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kevbo's avatar

Is it possible that you've been hypnotized by your presidential candidate?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) October 20th, 2008

An interesting article suggesting that Obama’s excellent speeches are peppered with tricks of the hypnosis trade. It’s a long read.

What do you think?

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29 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

I don’t want to kill anyone’s fun, but this is pretty clearly propaganda, agreed? I tried to read it but it’s fairly obviously slanted towards getting people fired up who already held a certain set of beliefs.

Consider the source – “Welcome to the web site of the Conservative Weekly Voice of Las Vegas, the Penny Press”

Not exactly an objective news outlet for this issue.

There’s other holes, but it doesn’t seem worth going into.

SoapChef's avatar


kevbo's avatar

@funk, surely we can consider the source, which I admittedly didn’t investigate prior to posting this question since I found the article via a from another (assuredly non-conservative) Web site.

The truth I am starting with, however, is that Obama is a gifted speaker and that his speech pattern is fairly stylized. I also know that, generally speaking, most successful advertising engages in emotional appeals over rational arguments, and I’ve read in a dating book about similar techniques to get women to “transfer” romantic feelings to men. The point here not being about what I know, but that the concepts are not specific to Obama haters.

So, to me, the article attempts to explain why Obama’s speech is stylized as it is. And, I guess the slant doesn’t bother me, because I know that the argument could probably be applied to any successful candidate. I just find the mechanics proposed to be interesting and with some validity.

funkdaddy's avatar

@kevbo I hear ya, and I honestly tried to give it a shot for the reasons you mentioned, general interest in an effective speaker’s techniques. They lost me when they explained the type of “hypnosis” they were referring to wasn’t what you would normally think of, but instead the same kind you notice when you’re driving and don’t remember the entire route, or when you’re on an elevator and you get off on the wrong floor because other people do.

sidebar: I wonder if that would work for an excuse being late… “sorry, the elevator hypnotized me and I wandered around the 17th floor for a while.”

Most of the time both those actions would be attributed to inattentiveness or maybe even sleepiness, but not hypnotism by some portion of your surroundings. I think this is a very good way to use a word with sinister connotations in a very very broad context.

I do think you’re absolutely right when you say advertising engages in emotional appeals over rational argument, and I believe good public speakers know this as well. To attribute this to hypnotism which would suggest they’re all utilizing some subconscious backdoor to achieve their goals seems underhanded.

The techniques themselves may have merit for a variety of purposes, I just don’t think there’s any magic involved when it comes to being convincing.

kevbo's avatar

Here’s the same concept in a non-partisan video (7 min). Obviously, there’s no way to prove it’s not staged, but it jives with the link above and with the work of Milton Erickson.

lapilofu's avatar

I got to “Obama is immune to logical arguments like Wright, Ayers…” (partway down the first page) and realized that the authors have no idea what logic is.

lefteh's avatar

I’m rolling my eyes.

bodyhead's avatar

It is very possible. Three people I’ve spoke with this week believe that Obama is a secret Muslim who, like the people who took down the twin towers, is leading a fake Christian life and planning something bad.

It is the most ignorant prejudice lie yet that the republican propaganda machine has put out and normal people are believing it. It’s atrocious.

lapilofu's avatar

Now I just kind of want to learn how to do that.

Judi's avatar

My husband was always paranoid that McCain was the Manchurian candidate. Now they are flipping it and making Obama the one! How funny.

jvgr's avatar

lapilofuI “got to “Obama is immune to logical arguments like Wright, Ayers…” (partway down the first page) and realized that the authors have no idea what logic is.”

Based on this election, I think ignorance of or inability to use logic is a fundamental precept of the right wing consevatives.

loser's avatar

Now there’s a scary thought for me to ponder!

critter1982's avatar

@jvgr: I highly doubt that ignorance plays a role strictly in the fundabmental precept of the right wing conservatives.

I just heard a segment on the Howard Stern show (I’m not a fan of the man but wanted to point out that it wasn’t conservative right wing propoganda) where he took one of his cronies out into the bronx and asked people who they were voting for. Obviously the typical answer was Obama, but the interesting part was he would ask them whether they supported him on issues like staying in Iraq, and fighting against abortion, and in all 4 interviews the interviewee agreed that we should stay in Iraq and fight against abortion. The real kicker was when he asked them whether or not they agreed with his vp pick of Sarah Palin.

I’m not saying ignorance doesn’t play a role come every 4 years, but its definitely not just a right wing conservative issue. IMHO, to say that there must be some ignorance on your part, unless of course you really didn’t mean it?

jvgr's avatar

@critter1982: I wasn’t referring to ignorance in general (of which there is plenty to go around in all factions of the US), but ignorance to the rules of logic.

critter1982's avatar

Do you simply believe that there is ignorance regarding logic because others have a different view than you? I can give you several reasons for me voting for McCain which happen to be “logical”.

jvgr's avatar

@critter1982: It would be ignorant of me to believe others are ignorant because they do not share my views.

Judi's avatar

I have always said that Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh are evidence that if you go to far in either direction you get the same thing.

critter1982's avatar

@Judi: I agree.
Like I said though I’m not a fan but wanted to point out that I wasn’t spreading conservative propoganda. :)

@jvgr: Just curious then what caused you to make the statement, “Based on this election, I think ignorance of or inability to use logic is a fundamental precept of the right wing consevatives.

bodyhead's avatar

Howard Stern is a conservative. He has said that he would have voted for McCain until McCain chose Palin as his VP. He has a lot of very conservative views.

That’s a great bit you mentioned. It’s way funny if you hear it. They did the same thing with the one guy who said he was voting for McCain and the fella supported all the beliefs of the Obama.

