the number of GAs in parenthesis still read 0. I copied and pasted it below
“augustlan (4797 points)Great Answer! (0 points)”
I know that you can max out on how much lurve you can give someone in one day, but I don’t think I’ve given augustlan any lurve today.
Any ideas about what’s going on?
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17 Answers
Have you tried PMing the moderators to ask?
It happens every now and then LCG. If you reload the page you will see that the GA was actually successful. I think it has something to do with the connection crapping out, idk.
6000! Not sure why people put such a significance on zeros-but congrats Ubs!
Oh, yeah. Just refresh the page.
Somehow I read that you had
(but the problem persisted).
haha thanks, i said the same thing w00t 6k but once i get 6005 ill go back to not caring again lol
Oh shoot, dude! I think I just maxed out my lurve for you!
I just lurved you twice for kicks and it didn’t show.
Alas, it was fun while it lasted.
Now, I’ll just be giving you placebo lurve.
hah i see that, i maxed yours out a while ago :P
Ok, uber, I just went back to the page, and there was exactly 1 GA, and it’s not a link for me anymore, so I guess that was my GA. Thanks for the tip!
(I still think it’s weird that it would put the exclamation mark but not change the number.)
i just checked, your GA did indeed register. (in case you were still curious)
Let’s see. Why don’t we just have everyone put it to the test by GAing everything I post and I’ll let you know if it works properly.
Hmmm… You may need a backup test subject. I volunteer. Bring on the GAs!
Looks like I need them the most out of alls y’alls.
Thanks for the lurve LaChica, and for being dedicated to making sure I got it!
Astro: I’m of no help. Been giving you placebo lurve for awhile now.
Shad: So cute! Whenever I refresh my page, the hinge in your avatar wiggles!
@Nimis: Haha, does it? Neat. The beast behind the door wants to get out…
The great answers are pushed via a no-page-reload-required technology called Ajax, and if the server (for one reason or another) doesn’t spit the right response back, the link could potentially do something funny; as in your case.
It’s super super super rare, so I wouldn’t worry about it. If you refresh the page and see that you can’t click the link and the number has gone up by one, then your GA went through just fine. If the link still works, it didn’t go through and you can try again.
Because of the way Fluther is built, you’ll never encounter a situation where if after refreshing the page and the link is unclickable, your great answer hasn’t gone through.
Hope this puts your mind at rest; happy great answering.
Very interesting, richardhenry! Thanks for the info!
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