Don't you think that it would be a good idea if the Answers to Questions were dated?
For all I know, I might be posting my Answer to a Question that hasn’t had a response for AGES, and might be wasting my time responding to something that isn’t even being looked-at anymore! I think that all Answers should be dated, so you know whether or not you are in a discussion that is still current!
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32 Answers
“ood Use” was the last part of my final Topic! Why doesn’t Fluther let you know when you go over the character limit?
I wouldn’t mind it, but the date on the initial question seems sufficient enough for me.
I’d like to have dates on things. That way I know if people are still currently discussing the subject, or if the thread is dead.
What, is this one of JackAdams’ alter egos?
@grey: Here’s what happened…Someone (maybe Jack himself, I’ve forgotten) asked this very question. Many people supported the idea in that thread. Jack took it upon himself to time/date stamp his own posts, but in a sort of obnoxious way, large and at the end of every post – like this:
“It has been 27 years (1981) since I have lived in (or visited) Texas, with the sole exception of changing planes at IAD (Houston) in 1999.”
September 6, 2008, 11:10 AM EDT
Some people felt it was cluttering up the landscape, and some people just teased him about it. He took it all too personally, as he did many other things, stopped doing it, but never stopped mentioning it.
Oh no. Not again.
If Ben and Andrew want such a feature, I’m sure they’ll add it. They are capable of wondrous things.
I agree…and if they ever do add it, I hope it’s unobtrusive!
A small time/date to the right of the ‘Flag as’ would be wonderful.
I would REALLY like to see a time/date stamp when someone replies to the discussion boards or questions on here. No one can know how long ago the last time someone said anything…
Right next to the ‘flag’ as would be great!
@breedmitch: I’m relatively new, so I didn’t have any idea that this Question had been asked before!
It’s not MY fault if somebody made a “big deal” over this idea in the past; I think that it’s a good idea and should be implemented!
If I were Ben and Andrew, I would DEFINITELY add such a feature to the Discussion Boards ASAP (unobtrusively to the right of “Flag as…” would be fine). Without such a feature, it seem ridiculous to post to something if you you haven’t the slightest idea when the last comment was made.
The “Q & A website whose name shall not be spoken, except to say that it starts with an ‘A’” has such a feature—which is very useful when some old Questions resurface and regenerate discussion!
It seems like I might have heard from a different question a while back or in chat that ‘they were suppose to be working on it’ but I can’t recall who said it for sure, regarding putting a time/date stamp on.
Maybe a moderator will help us out and pop in and confirm/deny this…
“Moderator”? Being on that other site has made me forget the word!
@MarshallO, I know the feeling really well myself, lol…
[mod says:] yes a clean, unobtrusive way of putting time stamps is on the “To do” list for ben and andrew. There are of course, countless other features they are working on also, so please be patient. Also, I would like to remind the newer people that you can respond to a thread regardless of how old it is, because people will still be notified of the new response. Often, old threads start back up in this manner. Happy Fluthering!
@Pnl, Thanks for helping us out! Hopefully it won’t be too too long before it is implemented though… :)
@ augustinian. Thank you for your time in explaining that. I appreciate knowing that bit of history. And I, too, am all for the “unobtrusive” way to display it.
Excellent idea, Marshall. I’ve thought the same thing. I’ve not posted on any questions here because I didn’t know how recent the comments were.
@jca: All over again?
I see you like Kliban.
marshall: i do like kliban.
I would also like to see date stamps, and possibly time stamps. For all I know I’m responding to this thread, and it hasn’t been discussed in three months . . .
@Gundark I think it is an old question, but I am still in agreement and still waiting to see the time/date stamps on db’s…
Where are they?
@lollipop—I thought it might be. I think that sort of underlines the point Marshall was trying to make.
@Gundark I feel the same way and that is one reason I don’t care for fluther, you have no way of knowing when someone has even commented on this site.
@Gundark Yes exactly! As this is basically a forum, you want to see when the “thread” (question) was last discussed.
So hover your mouse to the left of “Flag as…” and you’ll see the permalink timestamp appear.
@breedmitch On my screen it’s to the right of ‘Flag as’...
@breedmitch thanks for the info. That’s very helpful.
But unfortunately it’s not very obvious, and it’s relatively difficult to use, and thus not very user friendly. I’d like to see the time/date actually posted. There’s plenty of room on the screens; they are fairly sparse.
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