General Question

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

Our Election for America!

Asked by wrestlemaniac3 (242points) November 5th, 2008

You decide, name anyone you want as president and at the end of the thread who ever has the highest will be the next “President” of the U.S.A, in make-believe world. I vote Leonidas. SPARTA!

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20 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I have the President I want right now. Barack Obama.

asmonet's avatar

Me three.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

me four, but apart from that, what if it was a free for all!

EmpressPixie's avatar

After all the effort I put into getting the one we’re going to have????? I only want him! Barack Obama, baby!

poofandmook's avatar

I live in reality.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

Empress your loyal to your candidate, good gal, I respect that, the rest, there’s no reason we can’t be civil and funny right, I mean we can have fun, loosen up.

EmpressPixie's avatar

We can have fun. But after the effort I put in pounding pavement, making calls, and talking to people, there is honestly no one—dead, alive, or fictional—I’d rather have as president.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

I respect that, your a good american, God(shudders) bless you, and God(shudders again)Bless your family.

wrestlemaniac3's avatar

Hey, I’m being nice (that’s very rare in my case but whatever)and if you’re booing that’s not nice, but God(shudders) bless you and your family too.

eambos's avatar

Ron Paul!


ladytmerie's avatar

OBAMA, period.

Maverick's avatar

Ghandi, but if he’s unavailable I’d settle for Obama.

eambos's avatar


No Joke

susanc's avatar

Gary Snyder.

cookieman's avatar

Bugs Bunny or Hawkeye Pierce

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