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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I am not a Lurve whore, but?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) November 3rd, 2008

can someone tell me why my score is not increasing as new lurve is added? Just curious, but I mean, how the hell am I gonna catch gail at this pace?

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26 Answers

scamp's avatar

I just gave you a great question lurve.. I didn’t see it move either. Hmmm, that’s odd.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Ask and you shall receive. The fluther jelly gawds have seen fit to allow me to continue my pursuit of gail…although i don’t understand how I got 13 more lurve…who can complain…?

jrpowell's avatar

You can only get so many points from each user. It still shows up as lurve but it doesn’t add to your score. I think it is something like the first ten GA’s from a user count, everything beyond from that user doesn’t.

The first thousand are easy.

asmonet's avatar

If someone lurve’s you too much they stop adding theirs to your score.

It’s all my fault.

PupnTaco's avatar

I’ll give you lurve even if I am a dirty dog liberal man.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I like that rule! Makes it all seem much more fair.

@asmonet: that is one thing that is not your fault. Things that are your fault: Previously mentioned wet chair; diet coke blown through nose; increased usage in my vocabulary of words and phrases that some consider un-ladylike…I could go on…

asmonet's avatar

Might I suggest…? You know, in case of future diet coke sputters and other emergencies.

PFT. Unladylike my muscular buttock! I don’t know what you could possibly mean. Hmpf.

trumi's avatar

I’ve had the same problem going on. It’s just because of the Lurve limits. But I really can’t believe many people have tapped out on my lurve… I got like 30 GA’s and only 90 points… I dunno….

asmonet's avatar

Yeah, I had a quick run through 1500 or so, now it’s slowed. It makes me sad. I was kind of racing people whose lurve was larger than mine that I admired in some way. It’s like I suddenly hit the “Hilly” setting on the treadmill. Fucking treadmills.

Sueanne, I’m coming after your lurve.

PupnTaco's avatar

Life slows down when you hit 6000, young pups.

asmonet's avatar

Pup, you’re going to make me cry,do you want to make this cry?! Do you?!

cookieman's avatar

I, for one, am a Lurve Whore.

asmonet's avatar

Well, I guess I’m your John, cprevite.

cookieman's avatar

Awesome – but no kissing (it’s too personal).

asmonet's avatar

I make no promises. I lurved for you, work out your issues on someone else’s dime.

cookieman's avatar

You’re right. Just leave the the lurve on the dresser when you leave.

AstroChuck's avatar

By now, my lurve just creeps along. E.g. – I’ve had seven GAs today and my lurve has only gone up the one point for checking in today.

robmandu's avatar

I’d like to see the limit on lurve itself be limited by time.

Feature Request: for example, you’d be allowed to lurve someone 10 times max over 10 days… similar to the limit of 3 questions within 24 hours. Kind of a sliding window allowing lurve to flit in & out.

Mainly because I, for one, simply cannot get enough of asmonet‘s lurve.

asmonet's avatar

@rob: I agree, and well, golly. blushes

PupnTaco's avatar

Me lurve you long time, G.I.

breedmitch's avatar

How about you can Lurve someone 10 times but starting with 11 it is subtracted from your score?

asmonet's avatar

@breed: Noo! What would Nimis, Sueanne, Katawa and I do!?

breedmitch's avatar

Ya’ll will all be fine, as many of us lurve ya often.

Nimis's avatar

If I haven’t maxed out on someone’s lurve yet, I’ll be more discerning about giving it out.
But once I know I’ve maxed out on someone’s lurve, I’m like a dirty old man who’s just gotten a vasectomy. It feels great and I’m shooting blanks anyway…LURVE ORGY ON.

asmonet's avatar

Oh dear god…. I’m trying to resist the lurve, but there ain’t no way.

augustlan's avatar

I’m with Rob…I give a lot of lurve, and have hit my max for many users.

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