General Question

kruger_d's avatar

What societal problem has the most impact on teenagers?

Asked by kruger_d (6663points) November 3rd, 2008

I am wondering as teacher, and especially interested in hearing from current parents or teens.

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13 Answers

Mizuki's avatar

TV advertising

marinelife's avatar

A new study out today said that there is a clear correlation between increased sexualization of television content and increased teen pregnancy.

gimmedat's avatar

Their parents’ parenting.

trumi's avatar

“Education Reform”, which basically means more testing, less arts, more standards, less teachers, more rules, and less learning.

I had a longer answer but got sick of hearing myself talk :D

Nimis's avatar

Other teenagers?

Seriously though, I think it’s socio-emotional information overload.
It’s difficult to create enough space in your head to just be.
Too much of everything pulling you every which way.

MacBean's avatar

If anyone’s interested in the study Marina mentioned, here’s the article I read about it.

tinyfaery's avatar

I would say the media in general, and it’s focus on the extremes and the superficial; it
does not so much reflect reality as convince us that what they show us is reality. The brain and psyche of teenagers are not fully formed, and adolescents are less likely to think critically about what they see. (What am I taking about? Neither do a lot of adults I know.)

Zuma's avatar

The complete inadequacy of an educational system that does not teach such vitally important subjects as logic and critical thinking, economics, or an appreciation of statistics and the scientific method. And which teaches other subjects in such a way as do destroy the student’s curiosity.

gimmedat's avatar

It’s too easy to blame the media and the education system. Parents need to recognize what it means to parent, what critically thinking looks like, and what it is to be a productive contributing member of a greater community.

tinyfaery's avatar

@gimme. That can be hard when the parent is also uneducated and lacking in critical thinking skills.

gimmedat's avatar

I totally agree, but education and creating lifelong learners has to start somewhere. This is truly why I became a teacher working with “at-risk” teens (I think all teens are at-risk, but for clarity here I’m talking about teens who have faced problems with drugs, abuse, neglect, poverty, etc…). The root of these teens’ issues is the family structure, or lack thereof. The problems that being in the aforementioned situations is perpetuated by the media and culture mindset that being “hood rich” is more important than family loyalty or personal respect and responsibility. I feel that 80% of my job is teaching social skills, critical thinking, impulse control, and greater societal expectations. Hopefully, I can help build confidence and character among a population of kids who will have the capacity to see value in personal accomplishment.

gimmedat's avatar

That’s also why people should mentor!

jcolby's avatar

Well parenting is the key role in a child’s life. Though you may not have complete control over what the societal media is trying to sell and persuade, as a parent you do have control in teaching your child what is acceptable and what is not. The parents hold the responsibility of protecting the child and educating that child on values and morels. If parents took a stronger role we would see less of an effect on our children when it comes to sexual,drug, alcohol, and behavioral issues.

The troubling concern now is the generational effect we are starting to see as our children have grown up with these problems and then now are having children of their own which instills these societal effects genetically.

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