Fixed in 4 years? Not in 100 years! Are you kidding!?
1. The Economy – Greedy bastards caused this mess, all over the world. The DOW went from 14000 to near 8000 in the last 3 weeks or so. It was a needed adjustment. What is your definition of fixed? If your definition of fixed means greedy, immoral, idiots (REpublican, Democrat, and all the rest) get what is coming to them for being so irresponsible. Then I say it is closer to fixed now then it has been in recent history. We are in a cycle…there is no fixing. There is only adjusting to reality.
2. Iraq and Afghanistan – Forget Iraq and Afghanistan! We have much bigger problems. Isn’t terrorism the reason we are there? I suppose we could get all our political and military ducks in a row and march them out of these 2 countries, but what will we leave behind? More terrorism…funneled and concentrated into our area of most recent occupation.
3. Terrorism – Terrorism is not a war that will be won politically. It is not a problem that can be fixed by governments. As long as radical Islam hates Jews, Christians and Infidels, it will not matter how much land we give them, or how muchmoney we give them. I am sad to say the only fix for terrorism is for “the real God to step up please!” I think we will see that soon enough.
4. How We are Viewed by Other Countries – Can we kiss some foreign butts? Is that what they need? Is that how America became what it is? Uhm no…I think not. We dragged are feet getting into World War 2 because we did not want war. But we came to the assistance of our allies. Namely Britain, because there were FASCIST EVIL PIGS trying to EXTERMINATE an entire people. Namely the Jews. So…hmm…let’s see…Radical Islam wants to exterminate the Jews. Our options.
1. Kick their asses with brute force until they realize that God is on the side of freedom and love.
2. Go talk with terrorists about rainbows and unicorns and how much we “love” each other in this wonderful humanitarian globe.
Hmmmm…I will choose number 1. Even if that means I die for the cause. Thank you VETERANS for committing to something bigger than yourselves, and bigger than pansy socialist agendas.
5. Nielsen Rating for American Idol – I love American Idol. It’s real life. Who is Nielsen?
Can Barak Obama fix this? HAHAHAHAHAHA….he is the gasoline on the fire of humanity’s last cookout. Thanks Obama…for nothing.
Can McCain fix this…uhm…no…McCain at best can buy a few more years for patriotic Americans to squander what’s left of their over inflated assets.
Then the end will come.
THe end begins with global economy.
Is followed by global government.
And a temporary cessation of war.
But it will not last.
THe depravity of humanity does not know how to exist in peace.
WHo will fix this? God. His name is Jesus Christ.