General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

Where will you watch election night returns?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) November 1st, 2008

at this feverish election season point, it almost seems like super bowl night! chips and dip at home? beer and pretzels at your favorite bar? right there at “candidate central” for the victory party?

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23 Answers

Les's avatar

Christchurch, New Zealand. In my hotel.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Great question! I JUST put the finishing touches on the facebook event for my party!! I’ll be at hillel with my friends eating pizza and hoping for the best! It’s going to be awesome! I’m really excited! waaaayyyyy more than some football game

Snoopy's avatar

@Les In your hotel?! All this time I thought you were on a block of ice out in the middle of nowhere.

At home, primetime, flipping between ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have to work at the library. I am watching it at the circulation desk with my bosses.

Les's avatar

@Snoopy: I leave the ice tomorrow. I’ll be back where there is a night time and grass and trees tomorrow night/early Tuesday morning. :,-(

deepseas72's avatar

At my mom’s house. We got rid of tv, so we run over there when there’s something needing to be watched.

galileogirl's avatar

Our neighborhood theater (the Balboa for San Franciscans) is throwing a party. The movie is going yo be Happy Go Lucky It’s free if you bring proof you voted

azul's avatar

Possibly at the cafĂ© in my college’s library. I hope they’re planning to show it there.

arnbev959's avatar

I’m going to a friend’s house for a super-bowl like party.

sndfreQ's avatar

I’m crewing with a news team for our local cable access channel…my students are producing an election night special for our student produced news program.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ll be watching from a security control room on an Air National Guard base in Phoenix, Arizona. (I’ll be at work, specifically)

augustlan's avatar

Probably right here at home. Too many of those closest to us are not hoping for the same outcome as we are, so it’s probably a bad idea to mingle on that night!

wundayatta's avatar

At home. It’s a school night, and the kids will be up early, as always. It would be fun, though, to watch with other friends.

I’m sure there will be a billion questions about the results on Fluther. So maybe we can talk about our responses as they happen.

figbash's avatar

I big group of us are headed to a friend’s house for channel surfing and coverage-watching (Stewart/Colbert are definitely on the list!) and with campaign-themed food.

Depending on the outcome, we’ll also have champagne, sparklers, riot gear and Valium too.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

figbash, what is “campaign-themed food”—6 packs with “Joe” written on them?

Bri_L's avatar

at home.

BarbieM's avatar

I have a cooking class until 8:30 so I’ll just be listening to the radio, but then after that, I’ll watch at home, probably until the wee hours for me since I’m in the Eastern time zone.

galileogirl's avatar

Barbie: Here on the West Coast, I’m hoping they can call it by 8:30 so you can get a good night’s sleep.

Mizuki's avatar

I’ll watch from somewhere no one will see me freak out when the election is stollen.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Grant Park, Chicago. Tickets confirmed today. I’m so excited.

Bri_L's avatar

Awesome for you Empress!!!

cwilbur's avatar

I’m ignoring it completely until Wednesday morning. It won’t change the result one whit, and I was tired of the election folderol back in August.

Bri_L's avatar

I think it is about f’ing time this country behaved like this.

To many people piss and moan for 3.95 years about it all, show up and make an uneducated pull at a lever the do it all over again.

All over the word people are literally risking their lives for the RIGHT to vote in elections that may end up being rigged or where the results are over thrown any way.

It is our country. It is time we all put in our own order and stop letting the few tell the waitress what we want.

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