General Question

nikipedia's avatar

Why do many men go stupid for like 5% of their life. Why do women put up with it?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) October 29th, 2008

No offense! Innocent question!

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36 Answers

battlemarz's avatar

Men go stupid because we can’t stand the women. Women put up with it because deep down inside they know they were the cause.

lapilofu's avatar

I mean, sure, the sex is great, but is it worth all the stupid?

EmpressPixie's avatar

This question is retaliatory. And not in any better taste than the original. And therefore deserving of a similar answer.

You see, many, many years ago there was a woman who was trying to make a clean, efficient life for herself. In this, she chose to spend a number of years following each emotion so that her hard working, efficiency could happen all at once. During the three years she spent being devious, she chose to infiltrate the Brotherhood of Man. In doing so, she stole a glass of mead from the fountain of intelligence. She did not know that in doing so, she was stealing the intelligence permanently from the factory that makes men! She crept away with her ill gotten gains and went on with her life, but from then on each man had to donate 5% of his intelligence to help regrow the pool of mead and ensure everlasting existence for the fountain of intelligence.

EnzoX24's avatar

Relationships are walls you continuously smash your head into. Do you really need to ask?

nocountry2's avatar

Men and women have fundamental differences when it comes to communication. No matter how much my husband and I love each other, there are some days it just seems like we’re speaking Martian to one another. One of the most frustrating experiences in life, I think, is to not be understood or explain yourself clearly. Just look at how frustrated babies get.

mjoyce's avatar

@empresspixie you are a great storyteller. I am guessing you are a hoot when it comes to whipping up metaphors on the fly!

poofandmook's avatar

I might go hide for the day.

or go hunt down allengreen.

gary4books's avatar

Not stupid, just preoccupied. Watch little boys – each is in his own virtual world. We are like computers with simulation programs that take most of our processing power. Women are in reality. For men it is optional and most opt out after a while. You know Professor Tolkien spent most of his life in the garage writing about a world his wife never saw.

Why do women put up with it? Most don’t. Not when they get older. They go their own ways.

I think it is sad. We have a lot to share. My wife and I do.

nocountry2's avatar

That was awesome, Gary! I think it’s sad too – these days women don’t need men to “provide” for them anymore, and want more emotional companionship, which I think men have just not evolved enough for yet…

syz's avatar

You mean like having an affair even when you’re a public figure in the public eye and bound to get caught? Or what’s with the comb-over thing? Or needing a young trophy wife to prove virility? Or thinking with the little head all of the time? How about not sharing equally with child rearing or housework even though both parties work?

I decided not to put up with it – I live with a woman now

flameboi's avatar

O.k. I must admit we just can’t help it, men actually go stupid on several periods during our lives, described below.
5–7: We are just lost in this world
7–12: We don’t like girls
13–17: We are involved in sports, fights, you know “a guy thing” kind of activities, and we love to take stupid risks, we start to like girls but for some stupid reason, we don’t know how to handle it and we end up cheating or we become a drama queen, even worse, we just don’t know how to express ourselves…
18–22: We are supposed to go to college, and we experience all the things our parents told us not to do, that’s for instance, pretty stupid, we still think we can handle a relationship with 2 or 3 girls at the same time, just to find out that girls are smarter than us (we can’t get away with the perfect crime) and we think we can drink our weight in beer (what are we thinking)
22–25: We find a job and we think having an affair with a co-worker is the best deal ever (we all know that’s stupid, but we have to do it, just to prove the world wrong) and we get a decent car, and we think is a magnet for women (we are right, but we only attract the wrong kind of women, that is not smart at all)
25–30 We try to find the perfect woman to settle down and start a family, we keep saying that our past relationships were a failure when I fact we (yes, we, the guys) were a failure.
30–35: O.k. we have a family and have kids, and we do our best to sell the idea that we are the best to our perfect wife, and we are, good (I though I’d never reach to it!!! for 5 years, we are good!)
36–39: The 7th. year itch :s
40–44: Midlife crisis! We want to trade our 40 y.o. wife for two 20 y.o. college girls, we want to buy a porsche, because we deserve it, we want to lose weight and we all want to look like George Clooney, we want a bike because you always wanted to be a bad guy, we cheat on our wife, we ruin our marriage, and we end up like Kirk Van Houten, sleeping in a sports car
45: Either we want to rebuild our lives, or we finally ruin it…
46–65 We just try to pretend nothing happened, you know, you are a grandpa now…
66-dday: We keep regreting on the things we did, you are retired so you have all the free time in the world to think about it, so you start to send the I’m sorry notes…
So niki, we don’t spent 5% of our lifes being stupid, we spent 100% of our lifes trying not to be stupid, or at least, trying to be as wonderful as women are…

deaddolly's avatar

Geez…everyone knows women are superior to men. That fact, drives them bonkers.
Higher than %5 tho…

shilolo's avatar

Me talk pretty one day…

krose1223's avatar

I think a lot of women want that happily ever after ending. They get with a man already knowing his faults but think they can change him. They stay with him because they want that sappy love story “He came so far just to be with me.” But in reality it will never happen. They also say when you first get with a person you tend to overlook their flaws. You’re so caught up in twitterpation you don’t notice they get a little too aggressive when they’re angry… That twitterpation eventually wears off though and then people see what they weren’t seeing before… they think it was a change when it really wasn’t. So people sit around and try to “get things back the way they used to be” when they were really the same all along.

GAMBIT's avatar

“stupid is as stupid does”

Knotmyday's avatar

@Gary- Tolkien wrote in the garage??? To think I’ve been wasting my time drinking beer there.

