General Question

asmonet's avatar

Who wants to wish all of Fluther a Happy Halloween?

Asked by asmonet (21470points) October 30th, 2008

I do!

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17 Answers

Kittenz's avatar

I DO!! (>^.^)>...<(^.^)>...<(^.^<)

cak's avatar

Happy Halloween, Fluther!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Okay, I’ll do it! HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all the fine folks here at Fluther!!

asmonet's avatar

@bluefreedom: The child under that sheet looks like it’s hips are broken. You should be ashamed of yourself. I’m calling CPS.


shadling21's avatar

PSH. Not me.

(sulks in corner with halloween candy)

2late2be's avatar

Why not?? HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all the Fluther fans! Come to my house! The UPS guy (my 2 year old boy) will give you some candies!

autumn43's avatar

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! May your bags be full of candy, your hearts full of fun, and the goblins leave you when the day is done!

loser's avatar

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen!!!

EmpressPixie's avatar

Happy Halloween!!

wondersteph's avatar

happy halloween, everyone.
may you all receive treats & tricks only if they’re good ones.

tonedef's avatar

I certainly don’t. The pagan displays in this thread are abhorrent. I didn’t know that there were so many heathens in this place.

OCTOBER FOOLS! Happy Hallowe’en!!

jca's avatar

Happy ‘ween!

GAMBIT's avatar

Happy Halloween.

seVen's avatar

Not me, it’s not a Biblical practice so I should not have any part of it.

augustlan's avatar

@seVen: Do you celebrate birthdays? Just curious.

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