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chyna's avatar

Do you believe in "signs" guiding you?

Asked by chyna (51673points) October 25th, 2008

I read an article a while back where this person believes there are “forces” or guardian angels that guide you in your life and show you signs to get there. For example one lady kept seeing the same numbers over and over and finally played them in the lottery and won some money. Another person kept seeing the name of a person in variations (last name on license plate, first name on a road sign, etc.) everywhere and then met her soulmate with the same name.

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14 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Nope, I believe in coincidences, and that people who notice something once, tend to continue noticing it after that.

But, no, I don’t.

SuperMouse's avatar

I do believe in signs. I’m not convinced they are other worldly or even supernatural, but I do believe they are there. I have noticed so many signs, especially within the last year or so, that I really have no choice.

Spargett's avatar

Your perception is your reality. Everything gets filtered through a highly complex and flawed mechanism called the “brain”.

asmonet's avatar

@Supermouse: Based on your phrasing, I immediately pictured someone walking down the street with a team of people leaving clues 50 ft. ahead of him. If they’re not otherworldly or supernatural… what DO you think they are?

gimmedat's avatar

I believe that everything happens for a reason, but not necessarily in signs. It’s more like how will I make the best of what I am and what I have. I try to live with the philosophy of giving my time, talent, and treasure and that if I do that it will come back to me; not in a “sign” that guides me, but in the time, talent, and treasure that others share with me.

susanc's avatar

I see signs every day that remind me that life is entirely random and meaningless.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I can decipher the meaning of crop circles. So far though, none of it has turned out to be beneficial for me. Or anyone else for that matter.

laureth's avatar

I believe in “Yellow Jeep syndrome.”

Chances are very good that you’ve already passed several yellow jeeps on the freeway or around town, but you never especially noticed them because you never thought to do so. However, once someone says to you, “Boy, have you seen all the yellow Jeeps around lately?”, you will suddenly see them all over the place because you have been primed to watch for them now.

I think in some ways, “signs” are like that. They’re things that are around us anyway, but now and then we become sensitized to their existence.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Asmonet, honestly, I would call it God. To me, that is how God works, He walks in front and leaves the signs, it is up to me to notice them or not. I guess I’ve never thought of God as other worldly or supernatural, He’s just God.

deaddolly's avatar

no. way to religious for me. i don’t beleive in any god.

IBERnineD's avatar

I believe it, I’m not religious either. I just believe there are certain forces helping guide us…or I am just insane :)

AstroChuck's avatar

Unless you’re talking about road signs, no. I don’t believe in the paranormal, just the abnormal.

Trustinglife's avatar

The technical term for the “Yellow Jeep Syndrome” Laureth mentioned is the reticular activating system. It’s just part of how our flawed brain works. If you want, you can use it to your advantage – like with setting goals – as the article I linked explains.

Personally, I occasionally see signs, or experience synchronicities. I like to stop and pay attention to them and follow where I think they’re guiding me. I like the spontaneity, uncertainty, and excitement I associate with that experience.

I do consider myself spiritual, and that those signs or synchronicities are somehow part of the built-in fabric of life. Our complex brain and reticular activator is part of that – our own perceiving of those signs.

Signs happen.

fireside's avatar

I’m with Supermouse and Trustinglife.

I experience synchronicity all the time and feel that it is a perfectly normal part of my life.

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