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Bri_L's avatar

A place for a legitimate free on line iq test?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) October 22nd, 2008

Anything like that?

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97 Answers

scamp's avatar

I found some links for you here. There was one at Ivillage also. I’ll see if I can find it for you.

scamp's avatar

I found some more links here.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Ah, but the problem is a free legitimate one. Unfortunately, IQ is a funny thing and hard to pin down. You probably won’t find a real, free IQ test online. But you will undoubtedly find lots and lots proclaiming themselves to be one!

Your best bet is to find a local university doing a study on anything related to age and intelligence or intelligence or whatever. It’s not online, but it may be the only way to get one for free as an adult.

EmpressPixie's avatar

As a child, if your grades prove you to be exceptionally smart and your area has a gifted/talented program off to the office you go for your IQ test to see if you qualify!

Bri_L's avatar

My mom says I’m smrt.


Thanks everyone

robmandu's avatar

< < was kinda hoping one would turn up and we could have fun trying it out, posting scores, and making fun of each other.

El_Cadejo's avatar

<< had the same exact idea as robmandu

wildflower's avatar

<< isn’t smart enough to have had that idea, but would totally be up for it…

robmandu's avatar

Aw crap. I think I messed up the questions on the welcome page.

robmandu's avatar

Ah… 146.

Although I’m sure they must’ve subtracted 200 points for me allowing myself into their obvious honeypot to collect personal information.

wildflower's avatar

141 – I blame iPhone….

Bri_L's avatar


Rob you were 1 smarter.

robmandu's avatar

I wish they explained what you missed. :-\

wildflower's avatar

I know a couple I missed…it didn’t jump out at me so I clicked and moved on…hurts your eyes to read them things on an iPhone!!

Bri_L's avatar

ditto that wildflower. There was one number sequence, bleh.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@fireside showoff :P

augustlan's avatar

142. I like this one at Tickle. It not only gives you a number, but also explains it.

robmandu's avatar

@august, welp, I screwed up that one somewhere. But Tickle tells me that I’m…

Insightful Linguist

Your IQ Score is: 135
You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.

< < (gags a little bit on that ;-)

augustlan's avatar

I don’t know rob, I think you have a creative and expressive mind!

El_Cadejo's avatar

I liked this IQ test more, though i did much worse lol.
“Whether or not you intend to absorb every piece of information that comes your way, your mind has certain steel-trap qualities to it. You are a knowledge sponge. You have almost enough words in your head to fill a dictionary, and you’re equally adept when it comes to manipulating numbers. You can also detect important patterns in number sequences, and probably remember the mnemonic devices you were taught in grade school. You may feel comfortable in classroom settings where absorbing details is critical. You’re also able to learn from example and piece together all the little facts in life to get to the big picture. That’s why you never stop accumulating information as you walk through life.”

sounds about right ^_^

augustlan's avatar

I’m a Visionary Philosopher:
“Your mind’s strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you’re equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.”

Talk about gag-worthy!

augustlan's avatar

See this page. It shows we are all “very superior”...but we already knew that, right? ; )

PS: We are not geniuses though…I’m sure I read somewhere that genius is 140+ on this test.

fireside's avatar

Insightful Linguist
Your IQ Score is: 138

Your ability to communicate your vision clearly will take you far.

According to this chart we are all pretty short compared to most people. At least, I think this chart is measuring height…

Harp's avatar

155 on the first test, 142 on the second.

I thought the first test was harder; I spent quite awhile staring at a couple of those series problems. But then maybe I’d have done better on the second test if I’d stared a bit longer.

wundayatta's avatar

93. It’s a wonder I can say anything coherent! Or tie my shoes. Hmmm. Do you think I should become a politician?!?

Bri_L's avatar

I am going to try that one Augustlan

Harp's avatar

And yet, I know from from long experience that daloon is a heck of a lot smarter than I am. So much for IQ.

wundayatta's avatar

“So much for IQ.” Got it in one, Harp! You must be terribly intelligent!

Bri_L's avatar

Iiked it better to and did much worse.

Visionary Philosopher

Your IQ Score is: 133

I want to see the damn answers.

fireside's avatar

I’m pretty sure that the Tickle one will give you the answers if you sign up for a membership. This one seems to be more accurate than the first one.

Here’s something about IQ test reliability.

The scores may vary by as much as 15 points from one test to another, while emotional tension, anxiety, and unfamiliarity with the testing process can greatly affect test performance.

Maybe daloon is just more tense than Harp?

