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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

The mystery of JA?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) November 5th, 2008

I wish i could let this go, but ever since I got the weird pm from Jack Adams about his quitting on Nov. 1 and then his subsequent notice to the mods that he had multiple identities here and that he would cease using those on Nov 1, I’ve wondered what his other identities were. Oddly, Deaddolly has not been on here since Halloween. Now that could just be a case of a giant halloween hangover, or was Deaddolly on of JA’s identities? Does anybody notice anyone else conspicuously missing since Nov. 1?

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59 Answers

chyna's avatar

I am in contact with Deaddolly. If you click on her avatar she explains why she is leaving. I am also friends with JA and I can tell you for absolutely certain, they are not the same person.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Ahhh…another theory debunked. Thanks for the info. I’ll keep searching for clues. Perchance, do you know the other ids jack claims to have?

Edit: wow her goodbye was quite harsh. I wonder what caused that…

PupnTaco's avatar

Admins should be able to suss it out by looking at the IPs he posted from, unless he’s very savvy about using proxies. In which case his “multiple personalities” shtick is even scarier.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m trying to care, honestly. I just don’t.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Everyone needs a little mystery in life, Chucky, and this is mine. Detective Sue on the job. I should get an office, a fancy hat and a trench coat. Ahh…maybe you’re right. Who cares…

bodyhead's avatar

PupnTaco, he said he has different computers with different ip addresses. No need for proxies.

AstroChuck's avatar

@ST- That’s Chuckie, not Chucky.
Just had to correct that.

fireside's avatar

I saw a couple of threads that probably were the last ones she posted in, but don’t know which ones they were. Don’t really have the time or the drive to go digging. maybe later.

janbb's avatar

It was never clear to me why JA left – was he kicked out or was his leaving a drama of his own making? I found his answers often not germaine to the question, but was there something else that made him leave? A further JA mystery.

trumi's avatar

To me, the biggest JA mystery is; will they play at Lollapalooza next year? Summer of 2009, I mean. They are back together now, and they started it all in the first place, and it would be an awesome addition. I hope they do, and I hope I can make it.

Oops, were we still supposed to be talking about JackAssums?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

fuck off AND have a lovely day? how does that work?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

trumi, JA = jewelers of america? junior achievement? java architecture?

trumi's avatar

Jane’s Addiction :D

La_chica_gomela's avatar

oooh. thanks <3

fireside's avatar

lol, i thought lollapalooza gave it away.
does that mean i’m getting old?

Snoopy's avatar

Detective Sue
Have you considered that you are overthinking it? Perhaps he had the last laugh by “goosing” everyone on his way out the door. To leave a kind of “what if…?” behind….
i.e. no mutliple personnas…just him wanting you to believe it is so.
Which you have accepted….hook, line and sinker.

eambos's avatar

I think Snoopy may have it.

janbb's avatar

I still want to know – did he jump or was he pushed? And if he was pushed, why did he get to stay on til November1?

shilolo's avatar

[mod says] For clarification, JA was on thin ice owing to an accumulation of “strikes”. He then announced, publicly, that he was leaving (on his own terms) on November 1st. Why he felt the need to announce (to “dramatic effect”), over a month in advance that he was leaving, was not clear. However, prior to his anticipated departure, he accumulated more strikes, and a unanimous moderator team decision was made to ban him prior to his self-imposed leave date. This was probably not part of his plan, and thus, we were treated to a story involving multiple non-traceable accounts.

Whether he has multiple accounts is unclear. If so, “they” have behaved in a way that is consistent with fluther guidelines, and so are welcome to stay (though this defeats his intention of “leaving”). Ironically, if JA had maintained the same equipoise as his (potential) alter-egos, all of this drama would have been avoided.

I hope this description puts the mystery to rest. He is either here and behaving, or gone.

janbb's avatar

@ shilolo – Thanks for the clarification.

gailcalled's avatar

(equipoise ...swoon)

shilolo's avatar

That was for you, Gail… ;-)

chyna's avatar

@sueann no, he didnt tell me of any other names he has, if he indeed has any.

augustlan's avatar

@chyna: Did DD say what shit, exactly, she was sick of? I just noticed she wasn’t here earlier, and looked at her profile. I know she didn’t like people correcting her spelling, or commenting on her “ppl” abbreviation…but didn’t realize she was upset enough over that to leave.

chyna's avatar

I think she may have told the mods, so maybe they can enlighten you.

PupnTaco's avatar

You’d think someone with so many piercings would have thicker skin.


Snoopy's avatar

OK. Now even I want to know what happened w/ DD

poofandmook's avatar

the “ppl” thing drove me up the fucking wall, and that’s all I know.

