General Question

robmandu's avatar

Will you vote a straight ticket?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) October 20th, 2008

From Wikipedia

Straight-ticket voting is the practice of voting for candidates of the same party for multiple positions. For instance, if a member of the Democratic Party in the United States votes for every candidate from President, Senator, Representative, Governor, state legislators and those running for local government that is a Democrat, this is considered straight-ticket voting.

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23 Answers

deaddolly's avatar

Yes, all the ppl i want are Democrats. Tho, I have split on past elections.

Judi's avatar

On a national level I will, but I am still studying the local stuff.

aidje's avatar

Heck no. I have my absentee ballot, and I’m part-way through the process of researching the candidates for each position and filling in the appropriate bubbles.

skfinkel's avatar

Yes. This year, absolutely yes. The democrats must get in and help us out of this historical mess, and with Obama’s leadership, I am most hopeful that this will happen.

And I voted already!! what a great feeling!!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

No, I have never voted a straight ticket. I vote based upon the candidate’s qualifications, and look at intelligence and statemanship as factors.

Bri_L's avatar

Only when I feel it is the right way. Never automatically.

susanc's avatar

What aidje said. But I already know about the candidates for big fancy positions like
governor. Just have to look into the more local positions like county auditor.

poofandmook's avatar

I wasn’t planning on voting locally… because they don’t affect me. I pay my rent and that’s it. It’s my roommates/landlords that have to worry about it.

queenzboulevard's avatar

D for pres, R for everything else

skfinkel's avatar

@poofandmook: You might be surprised at how the local voting can affect you! Things like transportation, rules about living and dying, turning a big prairie into a parking lot for trucks, judges that interpret laws that you live by. (I don’t know where you are, but these are some of our local decisions.) Even landlord and tenant issues. And certainly your governor and senators. It might be worth your while to check it out.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yes, it looks like it will turn out that way for me this year.

dalepetrie's avatar

I’m not 100% sure what all will be on my ballot as yet, but of the candidates I know for sure will be on the ballot, I’m currently planning on going all D’s this year. So the answer “might” be yes, but not because I vote a straight ticket. Just happens to be the candidates I favor this year. I’ve cast ballots before with one party, two parties and three parties represented.

Good example though is the Senate race in MN. Norm Coleman, the Republican incumbent is running against Democrat Al Franken and Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley (the IP is a 3rd major party in Minnesota and has been since Jesse Ventura became our governor). In 1998 when Ventura ran for governor, he was running in a race with no incumbent against Norm Coleman – R (who was at that time nothing more than the former Mayor of my home city, St. Paul), and the grandson of former VP Hubert Humphrey, a Democrat. I felt Coleman had done a horrible job in running St. Paul…he had given huge tax incentives to big companies to move into St. Paul, but then allowed them to skip town and move their operations in some cases the next year without seeking to get any of that money back. He had run for Mayor as a pro-choice Democrat, but was descended upon by Washington Republicans who converted him by promising him bigger and better things if he’d come to their side. Overnight he became a pro-life Republican, abandoning every prinicpal he’d ever stood for (he made a huge name for himself as a war protestor in college in the 60s). Seeing him cozy up to the right made it clear he was nothing but an ambitious politician who kept his finger to the wind (finger to the wind Coleman is actually his nickname these days).

My biggest concern was making sure he didn’t become our Governor. I was going to vote for Humphrey, just because he wasn’t Coleman and at the time 3rd parties didn’t win. But Ventura threw his name in, and I laughed, I would never vote for a celebrity because of their celebrity status. I always had a hard time believing that people like Clint Eastwood, Sonny Bono and Fred Grandy had become politicians and had actually been ELECTED.

