I applaud you for being engaged enough to attempt a point-by-point refutation of the points I made. However, your “You say Po-TAY-toe, I say Po-TAH-toe” style of argument doesn’t always the address the points I make, nonetheless I will attempt to address the points you raise in order to make this exchange worthwhile for you.
“You see conservatives living in a bubble of faith. I see liberals living in a victimized world.” The “bubble of faith” I am referring to here is the speculative bubble in mortgages and derivative securities that is collapsing now. This bubble was created by the conservative faith in free market fundamentalism, in the false belief that unregulated markets correct themselves.
What I offered was a systemic analysis of the current economic situation, and your response to it was to bring up the putative injustice and hypocrisy of “liberals” censuring Don Imus for calling some black women nappy headed hos, while letting gangsta rappers get off scott free for language you consider even worse—a complete non sequitur. You bring up the subject of victimization as if this were a phony issue foisted off on the world by liberals. If I may be so bold as to deconstruct the logic of this argument (I’ve heard it before), claiming victimhood is an illicit thing to do because it basically asks the rest of society for recompense for succumbing to things that could have been avoided if one had only exercised “personal responsibility.” The working premise of this argument is that there are no real victims in the world, only morally flawed people who bring the situation on themselves, and who deserve what they get.
Well, how does that square with the sub-prime lending crisis and the Wall Street meltdown? The first impulse was to blame the borrowers under the theory that they had fraudulently obtained credit, but that’s not what happened. Most of the people who signed up believed (because they were told) that ever-rising real estate prices would increase the equity in their homes, and this would cover any weakness in their credit. Borrowers had no reason to disbelieve them, since real estate prices had done nothing but go up for the previous 60 years.
In actuality, it was the lenders engaged in predatory practices, doing things like neglecting to tell borrowers that if they made only the minimum payment, they would trigger the maximum payment, which would suddenly come due somewhere down the line. Lenders quietly baited these traps, and then aggressively foreclosed when they sprung. Nobody could foresee that all these foreclosures would depress the entire real estate market, sending a lot more people into foreclosure. The meltdown in mortgage-backed securities occurred due to the unregulated trading in derivatives, which would have been illegal for most of the 20th Century. The rich got vastly richer while the rest of us got stuck got stuck with a whopping $850 billion bill, we are all victims in this now.
“You see conservatives as people that denounce critical thinking as liberal or unpatriotic. I see liberals as people who carp on issues which destroy and get nothing done.” You haven’t really made a case here. What issues might those be?
“Liberals hate more truly than anyone they accuse. I’ve believed that racism would die a natural death of old age if liberals didn’t resuscitate it hourly.” Another accusation that is too vague to answer. I’m dying to know by what contortion of logic you are able to blame liberals for racism.
“You note that because of our current financial crisis that capitalism has been discredited.” No, I hold that conservatism aka market fundamentalism is discredited.
“I see liberals as socialists. I see socialism as disproven since the fall of 1989.” I take it that 1989 refers to the fall of Berlin Wall, in which case its pretty clear that you confuse socialism and liberalism with communism. In fact, these are quite separate things. Naturally, if you equate socialism with communism you probably don’t know what socialism actually is, or the extent to which we already have it in this country. Social security and Medicare, the two most popular and effective governmental programs, are socialist. So is public education. We now have state ownership in the major banks; that’s socialism. And we also have welfare for corporations; that’s socialism too.
“I see a socialist government causing communities to retreat, civil society to disintegrate and the ability to control our own destiny in atrophy.” I’m sure the Swedes, Austrians, Germans, French and Canadians would beg to differ with you.
“I see liberals allowing increased immorality in America. I see Bill Clinton cheating on his wife in the oval office and then lying about it to America on national television. I see immorality breeding through the increasingly tolerant.” Are you serious? You mean you’re still stuck on a blowjob that happened 15 years ago? And somehow George W. Bush lying to the American people on TV about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, to get us into a war that caused nearly a million deaths doesn’t merit a mention? As for tolerance breeding “immorality,” that wouldn’t happen to be our tolerance of kidnapping, torture and holding people without charges in places like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, would it? You don’t mean to tell me that lying about a blowjob 15 years ago is more immoral and has a worse impact on the country than torture happening now, do you? If so, then I would call this a conservative disconnect from reality.
“I see liberal logic to be somewhat of an oxymoron.” Well, dude, if yours is indication of conservative logic, then you’re no one to talk.
“For example the typical liberal will say if we had fewer guns, there would be fewer crimes.” That is a factual question, not a logical one.
“Liberal logic says that competition is bad, therefore we should stop pushing employees to be better and more productive, after all businesses are pushing competition when they ask more of their employees.” Neither liberals nor logic say any such thing.
“Liberal logic says negative competition hurts our self esteem. Why would our businesses want to harm their employees self esteem. Perhaps we should just eliminate the words accountability, responsibility, and consequences from the human vernacular as these are all unfair practices.” Again liberals don’t say or believe these things, and I can’t think of anyone who does.
“Your argument does little to engage people in a give and take style discussion which can generate meaningful answers.”
I think this exchange proves otherwise.
“Perhaps the blatant criticism and cynical nature of your argument will only drive people further away from what is truly desired, a government that is capable of stabilizing its citizens rather than taking full reign.” No, I think you have it exactly backward. The function of the government is not to “stabilize” its citizens, it is up to the citizens to engage in dialogue and come to a consensus that will stabilize the government. In a democracy it is the citizens that run the government.
I think the conversation improves when you engage the actual argument at hand, rather than speaking to some wierd stereotype you have about what “liberals” think or believe.
The sun’s coming up, so that’s all for now.