What silly item have you always wanted?
I have always wanted a refrigerator with a crushed ice dispenser.
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120 Answers
I’ve always been secretly bitter about my mom making us leave that fridge behind when we moved seven states. Itw as the most fantastical thing we ever owned
A water bed.
that didn’t leak.
Oh!! And I always wanted one of those zany houses crazy people have on tv with walkways running through walls and along ceilings for their ferrets and cats.
I can’t believe I’m admitting that.
Oh, and a miniature horse. Named Ralph.
I totally agree about the fridge, I hate ice cube trays.
On an unrelated note, In descending order of obtainability, items I desire:
1. BMW M Roadster (S54 kthx)
2. BMW M5 (E60)
3. Ferrari Datona
@mjoyce: It occurs to me that we have very different priorities. :-P
@asmonet I recently acquired #1
I am a grown-up when it comes to most things (work, etc). However, I am a child when it comes to other things:
1. Cars
2. Disneyland (and Disney Movies, for that matter)
I have the sort of wreckless joy and abandon that an 8 year old has. Item #1 grabs hold of that 8 year old inside of me and shakes him half to death every I go for a drive. It is fantastic!
Now if only I had a few million to buy he old Ferrari!
Superstar Barbie
I’m 25 years old, and I still remember the day I went to Toys R Us to get a toy, and I passed her up. The stars on her dress were glow in the dark.
Sheesh. Check out those earrings! Whoo! 80s!
i have always wanted a cherry picker, and one of the ones that has the remote so if your all the way up in the air you can drive it around with the remote (they might all have that im not sure)
@mjoyce: Congratulations! I love getting those little or big) things that can just take you back.
@Les: I have her! She was amazing. She is currently in my closet. I think you can find her on eBay. I liked her creepy earrings. You just jabbed the posts into her head and they stuck. It seemed so brutal. :D
that’s the creepiest flickr album I have ever seen. barbie’s shouldn’t model like real people
I always wants a complete replica Batman costume from Batman: Forever. Actually from any Batman movie except the old one with Adam West. Anyways that’s what i have always wanted.
the ice cube dispenser is a winner.
I always wanted one of those churro things.
@popo7676 Batman Forever!?! dude come on! that was the worst batsuit ever. BAT NIPPLES!!! .
@uberbatman: You’re just jealous. Those are some serious nipples.
@asmonet that batsuit was so homoerotic it wasnt even funny, and then it when i thought it couldnt get any worse…... this.
now if popo would have asked for batman begins bat suit that would be awesome and get lurve :P
whoa nipples, how did this turn into a sex conversation?
@uber: It’s ok to want a piece of the man nips. Don’t be ashamed.
@mjoyce – Yes, this is definitely not where I expected the conversation to go…
@shadling21 thats what you get when you have @asmonet and other sex crazed kids running the show!
‘65 Mustang convertable, cherry red. New Jeep!
@Uber: I loved those Churros. Can’t find them anywhere here : (
@All: We seem to have sex on the brain (or other body parts) lately!
@mjoyce: Again, it’s okay to want a piece.
@auqustlan its 11:30pm and we are all sitting in front of our computers, and I for one, and slightly intoxicated, so I don’t blame them I suppose.
@augustian i mentioned in another thread my love for churros and how they are impossible to find except at amusement parks for like 5 dollars each :(
Nice taste in cars ^_^ i just got an 88 convertible
@asmonet bahaha! I don’t attempt to want what I can’t get! I don’t e-date (usually!)
right, USUALLY but cute interesting girls are the exception, I suppose. OH! and they also have to live in the same city as me. tragedy! perhaps we will forever be “wanting a piece”
I thought what we almost had was special.
I am okay with the perpetual e-tease. Go with the flow!
Someone recently told me the eye-rolling smiley went like this:
@nikipedia bahahaha! don’t hate on me with your rolling smilies!
uber, it looks like you need (dah dah) the awesome special churro maker plus chocolate combo and all for the lo-lo price of 24.95! Wow!