But Ventura laid out what he stood for, and I by and large liked it better than what the Dems had to offer. At 15 days before THAT election (where we are today 10 years later), I was voting for Humphrey. The day before the election, Coleman was leading in the polls, Ventura had more support than Humprhrey and had very rapid momentum, picking up something like 12 points in 2 days in the polls. I cast my vote for Ventura, as did 37% of Minnesotans and he became the governor. I wasn’t thrilled with his performance overall, but I think he did better than the other guys, and the thing is, I wanted to throw my support ultimately to the candidate who could beat Coleman.

Now it’s deja vu. Coleman is running for Senate, against a Democrat and an Independent, and one of his challengers is a celebrity. This time I also wouldn’t vote for Franken due to his celebrity status, but I’ve read all his books which were written before he threw his hat in the ring, and I agree with him 100% implicitly on what we need in a lawmaker, and in the things that are wrong with Coleman, whom he has taken on personally in print. He saw the same things I saw and was deeply and personally offended by some of the things Coleman has done in ways that didn’t even impact me directly, but I see why Franken is running, and I support his cause on a purely ideological basis. Barkley is a good guy, with some good ideas, and he’s doing well in the polls. I like Franken’s ideas and ideology better than Barkley’s, but for me, this is as much (if not more) about ejecting Coleman from office as it is about voting for Franken. So, if we get to election day and suddenly it’s looking like Coleman has 40% of the vote, Barkley has 35% and Franken has 25%, though I’d rather vote for Franken, that kind of poll and the momentum it would represent would tell me that here, if I voted for Franken because he’s my candidate (the way I’m voting for Obama because he’s my candidate), I may help condemn us to 6 more years of Coleman. So, I might have to vote for the Independence Party candidate if he ends up being the most viable candidate, the same way I’d have rather voted for Nader or Kucinich in 2000 and 2004, but had to vote for Gore and Kerry in hopes of keeping Bush out of the White House.

jvgr's avatar

Party voting has never been a criteria but this year I did vote straight ticket. There were some candidates running on the “Constitution” party for state offices, but there fundamental belief is in a constitution upheld by biblical law. (Exactly which version of who’s bible I don’t know, but I have a suspicion)

girlofscience's avatar

I will be voting for all Democrats, but I will not be selecting the straight Democratic ticket because I like to vote for each person individually so that I can really think about my vote while I’m casting it!

Zaku's avatar

There aren’t enough Green Party candidates to do that.

Knotmyday's avatar

Probably…not. I’ll vote for the good ones. I love being an Independent!!!

augustlan's avatar

I didn’t. Though I am a democrat and voted for Obama, I am also living in West Virginia. Prominent democratic politicians in West Virginia include our Governor, Joe Manchin…a guy I don’t trust farther than I could throw him, and Senator Robert Byrd.

Byrd (and others like him) are “old-school Southern Democrats”. They don’t stand for the democratic party of today. Byrd has been our senator since 1959, and he was the “exalted cyclops” whatever that means of the KKK! In fact, the KKK encouraged him to enter politics. He once wrote, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds!” link

So, as you can see, it would make no sense for me to vote a straight ticket!

dalepetrie's avatar

augustlan – did you vote on one of them special electronic voting machines that flipped your vote to McCain?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

How chilling, Augustlan! And I thought Tennessee was weird because we have a NASCAR Party, apparently…

augustlan's avatar

@Dale: It was an electronic machine, but it didn’t switch my vote, thank God.

@LaChica: A Nascar party? Good grief! Yeah, democrat just doesn’t mean the same thing in West-by-God-Virginia…

Knotmyday's avatar

August- “Grand Exalted Cyclops” is equivalent to “One-eyed Willie.”

Ah thank you.

laureth's avatar

Probably not. I vote for individuals, not parties.

The person up there who is voting for the Democratic nominee for President, and Republican everything-else – why, if I may ask? A Democratic president will not get any of his legislation passed through a Republican Congress, and is unlikely to sign anything into law that the Republican congress passes. It’s a good way to get nothing done. Sometimes that’s good in government, but to make it that way on purpose makes it seem that you don’t trust any of the folks you’re voting for.

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