General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Is anyone going to watch the 3rd party debate tonight at 8 on Cspan?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) October 19th, 2008

I know most of you on here are Obama supporters. I also know that alot of you are open minded. Does anyone plan on checking it out tonight??

I think it will be a good example of how scripted the 2 party debates and the “issues” really are.

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16 Answers

laureth's avatar

I hadn’t heard, but now that I have, I probably will!

The Demmicans and Republicrats are peas in a pod. Would that we had some chance of third parties getting into power. I’m interested in what they have to say.

jvgr's avatar

I would if I got CSpan.
Like laureth I wish there was a viable 3d party, but there seems to be so much vested interest in the status quo, attempts for a 3d party have been week.
Given that so many conservatives are unhappy with Bush and McCain, maybe one of the side-effects of this election will be a 3d party (with moderate conservatives splitting from the extreme radical right)

SquirrelEStuff's avatar


Here is the link to stream CSpan live on the web.

I know there is no chance of a 3rd party to win this year. My only hope is that people see the 2 party system and the media for the corrupt institutions they really are. I just want it to open some eyes.

kevbo's avatar

Nice. I’ll record it. I hope they hold water.

jvgr's avatar

Thanks chris6137

TrenchantWit's avatar

Chris, do your buddy a favor and watch down and dirty with jim norton from friday night, Bill Burr was on and he likes himself some zietgiest too….your that guy!!! snooch!

aidje's avatar

I wish. I have a conflict, unfortunately.

kevbo's avatar

It’s not listed on my Dish Network guide :-(

Also, looks like Barr won’t be there :-(

girlofscience's avatar

I have cspan on, and Mark Levin is on… not the third party debate.


Trustinglife's avatar

Chris? What gives?

laureth's avatar

Yeah, I didn’t see it streaming, either.

aidje's avatar

Does anyone know where to find a non-streaming version? I thought it would be on YouTube, but I’m not seeing it thereā€¦ or anywhere else.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Sorry guys. Apparently no one actually confirmed that they would be there. There was no debate.

Here is the link saying there would be a debate.

Here is the link saying no one was confirmed.

TrenchantWit's avatar

Chris, you failed us all, that’s it, I’m voting that bush stays in office four more years

girlofscience's avatar

Well, I probably wouldn’t have turned on CSPAN at that time if it weren’t for this thread, so I’m glad I got to see Mark Levin. I had no idea who he was before that, but I could not believe what an asshole he is!

aidje's avatar


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