PLUS just one look at that plastic object tells you it could have many many uses besides in the kitchen…if you know what i mean ;-)
what? I don’t get it… how is that an eye-rolling smiley?
I’ve always wanted Dorothy/Judy Garland’s red slippers. The real ones from the movie.
@La_chica_gomela: Holy god. I have to buy that for my friends birthday.
Thank you.
I’ve never even heard of churros. Where do you buy them from?
@shadling21 thats all part of the mystery. Theyre near impossible to find around here, though other fluthers said they see them all over the place so i guess it depends where you live. Around here only place i see them is in amusement parks or at the boardwalk. They are pretty much just fried dough with cinnamon sugar on them and they taste amazing.
@Shadling: Is this in any way what you expected?
a snow cone maker.
damn I haven’t been on here in forever, I feel weird
@shadling.. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of a churro. I refuse to believe it. Have you never been too a fair, amusement park, Disneyland!?or good-ass-hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaraunts??
@asmonet – The churro discussion is a little closer to the mark. But overall, no. I felt like I was running an e-dating service for a while…
TheHaight, we’re really glad you’re back!!! Don’t feel weird!
@TheHaight: My kids have a sno-cone maker. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, so don’t be too sad!
Those ice cube trays with the funky shapes. Mmmm shaved ice maker. Or a popcorn machine. A soda machine. A pinball machine! Nooo.. the one where you roll the balls up the alley into the holes! What are those called…? Skeetball.. Damn, that has to be the worst name for a game… ever..
@allie i cut myself trying to break the ice out of my lousy ice cube trays the other day :(
LOL allie skee ball not skeet god this thread really did decompose to sex talk
it’s not allie’s fault, shilolo was the one who said skeetball first haha :P
@Uberbatman: This i the most derailed I’ve seen a fluther thread get. It’s wonderful.
Haha, oops. And it was all lolo’s fault. All of it.
@asmonet WOW THIS THREAD IS AWESOME wait – what are we talking about?
@TheHaight – I’ve only been to local amusement parks… What kind of restaurants can you find them in? Not fast food joints, surely? I’ve only been to one non-fast-food Mexican restaurant, but don’t remember churros being on the menu.
Uber’s as mystified as me! So I’m not alone here.
Churros? They sell them at the Taco Bell here, but they aren’t as good as at the fairs and theme parks.
@shadling21 someone PMd me i believe it was Les and they told me in chicago they sell them on the streets there in the city.
@allie those stupid cinnamon twists arent churros. Unless they have real churros out at your taco bell, cause they dont have them here.
EDIT: oh yea your in cali near mexico, makes sense
Uber: I know… those are completely different. Lol. Gosh. No, one of the Taco Bells here has real churros.
Edit: I am in CA, but near Mexico. Really? No no, sorry buddy. I’m in Northern California.
Edit edit: Although that is closer to Mexico than you are. Sucks for you. (tear) :p
The only place I’ve ever seen real Churros was at my old pre-teen stomping grounds. A now long gone roller skating rink. East Coast, near DC. They were in a machine just like Uber’s post.
>>thinks someone who hasn’t maxed out on Allie should GA her so she can get away from the awkward 3999 and to the AWESOME 4000+!
Thanks, ladies! Haha.. <3
@augustIan ive seen them at a swim club by my house as well. But like i said above they are always way too expensive like 5–6 dollars because everything is expensive at those places. Which is crazy if you think about what a churro is.
Re: Taco Bell Desserts…has anyone tried that fried apple turn-over-ish thing they have? It is friggin’ awesome! Just like old school McD’s apple pies, before they started baking them.
Edit: Allie, stop it! You’re gonna’ make me CRY!
augustlan: OMG!!!! Those caramel apple empanadas are soooo good. It’s all warm and tasty. I didn’t like the Mickey D’s pies though. The crust on the edges was always too much crust.
