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asmonet's avatar

80-90s Movie - About an angel?

Asked by asmonet (21470points) October 26th, 2008

The movie was one that used to play often enough on tv, it’s about a boy who finds an blond angel that accidentally fell to earth. She doesn’t speak English, her language is more like doves cooing from what I remember and she really loves french fries. Anyway he hides and protects her until her wings mend and eventually she goes back. I think. Any ideas on what movie it could be? I remember liking it as a kid. A lot.

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5 Answers

asmonet's avatar

I youtubed it! You’re right!

Heh, you can even see the french fries bit in the trailer. Thanks! JP, does your knowledge have a limit?

jrpowell's avatar

It has a limit. I’m not sure what I had for lunch yesterday, but I remember movies that I watched when I was 13. Go figure.

nayeight's avatar

I loved that movie too!

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