Meta Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

Am I the only one who feels as if I can't respond to questions asked a while ago?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) October 15th, 2008

I feel weird answering questions that were asked more than a week ago. I can’t exactly explain why, but I think it has something to do with my not wanting people to get annoyed when they think a question is done with. Also I like it when people respond and if I reply to one that was asked a while ago (I’m thinking along the 1 – 2 month line) people won’t reply. Any thoughts?

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20 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I am always a little surprised when a new response pops up to an old question, but I don’t get annoyed.

I have done it, but not often (I have to be real interested in the topic).

I think it feels odd because Fluther is like an electronic water cooler conversation, and the conversation moves on quickly. One would not walk up to the group and start talking about the topic du jour from a month ago.

jvgr's avatar

I’ve done it as well.
As a newbie, I didn’t realize the sibling questions weren’t also timely (undated)
Some questions, though, aren’t simply for discussion, but seek to elicit specific information the questioner wants.
I will reply to those if after scanning the previous posts I believe I have something of value that wasn’t identified.

Rotwang's avatar

yea I kind of know what you mean. The nature of the fluther homepage (not to single out fluther- all ask sites are the same here) is to emphasize the most recent questions.

I think you should go ahead and answer old questions. In fact I think the site needs more people like you. You’re helping.

Bri_L's avatar

I agree with Rotwang.

and good question!

SoapChef's avatar

It has crossed my mind, but they tempt you with that list of sibling questions over there ->.
Dirty rotten scoundrels.

bodyhead's avatar

I just hate it when someone responds to an extremely old question and contributes nothing to the topic at hand. If someone says something like,“cool” or “I agree with you,” on a topic that’s been dead for a month I do get a little annoyed.

cheebdragon's avatar

I don’t usually answer questions that are older than 1 week.

shilolo's avatar

I have answered old questions, but typically when I scan the answers and feel that something is missing or flat-out wrong. I imagine that since lots of new users (or surfers) latch on to Fluther via a Google search, I try to provide the best answers to as many questions as possible, old or new.

cheebdragon's avatar

And that’s why you’re a moderator…. ; )

shilolo's avatar

I like to think it is because of my equipoise (and cool avatar, too) :-)

augustlan's avatar

I like to see new responses to old Qs I’ve asked. I’ll only answer old ones if I have something to add.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ill go back and answer old questions. Not so much anymore(cause im a loser and read most of them for the past year) but when i was newer and bored id look through old ones. Thats also the reason why i never stop following questions, for people like you that do go back and answer the old ones. Dont want to miss anything :P

Nimis's avatar

I’ve waded through quite a number of old ones.
(Kind of embarrassed to admit how many.)
I’m definitely more discriminating about which ones I’ll answer (than newer ones).
But I figured the original querer always appreciates another answer.
And that usually beats out any annoyance I might imagine other users to have.

marinelife's avatar

@shi it’s the suit. Good for withstanding rotten tomato and other attacks on the moderators. C’mon, confess. The others have all asked you where to order one, haven’t they?

shilolo's avatar

@Marina. It’s not the suit (I think), as this particular suit is not flame-retardant. It just makes me look cool…

SoapChef's avatar

@ shilolo
Confess, are your parental units Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtain? Are you from a small town in France? Do you consume mass quantities of things?

Nimis's avatar

Does your wife ever ask you put on the suit and talk Hazmat to her?

SoapChef's avatar

Hah! nimis thats too funny!

shilolo's avatar

@soap. If only Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtain were my parental units. As far as France is concerned, I am no surrender monkey ;-) I do consume mass quantities of coffee, so, maybe…

@Nimis. As exciting as that might be, that would be a big no-no, though I guess there would be no impediment to doing it in the room itself with biosafety suits on… Good idea!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

This question was asked a month ago. I feel a little weird responding, not gonna lie.

Although, I figure if it’s coming up on the right hand side of the page, it’s fair game.

I also just posted a question about why there is no time stamp on responses… It would be good to know that the response before yours on a question a month old was posted a day or two or three ago, and not the whole month ago.

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