@AstroChuck: Yes. Who passed the law to get pretty much everyone in the nation a loan, so that they could get in a house? Clinton, and the congress that was governing with him. Who failed to pay back these loans, as pretty much any intelligent person would have guess, the minorities, that were living off the government pretty much in the first place. Now guess what, once again, the government is having to fix things.
Don’t you understand? The Liberal way of government is ridiculous. Give, give, give, and trust the people to do the best with what they’re given. Well, as long as you keep giving, they’re going to keep taking and never learn any better. Then you’ve got to fix everything, so you can continue to give.
Government needs to regulate what’s already there, not give and give and give.
@EmpressPixie: Eh’, what? It wasn’t racist. Why is it when someone mention the word minority, racism comes into play. We are a country of equal rights, right? Then get over what has happened in the past! It’s done, finished, we need to focus on what’s happening now. I honestly hope Obama makes it into presidency, and lives through his first term, just to show that there is some hope for this country, and that there can be tolerance. If he makes it though, I honestly fear for the man’s life. On the other side though, I’m afraid for what will happen to this country if he does make it. Number one, the man is a puppet, and nothing more really, and the men in control of the strings, are good at just that, pulling strings and pressing buttons. Number two, if he were to be assassinated, this country will be on the brink of civil war/mass chaos.
I’m not racist, at least I try not to be, but the definition of racism is so…blurred, anymore, that I’m not sure what it means to be racist anymore.
I like how you guise took the line, ‘Just so you know’, and ran with it. ;)