Meta Question

robmandu's avatar

What is the longest quip ever in Fluther?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) October 21st, 2008

Just guessing, no research, but it’s got to be dalepetrie‘s odyssey about why he’s voting for Obama.

19 paragraphs of 3,140 words comprised of 16,546 characters. It’s like something out of the New Yorker.

Is there a database limit to the size of a quip?

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29 Answers

Knotmyday's avatar

Wow. Guess I skipped over that one (as well).

I think setting limits would defeat the purpose of this site, though.

SuperMouse's avatar

May I add a Part B to this question?

When does a quip become a tome?

robmandu's avatar

By the way, all with only one spelling error (“facist”) and, according to MS Word, no grammar errors worth mentioning (although I’ll leave the final judgment on that to gailcalled).

El_Cadejo's avatar

I think if your post exceeds a certain number of characters you should have to include a TL;DR at the bottom lol

Snoopy's avatar

@rob see dale’s answer above. I don’t know if it beats your reference, but it probably has to come close….

Snoopy's avatar


I win! I win!

3,347 words in my link!

@dale too bad you aren’t paid per word :)

richardhenry's avatar

I’m really tempted to post the new longest quip ever here, but I’m not going to be a jackass.

Snoopy's avatar

@rh Um, Are you calling me a jackass for posting a long quip?

dalepetrie's avatar

I’ll take this as a compliment!

richardhenry's avatar

@Snoopy: Not at all, posting a long quip isn’t jackass behaviour. Posting a long quip because you want it to be the longest quip ever, and in the discussion about the longest quip, is jackassery. :)

Snoopy's avatar

Ah. Thanks for the clarification.

richardhenry's avatar

@Snoopy: Seriously though, you’re the polar opposite of a jackass. I enjoy your presence on Fluther.

richardhenry's avatar

Unless Fluther impose a limit (which I don’t think they do?), the technical limit is 4 trillion characters, provided they’re using a long-text column type in MySQL. If it’s just a standard old text column, it’s considerably smaller, but still something astronomical.

richardhenry's avatar

Standard text columns in MySQL have a length limit of ~65,000 characters, and a medium-text column can store 16 million.

robmandu's avatar

Thanks, @richardhenry! I’m surprised it’s anything other than a standard text column then. Not often something is planned large/scalable from the get-go. Fluther is badass. ツ

richardhenry's avatar

From the manual:

A TEXT column with a maximum length of 65535 (2^16 – 1) characters.

A TEXT column with a maximum length of 16777215 (2^24 – 1) characters.

A TEXT column with a maximum length of 4294967295 (2^32 – 1) characters.

richardhenry's avatar

@robmandu: Totally. ♥

shadling21's avatar

And I thought some of my posts were long… Go Dalepetrie! While that’s respectable (even more so because they are genuinely great quips), I agree with uber – I regularly skip over posts that are unusually long, and a button to let the author know that would be nice. Sometimes I want to add those quips to a “read when I have time” list, but since such a list doesn’t exist for me yet, I end up not reading them at all.

dalepetrie's avatar

I’m pretty aware when my posts are long, I can live with that if some people don’t read it, as long as some do….

asmonet's avatar

Sometimes I get the urge to throw dale, rob and gail into word and check. Those are the three that spring to mind offhand. I can honestly say I’ve read every word of theirs I’ve come across. I think they are pretty interesting. :)

richardhenry's avatar

I asked Andrew on iChat: they don’t impose any limits.

shrubbery's avatar

Dang dale! And I thought my 2000 word essay on the origins of the universe was long… haha you are one dedicated Flutherer.

dalepetrie's avatar

I’m the Stephen King of the Fluther world.

dalepetrie's avatar

A related question might be too, what’s the largest number of “great answers” you’ve gotten for one quip (or in my case, diatribe)? I don’t know if the one rob mentioned is my personal best or not, but I just saw it had 15 GAs. I’m even a bit shocked by that!

asmonet's avatar

Ten so far. :D

What’s funny is you can never really predict what’s gonna get the most lurve, you can spend several minutes (or more epending on the person) editing and rewriting a response and thinking it’s great and you’ve covered all the bases only to get no lurve at all. Then an off the cuff remark like that get ten. C’est la vie, people will be people.

ezraglenn's avatar

@asmonet: word. It’s frustrating, but it’s fun at the same time. Sometimes a one word answer will rack up the GAs, and a pièce de résistance will get nothing.

asmonet's avatar

@ezra: Double word.

scamp's avatar

I need a nap now….

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