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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Anyone heard from "Jack Adams"?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) October 28th, 2008

What’s the old codger up to?

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77 Answers

aanuszek1's avatar

From the Desk of JackAdams (sent to me in an e-mail):

Mr. Finkel,

I’m somewhat disappointed with your knee-jerk reaction/decision to attempt to ban me from Fluther, and I refuse to accept it.

As I have previously (and publicly) stated, I intend to remain a participating member of The Collective, until November 1, 2008.

As information, I own five fully functioning computers, each with their own individual IP address, and I have no less than 16 different e-mail addresses, from 16 different websites.

Many months before signing on to Fluther as “JackAdams,” I signed on with at least two other accounts, neither of which uses this e-mail address, nor the computer I am currently using.

So, as I said, I will continue to be an active participant in Fluther (on those other accounts) until November 1, 2008, as per my original plans, and I will do so, with impunity.

You may have banned the fictional “JackAdams,” but you have not banned me, and it is impossible for you to do so, without deleting the entire website.

But, if you think you might be able to find my other two accounts, you are certainly encouraged to do so.

Kindest personal regards,

“Jack Adams”
—- On Mon, 10/13/08, Ben Finkel <XXXXX> wrote:

From: Ben Finkel <XXXXXXXX>
Subject: Your Fluther Account
Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 11:01 PM


The moderation team has reached a unanimous decision to ban you.
It’s a little ironic since you were planning on leaving anyway, but if
all you’re going to use your remaining time for is to kick up more of
a fuss and to spam users with removed content, we’re not inclined to
let it go simply because you’re already on your way out.
We understand that you didn’t find what you were looking for in
Fluther, and that’s a shame. But the Internet is a big place, and
you’ll find a community right for you somewhere.
If you want us to send your contact details to anyone in particular,
we’re happy to do that.
You can no longer login to your Fluther account, or create a new
account, effective immediately. Sorry it didn’t work out.


The Fluther Team

lapilofu's avatar


Also, if they can’t find his other two Fluther accounts, it seems pretty clear that those accounts are behaving themselves and don’t require banning, eh?

peedub's avatar

What did the guy do? I’m out of the Lupo.

aanuszek1's avatar


I do believe he got into a fight with a mod, although I’m not going to say who, and was questioning their ability and reasoning to remove posts on multiple occasions. Again, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure.

andrew's avatar

[admin says]: Removed emails for spam and privacy purposes.

aanuszek1's avatar

Sorry [blushes]. I forgot to do that before I posted it.

El_Cadejo's avatar


Im going to go make a big fuss about how im leaving a website one a certain date, but if i get banned before then ill use my two other accounts i created from different computers on different IPs to participate on that same site until the date I want to leave.

Seriously?!? get a life. The fact that he made two other accounts from different computers and IPs just says that he knew he was going to cause a lot of trouble on “JackAdams” and could possible get banned.

poofandmook's avatar

If I ever get that crazy, please, commit me.

scamp's avatar

@aanuszek1 are you a close persopnal friend of Jack’s? Or is this one of the alter egos referred to above? I agree with uber and poof. Either stay, face the music and follow the rules, or go away retaining some dignity. This is just pitifull and childish.

robmandu's avatar

Nope. Haven’t. Don’t want to.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@aanuszek1, actually, what he did (among other things) was repeatedly send (what I consider offensive) private messages other users with content from his posts that had previously been removed by moderators. And when I say “other users”, I personally am one of those users, so I can talk about this issue with confidence that I know the facts.

augustlan's avatar

He also sent some pretty nasty messages to people that openly disagreed with him.

PupnTaco's avatar

I’m schizophrenic.

And so am I.

No, I’m schizophrenic.

No – I’m Spartacus!

charliecompany34's avatar

godspeed jack adams.

aanuszek1's avatar


No, not an alter ego. I met Jack when he announced his departure and was added to his “mailing list”, to which he has kept me up to date with the whole fluther situation.

