General Question

fireside's avatar

How could dalepetrie cost Barack Obama the election?

Asked by fireside (12368points) November 2nd, 2008

I just saw this video and am shocked. I thought that Dale was a big supporter of Obama’s, but I guess not.

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35 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

HHAAAAHHHAAAHHHAAAAAA!!!!! Lurve to you fireside!

Bluefreedom's avatar

That was pretty damn funny. LOL

jrpowell's avatar

WTF? That is funny.

Snoopy's avatar


Where is Dale?! Has he gone underground?!????

shadling21's avatar

Tsk, tsk, Dale. You’re letting everyone down. ~

janbb's avatar

Say it ain’t so, Dale!!

augustlan's avatar

Ha! Sent it on to others : )

SoapChef's avatar

That is perfect. Thanks for the laugh, fireside!

Mtl_zack's avatar

my us history teacher’s best friend created this video. he proved it by calling him up and putting him on speaker phone before class started.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

Whoa, you mean the Dale from fluther…….X_X(while choking in chinese food and luaghing)

gary4books's avatar

Most of what passes for “humor” is just one sided ranting. But this is so well done, I had to laugh. No answer. Just admiration at a very professional job.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Wow that was made of Win.

dalepetrie's avatar

Tis all part of my E-VIL plan! Bwoohahahahahaahaaahaaaha!

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

hey, hey, hey! don’t steal my job, I’m the evil one, and I’ll vote Obama!!! hahahahahaha.

chicadelplaya's avatar

That was a good one! FUNNY!

jcs007's avatar

WHY DALE????? WHYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?

eambos's avatar

Thank you, Dale.

dalepetrie's avatar

Well, I have to fess up. The REAL reason is, I don’t want the competition…

fireside's avatar

dalepetrie vs. sarah palin 2012

EmpressPixie's avatar

My neighbor sent me that—I was able to quickly write back “nice try, I voted 2 weeks ago!!”

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Dale: So, it’s not for president but have you heard about Sean Tevis in Kansas? He basically did what that video describes (well, he’s still doing it—here’s hoping!). He’s running for state representative and here is how he got the money to do it:

augustlan's avatar

@EP: Good deal…I hope he wins : )

trumi's avatar

@EP: That is hilarious! Hope he wins.

poofandmook's avatar

I had three people send me that video, saying it was me. LOL

cyndyh's avatar

You just have to love the Marcianne Walsh bit. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I saw that bit. I’d still be cleaning the monitor.

TaoSan's avatar

omfg I gotta change underwear LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

dalepetrie's avatar

Hey, I got my red I voted sticker on, so do I get credit when he wins?

fireside's avatar

We’ll have to wait and see if that red voter sticker stands up to a legal challenge.
There have been widespread reports about voter sticker fraud.

dalepetrie's avatar

I know it’s shameful, and all for free coffee and doughnuts.

And then there’s the whole ACORN thing. I thought the issue of cartoon characters being registered to vote was overblown, until I saw Homer Simpson trying to vote.

dalepetrie's avatar

”...maybe in Ohio, but not AMERICA?!?”

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Hahahhahahhhaa amazing dale!

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