General Question

jsc3791's avatar

Where do specific gas stations import their oil from?

Asked by jsc3791 (1991points) October 30th, 2008

I have heard rumors on this topic, such as “BP does not import Middle Eastern oil” but I don’t know of a good place to verify this.

Does anyone have any data or expertise on this subject?

Also, I’d love to hear your opinion on purchasing patterns for gas:
– Do you attempt to only buy gas from certain places? Why?
– Is it important to you that gas be imported from non-Middle Eastern locations?

Just wanted to see what the collective thought about this so I can make better choices based on my own personal beliefs on the topic.

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6 Answers

jvgr's avatar

BP doesn’t have a presence in middle east oil production because in 1979, Khomeni seized all of their assets ending their 70 year presence. Their statement is true, but wasn’t a choice they made.

They do have a blotchy history with respect to integrity and environmental issues. Read about it here BP

jessehattabaugh's avatar

I heard that Shell gets it from Venuzela, not sure if that’s still true.

critter1982's avatar

It’s amazing to me that this is even a question. And not from your standpoint. From the standpoint that we have vast amounts of technology in the world yet we can’t seem to find a unique system that will simply count. Why is it so difficult for whomever designs these programs to get it right?

hoosier_banana's avatar

Here are some of the answers you seek. Anybody know which companies scored big in Iraq recently?

Personally, I would not drive one extra mile to fill up. If one of these guys really got on board with renewables I would be compelled to support them. OK I’m going to wade into that report and I’m glad you care ; )

hoosier_banana's avatar

Here’s the condensed version.

laureth's avatar

I went straight to the department of energy when researching this. Here you go.

Basically, it gets all mixed up. Even if your local station doesn’t buy directly from the Middle East, the company it borrowed some oil from might have. And it may have been mixed with other oil at the refinery, the same way ground beef doesn’t all come from one cow.

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