@robmandu: “Wondering: is it really fraud to register to vote “too many” times?”
No, registering to vote is not part of voter fraud. The fraud would be if you took your different registrations to 3 different polling stations and voted 3 times in the same election.
In a discussion on PBS there have been about 182 cases of voter fraud brought to court in the last 4 years. 80+ of these cases resulted in guilty verdicts, and many of the guilty were judges and election officials.
Irrespective of ACORN’s purported efforts, voter fraud isn’t even a valid claim against them.
@Marinairresponsible “response of Acorn management”.
I too have been disappointed in ACORN’s voice in this issue, on the other hand, if you’ve done no wrong, what else can you say?
A few months ago, I was arguing on a conservative blog and the issue of ACORN was brought up and I was directed to this site: ACORN-Las Vegas
I read the affadavit, the original newspaper report and got some additional information from the reporter. The summary of the presented facts are:
-ACORN, with clear guidelines in place began their registration efforts over one year before the 2008 elections.
-ACORN, in conformance with their guidelines, checked their employees submissions, identified known duplicate and suspect applications and terminated underperforming employees as well as those who submitted non-qualified.
-ACORN began submitting known bogus and suspect applications to Election Officials on 17 Nov 2007
-LV Election Officials chose to do nothing with the submitted applications, and had, apparently done nothing to organize their offices around the 2007 guidelines until July 2008.
-ACORN met with Election Officials mid-July and were asked to provide a 2nd copy of the materials previously submitted (as my profession involves working with various levels of government, the asking for a 2nd copy usually means: we can’t find the original submission; though it can also mean: we don’t have access to a copier)
-By mid-August 2008, the new task force is fully mobilized to enact the now year old revisions to the election guidelines.
Instead of simply contacting ACORN, who has evidently been proactive in this process, they chose to stage a raid on ACORN offices: seizing records, computers, etc…to further their investigation. In the raid they identified an additional 183 suspect applications.
-An excellent example of ineffective, inefficient government at work.
-Instead of gearing up for a well-known election, they chose to do nothing and, in fact, seem to have ignored, then misplaced, information supplied by ACORN for the past 10 months.
-To advertise their vigilance one behalf of their taxpayer employers, they staged a high visibility raid.
-That they found an additional 183 suspect files in ACORN’s unoccupied offices suggests that these files were well identified, by ACORN, as suspect files. Given the Election Officials lack of response to and probable loss of previous submissions, it is easy to assume that ACORN was keeping these files separate until such time as the Election Officials seemed ready to actually carry out their duties.
-IF there is any wrong-doing here, the facts only show that the taxpayer paid emloyees in the Elections offices were, at the least, negligent of carrying out their duties in a timely and efficient manner.
I think the hard push against ACORN as an organization is similar to the question:
Can you clarify the stories of your wife beating?
If you aren’t guilty, what can you really say, but the onslaught continues.