General Question

fireside's avatar

Have you voted yet?

Asked by fireside (12368points) November 3rd, 2008

It is midnight on the east coast.
November 4th, 2008

Have you cast your vote?

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26 Answers

Spargett's avatar

Do the poling stations open at midnight?

I have a friend who’s voted already via absentee.

tekn0lust's avatar

yep. Last Wednesday. 60 minutes in line.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Our polls open at 6 a.m. here in Phoenix which coincides exactly at the same time I get off work. Irregardless, I’ll be forsaking sleep to get my vote in and hopefully there won’t be a long line when I get to the polling location.

Curious404's avatar

Yes. I voted Tuesday in Georgia. 2 hr line.

skfinkel's avatar

Yes, absentee. A week and a half ago. What a great feeling! Washington State.

SuperMouse's avatar

I will arrive at the poling place at approximately 7:35 a.m. in the morning, ready and waiting when the polls open at 8:00. I will then cast my vote (in the presence of my three sons) for Barack Obama!

marinelife's avatar

Yes, absentee. Florida.

susanc's avatar

Skfinkel and I are Voting Twins.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Two weeks ago! Obama! Woo!

Likeradar's avatar

Friday (Halloween) in Colorado. There was a decent crowd but no line. I was impressed with how well early voting was organized.

augustlan's avatar

The first day it was allowed, 10/15. No line at all! In and out in 5 minutes : )

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

I voted absentee a couple of weeks ago (Ohio).

jholler's avatar

Yep, but I’ll be back tomorrow endorsing local candidates with my union brothers.

MacBean's avatar

Not yet. Going with my mother around lunchtime. Then on the way home we’re going to stop and buy booze for me so I can watch the returns tonight. Woo! \o/

aidje's avatar

Absentee, about two weeks ago.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Waiting for 6:00 am to come so I can go. Hoping my assigned polling place will be less nuts than the early voting places. Or not. Having to wait to vote is kinda cool. Now if everyone will write their congressional representatives on a regular basis after the election…

girlofscience's avatar

Early voted in North Carolina two weeks ago.

tabbycat's avatar

I voted absentee for Obama a couple of weeks ago.

fireside's avatar

I just got back from voting, but I couldn’t find Hillary’s name on the ballot anywhere…

SuperMouse's avatar

I voted this morning, the polling place was very busy, but there was no wait at all. OBAMA 08!

BarbieM's avatar

I got to my polling place when they opened at 6AM then waited 40 minutes in line to vote for Obama.

gailcalled's avatar

I am off now to 1) jump the line and 2) poll watch.

11:19 AM EST. (I seem to be channeling someone. Say it isn’t so, Moe.)

cookieman's avatar

I voted about two hours ago.
There was no wait.
Voted for Obama.

I accidently met my wife there, so that was a nice coincedence.

Mizuki's avatar

I voted early. Go Obama!

janbb's avatar

Went around 7:15 a.m. in New Jersey. no lines in my polling place. When I got to work everyone else had already voted too.

I’ve been walking around with a big smile on my face all day. Can’t wait til Barack gets over 270 tonight! (Good things he’s better at running for president than he is at bowling!)

I’ve been really worried for months but today – seeing the turnout – I think we’ve got it.

Emilyy's avatar

Absentee. Yippee!

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