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acebamboo77's avatar

A lady needs some bedroom advice?

Asked by acebamboo77 (720points) October 16th, 2008

In my opinion I am no good when it comes to girl on top, so give me some tips!

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39 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I’m afraid these are the kind of techniques that have to be demonstrated in person.

Mr_M's avatar

What exactly is the problem? On top of what? Do you have pictures?

acebamboo77's avatar

i dont have alot of experience with the whole girl on top, my guy likes to be in control most of the time. I can’t get a good rhythmn, and he slips out alot.

Mr_M's avatar

HE may not be “built” for that position. Not everyone can do every position.

acebamboo77's avatar

hmmm, i’m not so sure that hes not built for it… but i suppose its a possibility… i just assumed i was doing something wrong.

jsmithyman's avatar

practice makes perfect

Mr_M's avatar

Besides, @lacer, it’s a TWO WAY street. If there’s a problem, BOTH partners are responsible, never just one. Don’t EVER feel it to be a fault nor only YOUR fault.

gailcalled's avatar

Talk to bf about cause and effect. If it isn’t working for you, you both can find other techniques that will work.

Dozens of sites on Google about this issue, both the broad ramifications and the micro-management of anatomy.

syz's avatar

Rent a movie.

gailcalled's avatar

(The last time I did that, my then-bf and I ended up laughing so hard that we turned it off after 10 minutes.)

tonedef's avatar

I’m afraid of getting too graphic here. So I’ll just say to google “reverse cowgirl.”

Does that work any better? It works for me. Angles and things. It’s geometry.

Emilyy's avatar

@tonedef, you took the words right out of my mouth. I agree completely. As Missy Elliot would say, “reverse it.”

Without getting too graphic as well, you can also do that sort of frog squatty thing where you are up on your feet rather than knees (I’m sure there is a sexier name for this position rather than frog squatty). It’s sort of less intimate and more porn-y, but it might help you find a rhythm.

Mr_M's avatar

If it’s rhythm you’re looking for maybe invest in a metronome!

nikipedia's avatar

Oh my. I wonder if we could implement some kind of “graphic!” or “adults only!” sticky. You have been warned…..


So for one, I would say start slow, make sure everything feels secure and in place, and then build up speed, but the whole time try to stay conscious of where he is. Also, maybe the problemo is not you (unless this has been a challenge with multiple partners)—is he trying to use a different rhythm/angle than you are? Maybe encourage him to try to let you do the majority of the work “down there”—he can put his hands on your hips to help guide you.

Also try a lot of different angles—I completely agree with the reverse position, or froggy squatty thing—but also try sitting up straight versus lying flat on top of him and everything in between.

And try to avoid a lot of up and down motion, since that sounds like it’s not working out so well. Use your other dimensions—like, if up and down is Y, try a little more Z.

Good luck, and enjoy all the practice. :)

dalepetrie's avatar

EmilyNathon – I believe that’s called froggy style

Mr_M's avatar

@niki, I need a cigarette! Just the same, can you be more specific about Z? And where’s X? I know about G.

Mr_M's avatar

Does it have to do with Pi?

gailcalled's avatar

Many women have trouble achieving an orgasm thru intercourse, no matter what the position, nomenclature or rhythms.

If you and your partner can get you almost “there,” you might be able to climax during the position that feels best for you. Most guys don’t need geometry, metronomes or lots of foreplay (even tho some of them go for original and unpredictable humor.)

Mr_M's avatar

I think I got it! It’s related to those “two trains leave the station at the same time, but one goes at 20 mph and the other goes 30 mph…” things?

poofandmook's avatar

a little x rated…


Have him sit up leaning against a wall or something, and then you sit. Do a grind more than a bounce. Not only does it keep everything in place, but it also solves what gail mentioned about some women not climaxing through intercourse. There’s a lot of, ahem… other female stimulation going on with the sitting-up-grinding in addition to the penetration.

Emilyy's avatar

@dale: Ha!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I agree with poofandmonk that grinding is key.

Another thing that’s been helpful for me is once I establish a rhythm, if he sort of, does the same rhythm with his hips, but pushing into mine at the same time as I’m going toward his, and away from each other at the same time.

Another thing that can help is get off the bed. Try it with him sitting on the couch or a big armchair if you can. That can be the best.

One more tip: (this is getting a little graphic) try to get your thighs out of the way. Maybe I just have big thighs, I don’t know, but it feels better on your clit if you try to get your pelvis as close to touching his as possible, and sometimes that means repositioning my thighs more than once when we’re getting started.

But if it still isn’t doing anything for you after you try flutherer’s suggestions, it may just be the combination of your body types or something. I know that with different partners ‘girl on top’ has been awesome and also…not my favorite position…we’ll say…

acebamboo77's avatar

thanks everyone, definitely a graphic subject to talk about… but i appreciate it! Got lots of new things to work on!

Mr_M's avatar

Feel free to send videos so we can make sure you’re reaching your potential! ;)

Also try it with him wearing a Larry King mask, doing a one handed push up with his right hand, while holding macaroni with his left, you 3 feet away gyrating your toes on one foot to a Lawrence Welk record while you use your other foot for balance. Let the transexual midget wrestler throw the eggs whenever he feels like. Use a little less H and more Q’s and A’s. Most of all, don’t EVER forget, Pi R squared.

Mr_M's avatar

Also, maybe you want to put your right foot in, then put your right foot out, Now put your right foot in and shake it all about? In a Z direction?

wundayatta's avatar

I think what Mr_M is trying to say is: “Don’t read the fucking manual!”

Mr_M's avatar

Well, certainly not before step 104.

From there,

It’s just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,

“Let’s do the Time Warp again”!

Mr_M's avatar

(I SO couldn’t resist that!)

wundayatta's avatar

Yeah, but does anyone get the pun?

gailcalled's avatar

I didn’t. Please explain.

wundayatta's avatar

On the one hand, “fucking” is an adjective describing the feeling one has towards the manual; and on the other hand it is a literal description. The manual, in this particular case, literally, is about fucking. Oh so delicious. I love it when things work out that way.

gailcalled's avatar

Too subtle. I missed that one.

scamp's avatar

I got three words for you honey… Pratice makes perfect. Keep trying and you’ll get it, and have lots of fun learning too!!
Good luck to ya!

gailcalled's avatar

Removing my remark that was just asking for trouble.

poofandmook's avatar

@gail: Just don’t let her boyfriend hear it.

gailcalled's avatar

—watch this, poof.^^

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