El_Cadejo's avatar

sent me stupid messages to to complain about the moderaTURDS wahhhhhhhhhhhhh im gonna cry some more now because i dont know how to follow simple rules

trumi's avatar

I haven’t been on as much since he started, but I always just kind of dealt with him being… well, not my favorite Flutherer. Not really sad, but why did he decide to leave?

ciripet's avatar

his wife made him do it

La_chica_gomela's avatar

ciripet, huh?

scamp's avatar

@aanuszek1 so you only met him on his way out and now you are his spokesperson? I just want to make sure I have my details straight.

aanuszek1's avatar

1. Yes; I met him on his way out.
2. I am not in any way his “spokesperson”. I am merely answering the question with the information I know.

deaddolly's avatar

i keep in touch with him. I miss him, I miss his clever answers and the fact he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. I’d rather talk to him than some others on here…
And he’s doing fine by the way….

poofandmook's avatar

well, dd, I guess you were one of the lucky ones who didn’t get harassing, nasty private messages just for disagreeing with and/or standing up to him.

he can go sell crazy someplace else… we’re all stocked up here.

Kay's avatar

“he can go sell crazy someplace else… we’re all stocked up here.”

Agreed…and this is my new favorite phrase!

deaddolly's avatar

nope, he was always polite to me. even when we disagreed.

scamp's avatar

There were times I was a bit annoyed by him and times he made me laugh really hard. I don’t wish him any ill will. It just really annoys me when people whine because they don’t like the rules/guidelines set up here, and go public with their rants. As I said before, I think it’s very childish and undignified.

breedmitch's avatar

I couldn’t care less that he’s still around under aliases. Just as long as they don’t act like JackA.. did. And if they do, we’ll ban them too.

MacBean's avatar

You must be just about the only one, dd.

chyna's avatar

No, she isn’t MacBean, he was always polite to me also.

gailcalled's avatar

He sent me some truly libelous and ugly private messages and then compounded it by sending messages to a fluther friend of mine where he (JA) alleged I either wrote or doctored info about him. He seemed really beyond any logical dialogue.

He is still sucking up more than his share of air and attention in this simple question.

susanc's avatar

I never thought he was amusing. But he wasn’t mean. (To me.) This interested me, because I criticized his behavior in public and in private.

augustlan's avatar

He was actually never mean to me, either…but I am aware that he was down right hateful to some others. I think maybe he was the type of person who often read the tone of a response wrong, jumped to conclusions, and stuck to them – even when they were incorrect. I also got the sense that he was a lonely man, looking for some attention.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey! Look over here now! Pay attention to me! Yoo hoo!

deaddolly's avatar

Well, ppl can’t seem to forget him for whatever reason.

His name keeps getting brought up again and again. If he’s so ‘hated’, I wonder why that is?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@deaddolly its usually brought up by people who didnt have a problem with him, and then it reminds all of us who did how much of an ass he was, resulting in threads like this.

poofandmook's avatar

People hated Hitler, and you still hear his name.

And then there’s Sarah Palin…

deaddolly's avatar

lol…I don’t consdier Jack to be in the same category as Hitler or Pallin. This is just a freaking internet site…

lapilofu's avatar

Godwin’s law strikes again!

poofandmook's avatar

@dd: Nor do I. Except I’m explaining why he’s still mentioned. He’s the one people love to hate.

robmandu's avatar

Kinda surprised Zack hasn’t been mentioned yet (no, not that one). But then, I don’t think he had any friends at all.

gailcalled's avatar

I think JA needed an abnormal amount of attention, and to get it, he resorted to many tricks, including horrible and boring and predictable puns, grandiose and unbelievable description of putative events in his life, chest-puffing about sexual prowess, the need to get the last word and an enormous and energy-.draining back-story when he PMied both mods, owners, and dozens of us little people.

I watched and occasionally responded with fascination and disbelief. I do wish him well and perhaps a more even view of the world.

My worse experience on the internet was with him.

gailcalled's avatar

PS. Remember that Jack alleged that he was 58 and yet he PMd aanuseek (who purports to be 14, if you believe him.He seems very literate and cogent for a 14 yr old, but,hey….)

@lapilofu; What’s Godwin’s law?

deaddolly's avatar

We can be whoever we want to be on the internet. This whole post makes me think ppl take thing’s way to seriously. If someone annoy’s me, I simply click off if I don’t feel like arguing.

robmandu's avatar

@dd, you seem to be missing the point that JA would follow folks around and post incredibly mean and nasty things for them to see, or worse about them. That’s hard to ignore.

robmandu's avatar

@gail, et al. Note that aanuszek1’s profile shows “JackAdams” as a field of expertise… as well as that he’s a “Fluther moderator” (yes, I saw the “just kidding” next to it.)

Huge fan of someone he never physically met? Or alter ego?