I feel bad for shadling and the neglected question.
And my role in it.
@all – I’ll have to check out Taco Bell, as I live in Canada and they are probably hard to come by.
@asmonet – As you should. Tsk tsk!
This is one of my favorite threads ever. Man nipples, skeeTball, and cheap desserts.. heaven!
I am hanging my head in shame. But I totes agree with Allie.
Did you just say “totes”? Oh, no… It’s happening on Fluther, too?
I always say totes, toots.
Haha. I have to admit I hadn’t heard it until just now.
Thought is was just me…cuz’ I’m old.
Ahem, back to to topic at hand…
Fake fingernails!
Augustlan: Ha, like those ridiculously fake plastic ones that were pre-painted and came with, umm, Barbies and you had to stick them on with that double sided sticker? Or like the fake ones they use at salons? I’ve used one kind, and it wasn’t the latter. (It’s ok though, I was like eight.)
No…the “real” fake ones. I used to have great nails, but after 3 kids, they pretty well suck. I just can’t justify actually getting them. I’m not “girly” in the least, so I just live with what I’ve got : (
I have one to add.
Braces. o.O I was a strange kid, to want those.
My daughter was thrilled when she got her braces…of course after 2 years, she’s ready to get them off now. Her latest thrill? She had to get glasses! I was just like that, too. We are weird.
I have always wanted a pachinko machine and a player piano, oh and a magic kit.
Now if you excuse me, I’m going slip into my batman suit and fry up some churros.
an air hockey game
a feather boa
usually i buy silly things for myself…lol
And churros are great. They sell them at zoos too. Taco Bell’s aren’t as good as the real ones….
I want an electronic drum set.
deaddolly: Ditto on the air hockey game.
I want a Leggos. I am probably way to old to be wanting them, but I still do. Maybe satan will bring me them for christmas.
An erector set, with electric motors and stuff. You can build a real robot with it? and a working crane!
Also- giant tinkertoys.
Did I just show my age?
@forestGeek satan brings you toys for christmas eh? interesting ^_^
I want a coin sorter. One of those automatic ones in which you just dump all your coins, and it sorts them and packages them in those roll envelopes, which you then take to the back for cash. Ohhh and an ice cream machine :) now who’s buying?
@PnL those coin sorter things are crap, at least the one i had, it used to be on my list of things i always wanted, until i got one, and then threw it out the following week lol.
i think your jealous of my awesome ice cream maker :P
but but but i can’t know that till i get my OWN coin sorter can i??? plus, what if the one you bought was just really crappy and cheap? they range from like 10$ to 50$ right (not that i would ever buy it for that much). and jealousy is one emotion that is not part of my limbic system vocabulary pffttttt
I have an air hockey table!
i used to have one too :P and a ping pong table
Used to? Whyyyy in the world would you get rid of it?!? Crazy..
wasnt my choice, we moved and it “had to stay behind”. Sad sad day.
Some friends and I rented a house for a few years that had a “game room” with shuffle puck, air hockey, darts and weight lifting stuff out by the pool. Lots of good times back there.
Sad to leave that sort of thing behind!
My girlies have an air hockey table and a foosball(sp?) table in the basement at their dad’s house. I’m jealous of that!
I’ve always wanted to buy a huge leather armchair specifically for my bedroom. I have no idea why.
@RH: Hmmm, leather in the bedroom? Learning something new about you everyday! ; )
@rich that reminds me, ive always wanted one of those nice chairs what the really high backs. Like in the movies and stuff where they are called into the office and the boos/evil villain has his back turned in the chair and you cant see him at all, yea one of those chairs. ^_^
Wing chairs? They’re available at most furniture stores…for a price I can’t afford : (
@augustIan kinda like that but with the really high backs.
Edit: like this
Oh hell, I can’t help you with that one! Cool, though.
yea i dont even know what they are called, so i dont know how to go about looking for them.
