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asmonet's avatar

What is your driving record anyway?

Asked by asmonet (21465points) October 24th, 2008

After all the driving questions that popped up I’m curious how rampant the disregard for rules and regulations actually is. I have never had so much as a parking ticket, much less a speeding one, and I’ve never been in a crash of any kind. Except when I hit a curb a few years ago like a dimwit. Am I just incredibly lucky? Maybe, you do follow the rules but you’re unlucky? Any anecdotes?

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15 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I almost got a DUI on my bike once. That is pretty much the extent of my moving violations. I don’t drive.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

My driving record is positively, absolutely, perfectly, squeaky-clean! I am awesome!

Which could very well be because I don’t drive… But I’m STILL awesome!

squirbel's avatar

I’ve never gotten a ticket. My jeep and me were flipped over in an accident where a woman [gdammit i hate female drivers] hit me broadside when she was trying to rush through a red light.

mjoyce's avatar

I got pulled over going over 150mph once, Tracy CA at like 6am.

Okay so this actually requires some explanation. I was driving from SFBA to LA. My GF at the time said something horrible and hurtful. I had gunned it when there was a stretch of road where I couldn’t see a car in front of me.

I saw a cop under a bridge, I past him going way way way way to fast, I didn’t bother to wait for him to pull up behind me. I just pulled over. A minute or two later he pulled up beside me.

He came up to me and said “why did you pull over?” me: “I wasn’t fooling anyone, I was driving way too fast”. He wrote me up for “115+” and didn’t take me to jail, yay!

A few tickets after that, I bought a wagon as a sort of forced calm down. Now my record is squeaky clean!

asmonet's avatar


mjoyce's avatar

@asmonet haha i like cars :) you are welcome.

Nimis's avatar

I once got in a car accident, ticketed and towed—all on the same day.

My parking tickets are probably in the double digits.
I have the City Transportation Department on speed dial.
And have gotten out of many of them by documenting meters on my cell phone.

My only moving violation was for picking up someone from BART in a no stopping area.

I’ve been in five car accidents. Only one of them was my fault. I started to pull into a driveway too soon. When I went back into my lane (that I didn’t full leave yet), I nicked the car that pulled up from behind me. The funny thing was that I was writing a paper on senior citizens and the internet and (go figure) it turned out she was a little old lady who taught a class on the internet at the local senior citizen center. My TA had a good chuckle when I told him how I got my resources.

scamp's avatar

I got pulled over for speeding once, but I told the cop I was in a hurry to get home because I was just getting over a bad case of the flu and I really had to go. ( I squirmed alot in my seat as I told him that) I asked him if he would follow me home (which wasn’t far) and finish writing the ticket in my driveway. He just tossed my paperwork back at me and let me go! So my record (and car seat, ha ha) remains squeaky clean!

loser's avatar

I’ve been pulled over twice for driving drunk when I hadn’t even been drinking and pulled over twice when I had been drinking for other stuff. (I don’t drive drunk anymore!) I have a speeding ticket for going 45 in a 35 and one accident which was declared my fault even though it really wasn’t because the woman who hit me said that her husband would kill her. I couldn’t live with that guilt…

loser's avatar

Wow! Go scamp!!!

scamp's avatar

Thanks loser! I’m glad to know you don’t drink and drive anymore, and what a nice thing you did for the lady that hit you. Karma owes you one my friend!!

loser's avatar

I hope so because my insurance rates suck!!

deaddolly's avatar

Been driving since i was 16…….well over 25 years (no, you can’t trick me into revealing my age…) I’ve had 1 ticket for speeding about 13 years ago, a few parking tickets and 1 accident when I was 16 (not my fault…car’s brakes went out). I’ve never even been drunk, let alone drive drunk.
Can i win something???

Bri_L's avatar

I am 39. got one ticket from Barney Fife for doing 65 in a 45 zone.

NOT true because I personally know the deaf child that lives there. It was some hick sheriff who was trying to meet his monthly quota and got pushed into to many lockers when he was in high school so he became a county sheriff. He claims he gunned me at the top of a hill in less than 2 sec. and when I asked if I could see it he said he had cleared it.

swimswimswim's avatar

Three speeding tickets and two accidents…in the last three years. Oops!!! And thats after years of a clean record, guess my luck ran out

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