Based on prior experience, I think I know where I’d bet my money.

lapilofu's avatar

From Wikipedia:

‘Godwin’s Law (also known as Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:

’“As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” [...] Although in one of its early forms Godwin’s Law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions, the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.’

gailcalled's avatar

Thanks. Spooky, but thanks anyway. Soon, scientists will be applying the laws of Fractiles to the Net as well.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@lapilofu LOL for mentioning Godwins law

deaddolly's avatar

@Robmandu I can only speak from my experience and some other ppl who still remain friends with him.

gailcalled's avatar

@Dead; Enjoy it while you can.

scamp's avatar

@robmandu I asked aanuszek1 about the alter ego thing earlier in the thread because I saw the same thing you did in his profile. You can see his response there. I had the same questions you just posed.

If you do the six dregrees of Kevin Bacon thing in his fluther, it looks pretty interesting.

shadling21's avatar

I have indeed heard from JackAdams. And I miss him here. Like dd, I consider him a friend.

El_Cadejo's avatar

evidently im JackAdams <face palm>

breedmitch's avatar

I’ve just found out that I am also perhaps JackAdams.
I am Spartacus

El_Cadejo's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

Okay. It’s finally time to come clean. I’m JackAdams.
and so’s my wife.

AstroChuck's avatar

November 2, 2008. 1:11PM PST

shadling21's avatar

I do wonder who it is, but I’m not going to spend too much time theorizing.

FBI's avatar

has anyone here considered that he is lying about the extra accounts? don’t you think he would have been caught by now?

trumi's avatar

@FBI: No, I think he was just threatening. I mean, if the man was rejected by the community and still has the need to cling around, that’s just pathetic. Like, worse than me when I asked my girlfriend out, pathetic. With a capital “PATHOS”.

He probably keeps them just to check up every now and then, and will hopefully learn to stay away.

And I really hope he doesn’t think people care enough for to scrutinize each and every one of our answers, looking for some sign of his infiltration. Because nobody has that kind of time.

Except maybe the FBI…

Looks like someone joined months ago and comes back mysteriously, talking like he has been here all along… Hmmm….

:D lol.

shadling21's avatar

FBI, you should investigate. Just so we could say that JA is being investigated by the FBI.

gailcalled's avatar

I also wonder who Mr. Finkel is. In our family he was my grandfather, who died in 1960 or thereabouts. My father was also Mr. Finkel, and he died in 1980.

breedmitch's avatar

I think I figured it out.

One of our very own moderators.
the call’s coming from inside the house

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Gail, I thought that that was a message to Ben. Is he not a “Mr. Finkel”? What am I missing here?

trumi's avatar

Just that Ben is “Ben” to her, not “Mr. Finkle”.

I generally refuse to be called by my last name – stupid patriarchy. Only except it when it’s absolutely formal.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

oh, i get it. since ben is her nephew, he’s just ben. yeah, i would never call my little cousins, ‘mr. nelson’ that would be really weird.

shadling21's avatar

Hey look! More Finkels!

(Is the first one actually a relative, Gail?)

Let’s draw a family tree…

shilolo's avatar

<shakes fist at breedmitch>

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Shadling, finkelitis is Ben’s younger brother.

gailcalled's avatar

We are Finkels.

gailcalled's avatar

La Chica-: Finkelitis is Ben’s older brother. Ben is the baby (and what a cute little guy he was. So was Finkelitis. So they all were.)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

thanks gail, my b.

breedmitch's avatar

@gail: I was in Manhattan Beach today and saw a sign with the name Leonard Finkle. Any relation?

intro24's avatar

Just FYI: I can absolutely garentee everyone that aanuszek1 is not JackAdams but just friends from talking in posts. Niether am I. Nobody is. He’s left by now.

Didn’t love him. Didn’t hate. But I miss him. With his time stamping and all the discussions he’s started. He was apparently inapropriate but I feel he was a part of Fluther, for better or for worse, that we’ll never get back.

Goodbye And Good Luck JackAdams.

gailcalled's avatar

@Breed; It would have to be Finkel with an “el”.. But, interestingly, my father was Leonard Finkel and my grandfather, Benjamin Finkel.

breedmitch's avatar

My mistake. It was el. Leonard Finkel. He was listed as some sort of official in the Manhattan Beach Temple Somethingorother. Are there relatives left in Manhattan Beach (Coney Island area)??

gailcalled's avatar

I’ll PM you, Brian.

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