General Question

DrasticDreamer's avatar

How long does it take to get a passport?

Asked by DrasticDreamer (23996points) October 17th, 2008

I checked the website and all it says is that applications will be processed about three weeks after submission – two weeks if you expedite it. Okay… All in all though, how long does it generally take to get one?

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25 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

It took about a month to get mine. That was in 1999. YMMV.

jca's avatar

first you have to get your photos taken, and make sure you have your original birth certificate ready. once you have them, like they say, a few weeks and you will get it.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Where do you get photos taken?

jca's avatar

anywhere you want that takes passport photos.

jrpowell's avatar

I got mine taken at Kinko’s. But it looks like FedEx bought them out.

edit :: they are really strict about the photo. Your head has to be just the right width. So make sure you get the photo taken at a place that knows what they are doing.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Okay, cool. How much does it generally cost to have the pictures taken? I could look it up, I suppose, but you guys are experienced and it saves me the work…! ;)

jca's avatar

i think kinko’s/fed ex does everything kinkos used to do and mail fed ex, too. should not cost much to get the photos taken, like 10 dollars maybe?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Ah, awesome. Thanks, guys! :)

jrpowell's avatar

Mine at Kinko’s was under ten dollars.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@john: So you don’t suggest I go somewhere like Walgreen’s? I think they take passport photos for under $6.

jca's avatar

where are you going on your trip?

go anywhere you want to go to get the cheapest photos. that’s it.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m not entirely sure at this point, but I’m thinking Ireland.

jca's avatar

i went there three times – it’s great. you’d have a great time.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yeah, I was thinking about staying in a castle. Have to do a lot of research, still.

jrpowell's avatar

Considering the cost of the actual passport the photo is kinda chump change. I would probably go wherever is close to get the photo. The gas to get someplace cheap will probably cost more than the difference in price.

jca's avatar

good advice john. i was suggesting she go where ever is cheap because she asked about walgreens being $6, which, if it was an issue compared to $10, it’s like go wherever you want. save the $4 if it means so much!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

No, no issue. When john mentioned them being picky about the photos though, it made me wonder if cheaper places would take crappier pictures.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

it only took about 2 weeks to get mine. that was a few months ago, but i’m sure it’s not typical. i just got my pix taken at the post office where i turned in the forms. i don’t think it cost any extra, but i’m not positive…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

La chica: Cool. I was kind of hoping I could get them taken where I turn in the forms. To save a trip and all that.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeah, you can totally get them taken at post offices, but not all of them. I checked on the usps website beforehand, but they had listed the hours wrong, and I ended up going there when the passport service was closed because of it, so i would call beforehand and check if i had it to do over again.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Okay, cool. Thank you. :)

Curious404's avatar

I got a passport next day once. Cost me $675.00. (ouch)

mea05key's avatar

In Malaysia, you can take passport photos from virtually any photoshop or the embassy usually has their own token operated passport photo machine. It takes a full day to get my passport.

Bri_L's avatar

No matter where you go give a shout out to Fluther for travel sugestions.

sanbuu's avatar

if you were in japan, just about any convinence store has a passport little shop. For under 7 bucks. The city hall told me 6–8 weeks, I got it in 3.

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