You’re right, niki. Left to my own devices, I would do stupid things all the time. Some because they’re fun, some because…I don’t know.

autumn43's avatar

Ron Drescher, former husband of Carol Alt, the supermodel (former), said something like “I don’t want to look at a 50 year old’s naked body” because she will be posing in Playboy. She is 47 – so he’s obviously as smart as they come because he rounded up a woman’s age. And to prove he’s in the higher percentile of stupidness, he’s with a woman who is 40 and he has five children. Should someone call up this woman and let her know that in 10 years she is going to be 50? Not to mention – Ron has seen better days himself…

This guy clearly is over the 5% and I will just make the excuse that he got smashed into the boards too many times during hockey games. Nah. He doesn’t deserve an excuse.

mjoyce's avatar

@krose1223 – I like bambi.

krose1223's avatar

haha I’m so glad you know where I got that from. Most people don’t

mea05key's avatar

Because of the stress put onto them by women

poofandmook's avatar

@shi: I have that book here on my desk at work right now :)

poofandmook's avatar

@krose: Ah, yes, Bambi! Lurve.

tinyfaery's avatar

Male privilege. Take it from someone who has been in long-term relationships with men and women; men are by far more wacko then women.

nocountry2's avatar

(but how do we get them to get that???)

glial's avatar

Read ” Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”...

After reading that book I realized that I must be from Uranus..

susanc's avatar

The Dalai Lama answers questions like this with practical advice. I’m going to
do the same. Here’s a revised answer I wrote to the preceding question.

“The best part of your question (to me) was the part where you ask what to do about it.

He’s not doing this on purpose. He’s bewildered by it and doesn’t know what to do about it. So don’t try to make him deal. He can’t. If he’ll let you get close enough, hold his hand or put an arm around him. If he can’t let you, sit quietly and let him breathe the calm of your presence. Later he’ll tell you he knows what he said was dopey. (But you already know this.)
When he is lost in his stupid phase, say as little as you can. Make it as clear as you can that you’re not judging. And don’t BE judging. You two can talk it through later. If you’re decent and non-argumentative right now, it’ll make it much more possible for him to reflect.”

Damn I’m good.

gary4books's avatar

Tolkien wrote, but he spent a lot of time playing solitaire. I can relate to his work habits. I am trying to get started on a Vietnam “book.” I think the lesson is – if only part of your time is productive it will add up sooner or later into something you can use. At least I hope so.

Cardinal's avatar

Stupid question asked by a know-it-all immature young female to many who have been there done that, jknowing there is no clear answer.

houseofknightsandladies's avatar

It’s women who are the problem. Most of the ones who divorce do not marry abusers, alcoholics, neglectful types, poor providers and so on. Marriage is cooking, cleaning, teamwork, mortgages, raising children and daily reality. It has nothing to do with pie-in-the-sky fantasies about so-called “Prince Charming and Cinderella”. You leave the fairytales and Barbie dolls behind in seventh grade and move on.

Some women feel it is an injustice to have to work full-time or part-time but a single mother will work more than that and raise kids on her own. They may marry for financial security and discover they have to work, even though it is any job they want, the hours they want and less than a single woman or single mother, having that windfall of a second income. They get a nice house and discover they have to clean it, do the garden and cook, like everyone else. It doesn’t matter that everyone does this and that men help out these days, it is still an injustice.

It is wrong that they ever had to have kids when they chose to, tubal ligation, adoption, abortion and birth control being available. They think it was forced on them, the ultimate sacrifice, when they don’t have to do it. And they don’t have to do it more than once. It only proves fertility, not mothering. Some women feel they are the ultimate parents because they gave birth, ignoring all that comes after. They may push the father away even if he wants to help, then demand that he help or claim he is neglectful, passive-aggressive style. They do everything when not asked or expected to and get mad at people for not appreciating it when they offer to do it or say it’s okay not to do it and than fall into that spell of melodramatic exaggeration claiming it was forced on them (by who?)

And they want money for clothes and romance all the time and Prince Charming but get what they married. After so many years of ‘neglect’ and ‘injustice’ and ‘being the one who is the martyr/princess/Florence Nightinggale’ they stil think they are the hot mamas on the block and ditch the guy out of ‘boredom’ (possibly using drugs, racking up bills, having affairs and so forth) but claiming in court he is the trouble, the one to blame, they are innocent and demanding what he earned (not just child support but the house, alimony and full custody of the children) and then spend the child support on themselves, can’t handle the mortgage, waste the alimony, complain the guy doesn’t see his kids when they make it difficult for him while taking his money and then expect some schmuck to take care of them and feel they are a blessing when they are in it for themselves, but divas and princesses always think that are the bomb at everyone else’s expense as they must be center of attention in all affairs. They marry out of self-interest. They cannot handle adulthood, responsibility and reality.

Men did not create this, women did. And there are men on the dating scene who refuse to marry, date, sleep with and support these women and they freak, as if he doesn’t have a right to say no. I figure it is my right as a woman to refuse a man who has kids (they aren’t my obligation) even if I want them eventually (my own, one or two, not somebody else’s) but they slam men for making the same choice but they would screw him too for child support and alimony (and not for the kids, which is what child support is for) and he isn’t even the father. According to the courts, if a woman fucks a guy, she deserves to be paid for it. It is a service provided in exchange for cash, along with marriage and relationships. Sounds more like the sex trade to me. I prefer to make my own money and not rely on a man and I can work. I would only expect child support from the father of my kids, and for the kids, not myself.

poofandmook's avatar

Say it with me now… all together! “I’m not bitter, I’m BETTER!”

autumn43's avatar

anyone want pancakes?

tinyfaery's avatar

I agree with a fe points made by @houseofknightsandladies, but women did not create the dynamic. Men are not victims.

Knotmyday's avatar

She(?) almost scared me into celibacy. Almost.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

edit. Not worth it.

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