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I have a very sincere and not at all partisan question for those of you who did NOT want Obama to win?
Now that he has, can you describe to me your feelings? I’m curious specifically if you are legitmately afraid, or if you’re just disappointed in the outcome but feel that’s the way it goes sometimes? Do you hope for a conciliatory future where both sides cooperate more, even though it might mean we try some ideas you’re not crazy about, or do you hope the handful of Republicans who kept their seats fight tooth and nail to ensure that Obama’s grand plans will not succeed and you’ll be able to start ‘taking back the country’ in 2 more years? What silver linings do you see (if any)? Are you willing to watch the next 4 years with an open, but skeptical mind, or are you of the opinion that now is the time for the greatest vigilance, because this outcome is not acceptable and must be reversed somehow?
I’m not looking to provoke any arguments here, I’m just curious to know how you are coping, and what this means to you in the grand scheme of things.
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