Snoopy's avatar

@poof why all the flap about ppl? I abbreviate too…I think several people do on occasion. WTF? haha

poofandmook's avatar

Things like “wtf” and “ftw” don’t bother me… they’re on par with the ASPCA, GLAAD, and like abbreviations. “ppl” drives me NUTS because it’s not a word, it’s not a representation of several words in a sequence, it’s just being lazy. It’s textspeak, which is fine for texting, but in this environment of people who strive to learn, understand, etc… it’s not really appropriate. It’s all about quality. If I googled something, was led to Fluther, and saw things like “ZOMG u ppl r nuts!!11!!!!1” I’d be clicking the “X” faster than I could blink. It’s just the environment Ben and Andrew have created here, and I like having a nice adult-looking site to be a part of.

Snoopy's avatar

—well…I use “w/” w/ a fair degree of frequency. I probably use others that I am not even aware of….

unless ZOMG = zo oh my god, I don’t know WTF that means, BTW

And I would put WTF, FTW and BTW all under textspeak. Not the same as ASPCA and GLAAD, I don’t think…...

I would say/spell A-S-P-C-A in a conversation, but I wouldn’t say W-T-F.

poofandmook's avatar

I guess you’re right on that… I don’t know. Well, wtf is also in a class of its own… it’s a way to be able to curse without cursing… lol… I don’t know. I guess some textspeak is more widely accepted? And I definitely don’t count w/ as anything. FTW is more of a humor thing in my book… I’m not sure.

I just really didn’t like “ppl.” LOL

shilolo's avatar

[mod says] As far as I know, deaddolly did not communicate to the moderation team en mass. Judging (like everyone else) from her avatar message, she was unhappy here (perhaps the format, perhaps feeling “persecuted”) and decided to leave. While we are sad when anyone decides to leave, it happens and we move on.

gailcalled's avatar

Yes, we the ppl are sad.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@snoopy ZOMG is just a sarcastic way of saying OMG (does anyone else read zomg and omg like a word instead of an acronym? or is it just me?)

Snoopy's avatar

@uber what is sarcastic about ZOMG? I don’t get it? Is it mocking “valley girl” speak or something?

For the record, only on election night did I learn from my fellow jelly ppl that “FTW” = For The Win. I thought it was WTF backwards.

shadling21's avatar

@uber – Not just you. Once you’ve seen these acronyms enough, they become whole words. I believe that’s what poof was referring to. WTF is not simply “what the f***”, but a very special version of this sentiment. All internet slang comes with connotations it’s picked up through various memes.

I had no problem with “ppl”. It’s easy enough to read, and it added a certain style to her quips.

I seem to remember arguing for internet slang on Fluther before… Deja fluthered?

shadling21's avatar

@Snoopy – Check this out.
EDIT: Woops! Way to confuse Wikipedia with Uncyclopedia. A better answer, believe it or not, is here.

Snoopy's avatar

@shandling ZOMG! That gave me a HA!

El_Cadejo's avatar

i <3 uncyclopedia

eambos's avatar

i <3 encyclopedia dramatica, except some articles make me want to puke

El_Cadejo's avatar

dickipedia is great too :P

shrubbery's avatar

Hmm…I thought the Z stood for zombies… haha

chyna's avatar

@ poof I understand that the word ppl annoys you, we all have our pet peeves. Mine is that people on here say “fuck” and “damn” in the same sentence regularly, not even being mad, which is something I usually reserve for road rage only.

poofandmook's avatar

@gail: Reading that from you is like the Twilight Zone.

eambos's avatar

God fucking damn it, I hate “ppl!”

gailcalled's avatar

@Poof; you get the reference, I am sure. One of my rules is to never be too predicable…one of the problems with overusing “fuck, shit, piss” etc. So totally boring.

augustlan's avatar

Now I’m feeling like I’m in the Twilight Zone!

augustlan's avatar

Seeing cuss words in your post! I know you have used some, on occasion. It’s just not your usual style

gailcalled's avatar

I usually use them only for irony. They come in handy when I spill a carton of milk,
upend a 40lb bag of cat litter, or drive over one earring, however.

augustlan's avatar

One might say they are damn handy.

AstroChuck's avatar

After reading all this dirty language I feel so dirty. Think I’ll take a shower.
Gail! I’m so shocked!

PupnTaco's avatar

Fuckin’ A, bubba.

asmonet's avatar

How did I miss this thread?

AstroChuck's avatar

Yeah. What the hell is wrong with you, asmonet?

asmonet's avatar

Oh, so many, many things, Chuck.

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