General Question

chyna's avatar

Why did they stop making grape lifesavers?

Asked by chyna (51733points) October 19th, 2008

They have a new “five flavors” and have taken the grape out. Just wondered if anyone knows why.

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7 Answers

ccrash3's avatar

I don’t know, but it certainly would be great to get them back! I wish they made a roll of JUST grape lifesavers. Grape is the best…sniff….I miss them….

jtvoar16's avatar

I have to kill myself now. I LOVE THEM SSSSOOOO MUCH! My day is ruined.
(btw, I am kidding about the whole “killing self” thing but my day is still ruined. :) )

Harp's avatar

Grape has never been part of the 5 flavor roll.

Here’s a USATODAY report from 2003 announcing that the 5 flavor roll was being changed to raspberry, watermelon, blackberry, pineapple and cherry. Those flavors were chosen in a web-based promotion in which nearly 2 million people voted on their preferences.

Since 1935, the 5 flavors had been lemon, lime, cherry, pineapple and orange.

Here’s a record of all of the flavor combinations and packaging variations ever produced. It shows grape as having been packaged separately, but discontinued. It doesn’t say when the grape roll was discontinued, but several flavors were dropped when Nabisco bought the brand as a cost cutting measure, so grape may have been one of those casualties.

chyna's avatar

@Harp I wasn’t “web savvy” in 2003, or I would’ve voted for grape! Thanks for the info.

ckinyc's avatar

@chyna. You are now! So why don’t you email them and demand a “recount” or “re-vote”

PIXEL's avatar

They took away Grape Fuitopia too! :’(

chyna's avatar

It sounds like they are anti grape or possibly just grape-aphobics.

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