You sound like a person who doesn’t listen to either, passing judgment on both. Rush Limbaugh promotes hate. That is the major difference.

Judi's avatar

You’re right, I don’t listen to either because I hear hate spewing out every time I hear their voices. It’s just to painful.

critter1982's avatar

Absolutely amazing. I had no idea he was a conservative. Still don’t like him though. Thanks for the correction body!!

jvgr's avatar

critter1982: In my own decision making I decided to find out what the popular conservative views are. I read many right-sided blogs and posted questions about items I’d read.

Often, I’d get an email from the blog owner saying that since I didn’t share the point of view, my post would not be permitted. Usually, my post would simply not show up. When I finally got to a blog that permitted me to post questions, the blog evaporated “no longer exists” after I tried to post my 8th or 9th comment. Finally I was able to get some dialogue going, but my questions were usually answered with links to specific pages. One example was intended to prove the link between ACORN/Obama in a concerted plan to enroll fraudulent voters.

In following the link, I found that the rising star of print is Michelle Malkin. Her articles and blog posts are not only based on inflammatory, prejudical rhetoric and not on arguing issues. The specific link to which I was directed was headlined “lazy crackheads”/inmates/can’t recall the third”. There was actually no thesis in her article which had very few words and a couple of evidentiary documents.

The firs piece of “evidence” was a link titled Mobsters which opened a page showing a group of African Americans. No attempt to explain the use of the word “mobsters”

Every other piece of evidence she presented as “evidence” of a non-thesis showed that ACORN-LV not only acted above-board in their registration efforts (they had standards for employees, they reviewed all applications, separated known fraudulent/suspect forms along with the name(s) of the canvassers, they fired those who continued to underperform and/or continue to submit fraudulent forms after 1 warning, they sent the first batch of fraudulent/suspect forms to LV election officials in Nov 2007-stating they would cooperate with officials in any investigation. The officials did nothing with the information until July of 2008 when they requested a 2nd copy (either they lost the 1st or didn’t have access to a copy machine). Officials then staged a raid on ACORN-LV offices (when all they needed to do was pick up the phone.

So where is the logic in the above that links Obama to ACORN in a conspiracy?

I posted my findings and nobody commented, they simply raised another issue and posted links to prove their point.

The last exchange I had was in response to Obama the socialist. I pointed out every aspect of US society that was already socialized including: National Parks and public forest and rangelands, FDA, Transportation Safety, Interstate highways, public facilities (Library of Congress, ....) down to state, county, and municipal roads, garbage…

The list was quite long and each item was identified as to how it was socialized and that this was unfair to many people.

The response I got was “You have some really good and really bad ideas there” No discussion, just a vague grade.

Most of the right wing has tossed out conservative commenters like George Will, David Brooks, Christopher Buckley and categorizes them as “intellectuals”. While I don’t often agree with the conclusions of Will et al, I can at least appreciate their point of view because it is founded on a conservative premise and is explained in a logical way.

Michelle Malkins article in National Review on why illegal immigrants are responsible for the current financial disaster is only made more absurd by her refusal to accept and integrate the facts that almost everyone on all political sides agrees on.

What is the logic behind McCains choice of Palin as someone who can deal with Oil?
What she did in Alaska (raise the royalty rates on oil producers which flowed directly to the taxpayer and resulted in abolishing state income tax) is totally contrary to McCain’s belief that the taxpayer should give big oil lots of money to drill on public property.

I’m sure you can logically explain your support for McCain.

The most vocal right wing supporters choose to use other means.

bodyhead's avatar

I know I’m crazy for responding again Judi but I just want to say:

A lot of people don’t like Howard because he (and his show) is very sexual and very vulgar. A lot of times he will trample all over political correctness with the grace of a bulldozer and make jokes (in some eyes) about totally inappropriate subject matter.

That being said, Howard does not preach hate. He does not talk down about others who do drugs then turn around and do the same thing behind closed doors. He does not make damaging generalizations about entire races of people. Howard supports gay marriage and calls people out when they stereotype. He may be trashy but he’s not venomous.

I have actually listened to both a great deal. I rode around in a truck with a guy who listened to Rush all the time for a while. It’s mildly entertaining as a shtick but it’s terrifying in it’s seriousness.

Judi's avatar

I guess I just can’t get past the yuck factor.

jlm11f's avatar

Well as long as he can hypnotize the other world leaders (oh and terrorists) into wanting peace, I am okay with it.

critter1982's avatar

@ jvgr: I can understand your concern with the aforementioned INDIVIDUALS. The issue I have is that you are placing about 40% of America voters in the same demographic based on a few individuals. I am not sure I would base my thoughts of certain party demographics on individuals blogging on blog sites and highly outspoke partisan commentators. It is typical for Hollywood/cable tv commentators to make comments no matter how harsh to gain their viewers vote, and it is unfortunate that uninformed voters believe the partisan bullcrap they here on television or read on the net. You also mention that it is illogical for McCain to pick VP Palin because of their varying thoughts on energy…..Based on comments that I have seen from Biden (that the rich should pay more taxes to be patriotic, that the Obama ad making fun of McCain’s computer illiteracy was terrible, and that he and Obama are not supporting clean coal plants in the United States) I would only assume that they don’t agree on every facet of Obama’s campaign either.

Knotmyday's avatar

All I know is, I have been feeling veeeeery sleepy.

jimanvlad's avatar

He does use extensive body language and knows a trick or two about speeches but you can’t get hypnotized like that. You should first learn what hypnosis is and how it is induced. Just as no one can hypnotize you to get naked and sing the Marseilles, Obama wont hypnotize you over the television :)

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