Harp's avatar

I think daloon is just cagier than Harp

Bri_L's avatar

all i know is I misspelled “iq” on the test now that I see it here.

wundayatta's avatar

This kind of one-upping each other on a test that means little, seems unseemly to me.

fireside's avatar

that’s the kind of comment that we would expect from a 93 : )

Harp's avatar

No, no, he’s absolutely right.
OK then, how long’s your penis?

Harp's avatar

Now we’re talkin’!

robmandu's avatar

138mm = 13.8cm

2.54cm = 1 inch

138mm ==> 5.1 inches

Harp's avatar

I’m afraid that wouldn’t qualify you for MEN -sa , Fireside.

Bri_L's avatar

@Daloon – was someone giving you hassle? I am sorry if that was the case. I honestly just wanted to find a test for a friend.

fireside's avatar

lol, I was thinking more like 138 cm

Also, I have always been impressed with daloon’s thoughtful heartfelt responses.

wundayatta's avatar

I have a philosophical problem with IQ measures. People think they measure something they call “intelligence.” What is intelligence? How much you know? How much you know about what? Potential? Potential to do what? Be a cubicle dweeb?

Do you really think that if I took that test I’d get a 93? Remember, 100 is average. Also know that the average drifts upwards inexorably as our children always know more than we do (yes, intelligence is about culturally specific knowledge, and a twee bit of test-taking skill), so they have to recalibrate the tests every ten or twenty years to make 100 mean average again.

I suspect one reason why these youngstas are doing so well is that the test has gone off calibration.

I think the test is misused and misunderstood and I won’t take it. I trust people to make their own independent evaluations of my intelligence. And that’s what matters, anyway.

Rant over.

El_Cadejo's avatar

daloon is afraid to take it cause he knows he wont do as good as us ;)

Harp's avatar

And notice how he didn’t answer the penis question. What’s that tell ya?

Bri_L's avatar

@ daloon – I agree. there are to many variables to consider. To many things that cannot be included in the test that speak to intelligence like do you like the Packer or Cheese.

Seriously though. The idea that 8 pages of test questions can determine anyones smarts is, in my mind, silly.

The fun test we should take would be a general trivia or a entertainment one.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Is there an online trivial pursuit? If so ITS ON!! lol

Bri_L's avatar

I shall investigate

augustlan's avatar

Tickle has tons of different tests…they’re fun, if not totally accurate.

Bri_L's avatar

there you go uber. You choose and throw down

El_Cadejo's avatar

franticly looks for test about fish :P

i cant find a good one on there as most seem to be personality based tests.

jlm11f's avatar

i took the IQ test on Tickle as linked above, and after going through those 8 pages, it now tells me “The server at is taking too long to respond.” I wonder what that means lol. (in all seriousness though, i am rather peeved since i bothered answering those stupid pattern Qs! ugh!)

fireside's avatar

PnL – i think that means you’re so smart that it couldn’t even calculate your score.

jlm11f's avatar

@fireside – hehe. thank you! that’s how i would like to think of it. As opposed to richardhenry who thinks that it means that it is saying “Error: Cannot divide by zero” haha.

richardhenry's avatar

It’s only logical, I mean, why else would it have crashed.

fireside's avatar

I’m still stuck on Bri-L’s comment, “do you like the Packer or Cheese”

Are we talking about Green Bay football here, or what?

El_Cadejo's avatar

ok good im not the only one who was confused, i didnt want to sound stupid or anything in a Q about intelligence ;)

fireside's avatar

Maybe it’s a comment on industrialization like, “how can you like that cheese if you don’t even think about the worker who made the cheese?”

augustlan's avatar

I’m confused, too!

wildflower's avatar

OK, this is kinda freaky, but my result is exactly the same as augustlan’s…...136 and Visionary Philosopher!

augustlan's avatar

I always knew I liked you!

wildflower's avatar

Great minds….and all that ;)

wundayatta's avatar

So far, my penis seems to be of a size that is perfectly adequate for what it is asked to do, and my intelligence – well, you can never have enough of that, can you?

But I’m sure ya’ll are way smarter than I am, and my ego is in such a state that I don’t need to have that proven to me.

augustlan's avatar

<< Thinks Daloon probably has a higher IQ than most of us!

wundayatta's avatar

Fortunately, no one will ever know, an then no one can compare, and we can all be friends without feeling like such things matter – or we could if other people would stop this nonsense.

I think that organizations catering to supposedly smart people are a joke. I’ve never been to such a meeting, but every person I met who joined MENSA was really kind of creepy, and seemed to never get that the point is not how smart you are, but how you interact with others. As a group, MENSAns are the most annoying people I’ve ever met.

