General Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Asking for a vote of a different sort?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) November 4th, 2008

Based on Poof’s previous question, my question is “Do you think there should be a test to determine if you are fit to vote?” A simply yes or no will do. I am quite curious.

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18 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

No. There should be a test to see if you’re fit to pass on your stupid genes, but to vote.. no.

asmonet's avatar

I don’t think it’s feasible. And I think we did away with that shit shortly after slavery didn’t we?

Nimis's avatar

If I get to create and administer the test, sure.
Otherwise, no.

damien's avatar

All this talk of voting is getting my voting finger itchy. Why can’t there be something for all us non-Americans to vote for while all this is going on? I, for one, feel left out.

I keep clicking ‘No’ on the banner at the top of the page, but it doesn’t help.

asmonet's avatar

Poor, poor, Damein. Where are you?

damien's avatar


Sucks to be me, I know. ;)

fireside's avatar

No, seems a bit regressive to me.

How about a renewed focus on education?

MissAnthrope's avatar

By the way, lest there be any confusion, I meant the general “you”, that was not directed toward anyone in here. :)

lapilofu's avatar

My impulse is no, but not because I think ignorant people should be allowed to vote. I just don’t think there would be any practical and fair way of pulling it off.

poofandmook's avatar

in a utopian society, yes… only those who take action, or do the work, would decide. In our society, like I said, it’d be nice, but I probably wouldn’t support it because there would be no feasible way to make it work.

bodyhead's avatar

No. Never in any facet.

Although I do think it would be interesting to see the demographics of who the majority of people with low IQs vote for (vs high IQs).

gailcalled's avatar

——-> directed at no one in particular. Whom the majority vote for. So, who decides the rules and makes up the test? Who tests the testers?

arnbev959's avatar

Know what? I think there should be a test to allow some people to vote early. That way, no one over the age of 18 would be denied their right to vote, but some people would be able to vote at 16 or 17. That would be nice.

MissAnthrope's avatar

That’s actually a really nice idea, pete. If only!

aisyna's avatar

so i pretty much said the exact same thing pete said and was about to post it but then i read what he said, but i completly agree with pete.

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