General Question

EFogerty's avatar

What is a normal pulse?

Asked by EFogerty (5points) October 18th, 2008
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6 Answers

marinelife's avatar

For resting heart rate:

* Newborn infants: 100 – 160 beats per minute
* Children 1 to 10 years: 70 – 120 beats per minute
* Children over 10 and adults (including seniors): 60 – 100 beats per minute
* Well-trained athletes: 40 – 60 beats per minute”

Welcome to the collective.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

A normal average adult’s resting heart rate is typically between 60 and 75 beats per minute.

Edit: Of course Marina beat me to the punch with a more complete answer, as usual!!!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

EFogerty, I’d like to welcome you to the collective as well! I’m curious though, why you are asking what a normal pulse is if you are an expert on cardiovascular health, as you indicated on your profile?

marinelife's avatar

@EFogerty Hmm, testing the collective? Well, you are still welcome although if you are an expert in cardiac health, I feel a little like I got my chain pulled. Perhaps you could take a little time to review the “Fluther Guidelines”:

Good spotting, La_Chica_Gomela, lurve to you.

Lightlyseared's avatar

the other thing to mention is that a normal pulse is regular.

gailcalled's avatar

@all: EF said s/he went to Brown U. Presumably, Brown grads. can google.

@La -Chica; on the ball as always. GA

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