I’ll take crazy people over MENSAns any day. They, at least, have a sense of humor.

augustlan's avatar

Don’t worry Daloon…none of it matters, to me anyway. Just a bit of fun : )

El_Cadejo's avatar

I for one am taking this IQ business all very seriously <rolls eyes> :P

Harp's avatar

Daloon, I think you’re projecting a level of seriousness onto all this that was never there. No one here believes that the result of some online test has anything to say about the worth of any of us. We’re way too smart for that ; )

fireside's avatar

I never really understood the point of MENSA, kind of like a frat i guess?

I fully agree that Head knowledge will only take you so far if you can’t compliment it with a healthy dose of Heart connection.

wundayatta's avatar

Ah well, I’m serious, you are light. So it goes. Tomorrow, I’ll be drinking lite beer, and you’ll be on your way to Sirius.

breedmitch's avatar

7 1/2”

Harp's avatar

Case in point: all this really tells us about breedmitch is that he doesn’t know how to use a ruler

wundayatta's avatar

See: tell people you don’t want it to be one thing, and that’s exactly what it becomes.

I have an idea: let’s have an inverse GA scoring system. The lower your IQ, the more help you need, and so you get a multiplier added to your GA points. And on the other side, the higher your IQ score, the more we expect of you, and so you have a demultiplier, and you have to get more GA points just to keep up with others. What do you way? Level the playing field?

Harp's avatar

So daloon, you think we should “spread the lurve around”, eh? Socialist!

Actually, that’s kind of what we have now. The more GA’s we accumulate, the less they increase our score.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@harp that already happens for the most part with the cap on GA you can recieve from any one user. IE I GA you all the time, so you cant get any points from me anymore so your score incresases slower as more people max out their GAs for you.

breedmitch's avatar

@Harp: hater.

To be honest, I neither took the test, nor measured my cock.
Maybe I forgot the ~.

augustlan's avatar

Now see, Breed…I was getting ready to proclaim you a genius! and a liar ; )

Bri_L's avatar

@ fireside and uberbatman – with regard to the “Packers and cheese” I was just joking around. Things appeared to be getting tense.

anna1257's avatar

None of you have an IQ over 130. The sites are trying to trick you into buying something by stroking your ego and it appears to have worked on you saps.

130 and above places you in the top 2% of the population which I am not in, nor are any of you.

If you had been that smart you would likely have been a child prodigy, that eventually went to an ivy league school, where you excelled above all the other students landing you a high paying and/or prestigious job.

Your high level of intelligence would also have constantly been noticed by others like relatives, teachers, peers, etc.

The only legitimate IQ tests are ones given on paper by an accredited University or other legitimate organization such as MENSA. If you really believe you are in the top 2% which I can already tell you people are not by your grammar and spelling, then take a legitimate paper test to prove it.

Online tests are gimmicks and if you were really that smart you would have realized that before you made a fool out of yourself by believing the results.

Bri_L's avatar

@anna1257 – I will notify you when I find a test that measures fun/sense whimsy versus taking things to seriously.


“If you had been that smart you would likely have been a child prodigy, that eventually went to an ivy league school, where you excelled above all the other students landing you a high paying and/or prestigious job. Your high level of intelligence would also have constantly been noticed by others like relatives, teachers, peers, etc.”

is actually quite assumptive on your part and, as a matter of fact, historically incorrect. While 89% of a childs intelligence could be attributed to genetics, 20% could still be attributed to environment. Also, to state that genius or prodigy like function would necessarily take place at any specific age is incorrect.

There are plenty of legitimate sources of solid online scientific data for one to look at. It is there for not, by any means “foolish” to ask the question if anyone here, in a diverse world wide network of members that spans scientists, educators and the likes might know of a legitimate test one could take.

Your answer shows only that A. you are incapable of or unwilling to realize we were all having fun with the sites we found because B. You needed to feel bigger by spouting your diatribe.

Incidentally, when it comes to a choice between spelling and grammar and social graces I choose the latter. Your first post on a site is an inaccurate ranting name calling insult to a list of people?

augustlan's avatar

Yeah. Plus, I tested in the top 1% of all students in the nation when I was in school. So there. :P

Bri_L's avatar

@augustlan – and you spelled “A” right in your icon!

augustlan's avatar

@Bri_L I’ve gotta’ do something right every now and again.

fireside's avatar

@augustlan – Hey! I made that icon : P

fireside's avatar

@Bri_L – good to see you! Hope things are going well for you.

Bri_L's avatar

@fireside – Thanks much! I appreciate that. Good to be back!

augustlan's avatar

@fireside That’s right! Credit where credit is due: Fireside is smart. And awesome. :)

fireside's avatar

@augustlan – just kidding, you did a perfectly fine job spelling “A” on your first avatar : )

talljasperman's avatar

117 from career quizzes but I had 165 from a $2000 I.Q. test

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