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robmandu's avatar

Early voters: what was it like?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) October 20th, 2008

Where I’m at, early voting locations are wide open to resident voters of the county. That is, I need not go to my particular precinct, I can vote at any early voting location. Early voting is available from today, Oct 20, until Oct 31.

At the site I went to, there was only one table set up outside where a couple of volunteers were proselytizing their position on referendums and candidates. And a bunch of yard signs.

Inside the actual voting area, there were two proctors who were electronically scanning voter registration cards. It also appeared that they could find/print your card if you didn’t have it (but I’m not sure).

After positive scan and marking of my voter registration card (to prevent its re-use, I guess), I was asked to sign an early voting form. And then I was ushered to the voting booths.

There were a dozen or so booths at my location. All electronic. The proctor established my particular precinct’s ballot on the voting system, showed me the basics of operation, and left.

My ballot was four pages long. It was all for candidates at local, state, and federal level… plus one referendum to fund a particular hospital.

Made my selections. Reviewed them. Hit the Vote button. And I was done.

In and out in less than ten minutes.

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4 Answers

skfinkel's avatar

I voted by absentee ballot. Two pages. There were some challenging decisions on some local judges, but most of it was VERY obvious. And fun. I got it into the return mail.

MrItty's avatar

I’m very jealous. I’m not looking forward to the lines I’m sure to find on Nov 4th….

EmpressPixie's avatar

My voting experience was very similar. Quick, easy, less than 10 minutes, and no sticker at the end.

I would like to repeat that: No sticker at the end.

I wanted to put the “I voted!” sticker on my “YES WE CAN” button and give it to my little neighbor. I guess now she just gets the button. (This is a parentally approved button transfer, no worries.)

robmandu's avatar

:( No sticker for me, neither. So sad.

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