General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

What relationship advice can you offer a young flutherite?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21488points) October 22nd, 2008

I have recently entered into a relationship with a wonderful young man. We had our first date a little over two months ago and we became officially boyfriend and girlfriend a few days ago. I have come to the realization that this is my first real relationship. I had boyfriends in high school and a few short things last year (including one very screwed up 6 month thing that I’m not even sure how to label). So, this being the case, I realize I may need some advice. I realize this is a very general request, but I figure anything will help me out. And, yes, this is the same young man who had the father issues for which I needed advice and who experienced the death of a stepgrandparent recently.

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10 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

Communicate. Thats the key to a healthy and happy relationship. If theres something thats bothering you about him or whatever, bring it up. Im not saying harp on him about how he should be better or whatever, i just mean you guys need to be able to talk to each other about your problems, its the only way you’ll be able to be truly happy with each other. Otherwise you’ll bottle it all up until one day it all comes out in some massive fight which is never fun heh.

augustlan's avatar

Be yourself. Allow him the same priviledge.

jvgr's avatar

Both the previous comments are sound, but to be yourself, you have to know who you are and to communicate you have to decide what is important.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I have to agree with uberbatman about communication. And add that a boyfriend is not a “project” which needs improvement. You might be able to get new pillows and curtains, and perhaps paint the walls, and tidy up a bit, but furniture in the room stays. And if there’s a moose head hanging on the wall, you have to be prepared to live with it.

If you find yourself wanting to remake him, it’s time to move on.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Learn to disagree without fighting. Or learn to fight well. However you want to say it—both of you should work to disagree without having it become a huge, blow out fight. Even when the issue is a very big issue. Which comes down to communication. I personally think that if you can disagree well, you’ve got a great future.

wundayatta's avatar

There will be fights. Times when you are very angry. Times when you are sullen with each other. Times when you wish you could be alone. These feelings are nearly universal for every couple. Don’t feel like you’re doing something wrong.

You don’t have to be that magical, fairy tale couple that lives happily ever after. If you do the stuff other people have spoken of, you can get through these things. If one or both of you have a sense of humor about it, that helps, too.

ljs22's avatar

Let there be some space in the relationship. It is easy at your age to focus solely on the boyfriend to the detriment of other friendships. You’ll be much happier in the long run if you don’t make your life all about your relationship.

deaddolly's avatar

Be open and honest and encourage him to talk to you. From what I remember from the other question, he seems not to like to discuss things. Try to encourage him to do so. My daughter’s last relationship ended because her bf could not open up about his feelings. Some ppl just don’t know how. And some ppl will never be able too.
You sound like a very intelligent young woman. I’m sure you can work things out. The most important thing is to support eachother, always.

Bri_L's avatar

Man, everyone really has nailed it!


And if you do what everyone suggests 1 of 2 things will happen, your relationship will strengthen as you discover your compatible, or you will be strong and fine he is not for you but you WON’T lose yourself trying to force it or be something your not.

stevenb's avatar

I would also add that you should let him have his own space/hobbies etc. without feeling hurt. One of the best things my wife and I have is a healthy respect for when the other person wants time away from us. I don’t mean weeks or even days. If he wants to go fishing with buddies for the weekend, give him that now and then. He will appreciate you for it and return the favor when you need a girls weekend.

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