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heysupnm's avatar

What is THE scariest video game?

Asked by heysupnm (289points) October 18th, 2008

My friend and I were discussing if the recent Dead Space would claim this title. F.E.A.R.? System Shock 2? Siren?
What is THE scariest video game?

(Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

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33 Answers

shadling21's avatar

Tetris. OMG I have nightmares…

Serious answer? I’m not much of a gamer, but I’ve heard that this list is pretty accurate.

Zaku's avatar

The game that holds my record for causing me to rip the most joysticks in half during evasive maneuvers is Synapse Software’s Encounter (mid-1980’s). Not necessarily the most scary for me, though. Hmm.

Bri_L's avatar

In my opinion, Alien VS Preditor. You put yourself in a room with earphones on. Noise reducing kind so your enveloped in the game sound and you will be sucked in and poop yourself.

also, here is a great review of Dead Space

Adina1968's avatar

Castlevania! ;-)

Zaku's avatar

I don’t find that IGN list very impessive. 7th Guest I just found annoying. Serious Sam I found scary at times – surreal monsters who want to kill you, some of them running at you with bombs, etc.

Hobbes's avatar

Silent Hill 2 is a very, very disturbing game, especially when played at 2 in the morning.

stratman37's avatar

It’s probably not so scary to anyone anymore at this point, but when I first encountered the Flood in Halo, I almost threw down the controller and ran away!

cheebdragon's avatar

The Suffering is pretty creepy.

joeysefika's avatar

The Suffering, F.E.A.R, Man Hunt… they all give me shivers

EnzoX24's avatar

Resi Evil 4 did it for me. God that game was amazing.

stratman37's avatar

Doom 3 was creepy too, with the scary sound and the flying skulls.

MrMontpetit's avatar


I also think Bioshock is pretty creepy, but not the scariest ever.

Kiev749's avatar

manhunt 2. by far… that game is effed up.

scubydoo's avatar

Back in the day the original Silent hill was the creapiest for me. I had a friend who refused to play it in the dark.

cheebdragon's avatar

Doom 3? Seriously? I use to play that game when I was like 8–9 years old…..I still know the cheat codes for the original doom game…IDDQD….and IDKFI.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@cheebdragon you did not play Doom 3 when you were 8–9 it came out in 2005. They’re the codes from Doom and Doom 2 and its IDKFA btw

cheebdragon's avatar

sorry, I always think of wolfenstein as being the first… Now that was a good game back in the day.

Anaphase's avatar

Resident Evil 1. The Gamecube remake.

fireside's avatar

All those ghosts freak me out…

Grim's avatar

I find it extremely hard to be scared by video games, but the only game that has ever caused an eerie tingle in my spine while playing is bioshock. It used to creep me out at first but I got used to it.

stratman37's avatar

My pretty pony makes me wet my pants!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Manhunt or Silent Hill maybe?

stratman37's avatar

Amen to Silent Hill.

Harry_Twatter's avatar

Silent Hill for sure….

fortris's avatar

Dead space, there is NEVER a calm moment.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Manhunt (the first one) always got my pulse pounding, and sometimes, it still does. The Suffering scared the crap out of me, especially with those monsters with the long blades for hands and feet, creepy fuckers, and pretty much any of the first three Silent Hills. I love scary games, but man, some of those monsters are obviously the product of a sick mind.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@joeysefika thanks for that link, now I have new games to try and find. Awesome!

stratman37's avatar

Dang! Condemned 2: Bloodshot looks pretty intense.

irocktheworld's avatar

Silent Hill scares me…
@fireside lol yeah!! Those ghosts also freak me out :P

TrkReznor's avatar

There is a few, Resident Evil 2 (I was like 6), Doom 3, The Suffering and the scariest of them all… Dead Space. I havn’t plqayed the second one because I am to scared to try because the first was so terrifying…

DThorn's avatar

I remember a game called “Clive Barker’s Undying” scared me straight when I played it.

LukeFonFabre's avatar

Disney’s Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse

Most scariest video game ever I play. I had nightmare about it.

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