Meta Question

tinyfaery's avatar

How much does it annoy you when flutherers go off topic in your thread?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) November 1st, 2008

And by “your thread” I mean the question you asked…This has been happening to me a lot lately. Sometimes I mention it, other times I don’t, but either way, it bothers me. One or two off-sides are okay, but when half of the thread does not pertain even one iota to the question, it irks me. Does it get to you? Should I just bring it up and ask it to stop?

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26 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Well, in my opinion, “Silver Threads and Golden Needles” was one of Linda Ronstadt’s best songs. As a matter of fact, her albums of the ‘70’s are still my faves!

That said, “Willin’” is probably my favorite of all time. Written by Lowell George of Little Feat, of course.

Opppsss….did I deviate? I am so sorry…

watchman220's avatar

Palin for President!

uhm…ya…it bugs me kinda…unless it is interesting to respond to the tangential direction of the off course thread. Then I do not care.

I just want to control everyone!!! Stay on my topic please!

fireside's avatar

Expectation is closely aligned with attachment. When we “expect” that things will go a certain way, we become “attached” to that knowing. Then, we may be completely blind to new opportunities or ways that something can come about.

If I am able to remain unattached to results, I am happy. It is when I am so attached to a certain outcome that I suffer.

cycle of attachment and expectation

what was the question?

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Petethepothead has pondering this q for a long time. Did he fall asleep or head to 7–11 for munchies?

arnbev959's avatar

No, Sueanne. I’m crafting a thoughtful response :P

arnbev959's avatar

It is annoying.

Opinion questions and open ended questions are open for discussion, and discussion is allowed to wander some. If I ask a question like this I’m usually glad if the discussion goes on for a while, even if it does go off topic. Nothing is worse for me than if I ask a question and only one or two people bother to answer.

But technical questions really shouldn’t go off topic all that much. If I ask a straightforward question, like Why does seltzer taste like seltzer even when it goes flat?, I’m looking for a clean, clear answer (like Harp’s answer in that question.) On-topic discussion is great. Even off-topic discussion that had a linear sequence, where it’s clear how the discussion ended up where it is, is fine.

But totally off topic stuff does bother me (when it’s my own question, at least.)

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@P-the P head— Clear. concise. Brilliant.

marinelife's avatar

I do not think of myself as owning my questions. Once the question is out there, it belongs to the collective.

If I am unhappy about answers going off-topic, I flag ‘em.

asmonet's avatar

Was that a hint perhaps?

It doesn’t bother me one bit when it happens, on my questions or elsewhere. I just am not that invested, plus I have no say in what others do and I actually think it’s a product of being pretty controlling if you do find it annoying. Usually, I like to read the conversation, whichever way it goes, even if two or more people go off topic, there are plenty of others still on it. Relax. :)

judochop's avatar

I know what you mean. I often find it so hard to just ignore the off topic answers and just scroll down. When I’m on my phone like now it issuper duper annoying. It’s like here I am trying to be super serious and you got step all up in here and try and ruin my game. The Internet is for serious business.

azul's avatar

I like when interaction on the internet resembles the fluid conversation of in-person interaction. So as long as the question gets answered, people going off-topic doesn’t bother me.

jlm11f's avatar

Depends on the Q. If I am asking a serious, technical Q then I want answers dammit ! But most of my Qs tend to be more of the “let’s discuss” and “what do you think” format. So I don’t mind things going off topic there. Remember, if people go too off topic, you should a) Flag it and b) write in the thread and politely ask people to stay on topic because you would like more answers/discussion on it. When you flag it, and it has gone considerably off topic, a moderator usually butts in and tells people to stop with the chattering. But often, people take it better if the actual Questioner asks people to stay on topic. As long as you don’t say it like “WTF if you don’t want to answer my Q, you need to LEAVE my thread and open your own”.

augustlan's avatar

So far, it hasn’t bothered me. That said, most (maybe all) of the times it has happened to me have been in open-ended Qs designed to promote a discussion, and have been a natural outcropping of that discussion. When I’ve asked Qs that require specific answers, I’ve usually gotten them. I actually find it quite funny when a thread devolves into a joke/laugh fest, as long as the asker wasn’t asking a really serious Q.

SuperMouse's avatar

As long as a question I ask doesn’t degenerate into a snipe fest or back biting session or go wildly off topic (like a discussion of how to flip the picture on my monitor turning into a debate over what kind of president Paris Hilton might really be), I kind of like to see where a discussion might lead.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

It’s annoying as hell, but hey who am i to judge, i’m the OT guy around here. if I was to complain that would make me a hypocrite.

EmpressPixie's avatar

It doesn’t, actually.

trumi's avatar

I knew this would be a good discussion once I read the title :D

I prefer Chunky. Give the sandwich a little Pop, you know?

breedmitch's avatar

@trumi: Yeah, but smooth is way better for recipes. It makes me feel like I have to have both in the pantry. And I only buy the all natural stuff that has to be refrigerated.

trumi's avatar

@mitch; I agree, smooth is better for baking. But I hate it cold, its too hard to spread.

What is your opinion on Jelly?

breedmitch's avatar

@trumi: I like music.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I think im in the same boat as petethepothead if im asking a direct question id like some direct answers, otherwise whatevers clever, ill derail my own questions from time to time.

watchman220's avatar

I like chicken.

beatthelastboss's avatar

So, anyway, who here likes pineapples? :D

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