Meta Question

Zaku's avatar

Why is Fluther not displaying correctly on this computer?

Asked by Zaku (30714points) October 16th, 2008

For some reason, Fluther’s display is malfunctioning on this one (Windows 2000 Pro) computer, suddenly. I don’t think I did anything weird to my Firefox (3.0.3) settings, but the only layout graphic showing is the upper-left one, and the rest of the content is just showing as simple text left-justified along the left side of the screen.

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5 Answers

robmandu's avatar

Just a guess, but it sounds to me like your browser did not download the full complement of CSS files.

It’s working fine for me here… so if it makes you feel any better, the problem appears to be isolated to your local PC there.

jvgr's avatar

I too experienced Zaku’s problem the other day.
When I clicked on a link, normal display occurred, but returning to Home was the problem. But I haven’t had the problem since.

richardhenry's avatar

Tools > Clear Private Data… > Uncheck everything but ‘Cache’, and click OK. Then restart the browser. That should fix the problem, in most cases. Otherwise, it should go away by itself after a period of time.

Zaku's avatar

Thanks everyone!

Richardhenry’s solution worked – nice!

So I guess the cache somehow had some bad entries for the CSS and/or graphics files. Interesting.

richardhenry's avatar

@Zaku: Like any website, when Fluther is under a high load it might sometimes spit back bad data. It’s growing pains, really.

Another good way (that I’d forgotten about) to just release the cache for just one website is to hold Shift and click refresh. It should then redownload not just the page, but it’s associated files.

Happy Fluthering!

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