Check antique and specialty furniture stores, They can be kind of expensive and hard to find but I know the one near my house has a chair with a a HUGE back and dark green leather. Every time I sat in it I just started pretending I was organizing the doom of civilization. I’m not allowed in there anymore.
I’ve been to an art museum that had chair like that outside as statues, but they had strings in the top, and when the wind blew they made sounds. it was awesome.
here’s a picture of them
As an aside, I collect miniature chairs, and I have some black iron ones that look quite a bit like those posted by LaChica. They don’t make any sounds, though. : (
The Russian Tea Set from “The Hunt for Red October” (movie version). I’ve always coveted those glasses. I have no idea how to get them besides a trip to Russia. Something in the way the silver holds the glass seems so elegant and so simple.
Also, a flower. Any type of flower, from anyone. There have only been three times in my entire life i’ve ever gotten a flower. 1. My mother’s wedding to my stepfather (it was a bouquet and I was five) 2. A bouquet from my mother last year because I had just finished my IB exams (and my mother rules!) 3. High School Prom a white corsage, from a boy who I don’t think ever felt anything for me. He didn’t even tell his parents he was going with me. I called his house four days before to talk to him about dinner plans! His mother picked up the phone and I left a message with her, she did a double take!
Now I’m with someone else, he’s sweet and funny. My 19th birthday was two weeks after I officially became his girlfriend. I live next door to a flower farm! They sell all kinds of flowers, he didn’t get me anything. I don’t mind much, it would just be nice to think that someone would give me one, not for any special reason, just because they wanted to.
Someday, I’m going to live somewhere where I can grow my own flowers.
Oh, man. If I could get any chair, it would definitely be this one.
Speaking of ridiculously expensive things that I’ll never buy,
I also lust after this beauty.
And this doohickey would be awesome too.
I would have to find some way to restrain the impulse to roll a queue of people.
I have always, and still want a trampoline!
I want one of those huge ones you put in the backyard. The ones you can do flips on and stuff.
I used to have a large trampoline. It rocked.
I always wanted Sock Em Boppers! Remember those?
@shadling21 – Had those Sock Em Boppers and loved them!!
Reminds me of another thing I always wanted…Rock’em Sock’em Robots!
@forestGeek – Were those the robots that were in a boxing ring that you would make fight? Those things perplexed me.
I just remembered that Twist It, Pull It, (???) It, Bop It toy. I was too old for it to be okay for me to have such a toy, but I was always curious about it.
a trampoline.
oh, and since that penguin toy video, i’ve been really wanting one of those too.
I want my own roller coaster. And a 1977 Super Deluxe Spirograph set.
Ooooh, I loved Spirograph! Now I want one, too. <pouts>
@augustlan: I always lost all the good pieces. :’(
My spirograph seemed to always fall apart and not work properly.
I always wanted a pottery wheel. Then I got a cheapo one for Christmas one year, but never used it because it seemed very messy. And then the clay that came with it hardened and I decided to give the pottery wheel away. But I still kinda want one…
@shadling21: I’ve always wanted a metal detector, and I got a cheapo one for Christmas. I never use it.
Cheapo gifts are the worst.
I have always wanted a slinky! My boyfriend bouth me my first slinky last Christmas after years of wanting one :)
@shadling21 GQ! I actually would want what you asked for in the question – plus two other things (which I could afford, technically, but consider too silly and not worth wasting money on – a jukebox and a pinball machine.
@NewZen Those aren’t silly. I treat pinball machines with great seriousness. ;)
I’d like to add that I wanted a gumball machine, and then I got one, but I had to put money in it to use it so it was frustrating. I’d reuse the same nickel over and over again.
@shadling21 I’d love a giant gumball machine with remote. I’d like a waterbed and a mini-fridge with beer bext to it – and also one of those robot vauum cleaners.
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