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tinyfaery's avatar

Is it ever okay for a woman to use her looks to her advantage?

Asked by tinyfaery (44271points) October 18th, 2008

How about to get a job? A cut in line? Is it anti-feminist, or have we gone past the idea that a woman cannot use the gifts DNA gave her to acheive her goals in life, be they small or large? Can a woman who does this be taken seriously?

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16 Answers

mea05key's avatar

I would not agree to that simply because it is unfair. Put urself into the condition. Let say u have a fren who is beautiful and is capable of flirting very well to get anythign she wants compete to get a job with you in the same company. And you know that she is less qualified in many ways to handle the job and somehow she manage to pull off and get it. How would you feel? I will be pissed off for sure.

andrew's avatar

I think some of the most successful people are those who understand their assets and are able to use them to full effect, regardless of gender.

To solely use your looks is one thing, but if you’ve got it, use it.

wildflower's avatar

It’s perfectly normal to try to look your best when you know your impression will count, such as smiling when you ask for directions or dress sharp for interviews – but then again, looking pretty with little or nothing to say doesn’t make for good interview notes – and anyone who would hire a pretty candidate before a capable candidate isn’t someone I’d want to work for anyway….

Any women out there who rely on their looks more than their abilities… of luck to them – I don’t envy them, I’d find it an unfulfilling and unrewarding existence.

squirbel's avatar

A woman who uses her looks to her advantage can be taken seriously. I am with andrew on this one – use your assets – and beauty is an asset whether we like to admit it or not.

The difference is that you must be subtle about how you use it. ie:

- Catch and keep the eye of whoever your target is.
– Be verbally competent
– Be humble – put your confidence in your abilities, rather than your looks

And people will definitely move for you.

SuperMouse's avatar

Yes it is. I have absolutely no problem with a woman using her looks to open doors. Just as I would have no problem with a man doing the same. It is what happens once they walk through that door that really matters.

jvgr's avatar

Studies have shown that “good looking” people have a clear edge over others.

haleyray07's avatar

YES you can get out of stuff way easier like a traffic ticket lol and you get better tips if you work at a restaurant hello

Bri_L's avatar

The beautiful people all think so. And a lot of them will deny doing it or having to do it to.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I feel like people who are considered “attractive” have an advantage whether they “use it” or not. If you look a certain way, and someone does you a favor because of that, it’s not necessarily because you tried to get them to.

For example, I was at an on-campus bar the other day looking all dolled up, and wearing make-up and a dress for once. I was sitting outside with my friends, and I had left my car in 15 minute parking for quite a while longer than that. When the traffic cop came by, I went over to move my car, and before i could, he said something to the effect of not to move it now but he would be back in about 30 minutes, and it better not be there then. When i went back to my friends (quite pleased with the situation) all my friends, who happen to be male, and who hang out there a lot more often than i do, told me how lucky i was, and that if it was them, he wouldn’t have let them off so easy. they would have probably gotten a ticket.

i didn’t try to use the way i looked to my advantage, but it seemed that it worked to my advantage anyway.

girlofscience's avatar

A fren??? Seriously?!

girlofscience's avatar

Anyway, I agree that a woman should not solely use her looks, but to use them in combination with ability is great.

emilyrose's avatar

I think it’s okay——might as well. I learned flirting for discounts from my mom at the mattress store as a kid and I think it’s fair. I agree with the others who said, “if you’ve got it, use it.” It is entirely about looks either, but about charm and personality. Of course this has boundaries but as a general rule, it is not anti-feminist to use looks to your advantage.

Knotmyday's avatar

To quote Garfield: “If you’ve got it, flaunt it!”

Sereene's avatar

I think it’s okay for little things…

We all use what we’ve got – or should (that horrible word) feel empowered to! ;) Men have advantages, women have advantages… being comfy in our own skin, being fair, honest and true rule. And, getting our way every now and then (for noble reasons) doesn’t hurt. ;)

On the more serious side: I don’t think unfair advantage should be given to a woman (or man) when it comes to employment, admission to competitive programs, etc. Then the most qualified person deserves the job.

For those of you who may feel slighted: Take matters in to your own hands. The most attractive thing anyone can do is SMILE! You’ll be surprised how far it will get you.


digitalimpression's avatar

No. I love refusing a benefit a woman attempts to gain in this manner. That sort of behavior is repulsive to me.

Some women get out of tickets by crying or playing this game. I love when the cop sees right through it and issues the ticket anyway.

B1tch3s be scandalous!

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