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Hawaiiguy's avatar

Is anyone using steroids on there dog?

Asked by Hawaiiguy (316points) August 16th, 2007 from iPhone

I have a 14 year old dog and am considering low dosage steroids to stimulate muscle growth in his rear legs and hips, he is on good health otherwise and I am aware of the long term effects of steroids to this point

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2 Answers

syz's avatar

I take it you're talking about anabolic steroids? That's completely different matter than the more commonly used steroids such as dexamethasone or prednisone - as a matter of fact, most clinics don't even keep them around. In an older animal that is (in general) in good health but is suffering from severe muscle wasting or cachexia, anabolic steroids can help to put on weight and some muscle but should only be used in cases of last resort (a dog that is unable to get to his feet without help, for example).

Hawaiiguy's avatar

thanks syz, thats pretty much where hes at so considering his otherwise good health i feel comfortable in trying it.

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