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serenityNOW's avatar

Am I Biased or does McCain Seem Desperate?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) October 15th, 2008

In my opinion he just seems to be grasping at straws tonight.

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14 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

You may be biased, but he does seem desperate.

judochop's avatar

he looks like he is going to cry. He either knows something or knows nothing.

jlm11f's avatar

i agree w/ judo. he looks like he’s going to cry. it’s like his “last effort” strategy.

Allie's avatar

He’s stuttering and baffled.
Oh look, John, there’s a straw. Quick, grab it! Good boy.

jvgr's avatar

Desperate: Up close and personal

eambos's avatar

Almost everyone on the site is too far left to be unbiased.

Trance24's avatar

His blood pressure is running high, and he is continually attacking Obama on meaningless topics such as “his association” with Mr.Eryes (Sp?). This has nothing to do with the campaign and what he actually wants to do for the country. Thats just ridiculous just because I happen to end up at a dinner party with someone who likes torture animals, that means I do too? No sorry thats not how it works, just because we end up in the same room with someone does not mean we agree with them or support them in what they do.

Bri_L's avatar

@trance24 – Nice icon. Shout out to bill nye!

critter1982's avatar

I am a republican voting for McCain: He was very desperate…...

judochop's avatar

critter, can ask what’s appealing to the McCain/Palin party?

AstroChuck's avatar

At this point he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think he’s throwing whatever he can at the wall and just seeing what sticks.
Are those enough clichés?

augustlan's avatar

@critter: Thanks for your honesty.

aidje's avatar

I won’t vote for either of the main candidates. He seemed desperate. And often flustered (basically whenever Obama shot down an accusation).

critter1982's avatar

@judo: I don’t want to go into a whole conversation of why I am voting for McCain. I’ve noted it on several other threads and I don’t feel it is necessary to redirect this thread. So I will say socially I am conservative, so my viewpoints regarding social ideologies align with McCain’s. If you really want to have this conversation send me a comment and we can discuss.

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