“If the damn word “marriage” is so freaking important to the religious right, why don’t we just let them have it?”
Because the word “marriage” is important to US! The struggle for gay marriage was never really about marriage per se. If it were, the struggle would have been over when we won domestic partnerships. Marriage and the right to serve openly in the military are the last two legal barriers to the legitimation of homosexuality in our society. As long as we are forced to accept an invidious legal distinction—i.e., anything less than full marriage as traditionally conceived—we are consigned by law to a form of second-class citizenship.
Frankly, I can not imagine a more fruitless, impractical, and counter-productive project than a minority trying to persuade anyone at all to give up “marriage,” with all its solemnity and the legitimating power of tradition in favor of a generic “civil union.” If we had the cultural wherewithal to institute new usages on this scale, we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with.
I propose to let the religious right have it in another way:
If Christians are willing to deny me the dignity of being treated as an equal by forcing me to accept a lesser form of marriage on the basis of their beliefs, then I am no longer willing to respect the legitimacy of their beliefs.
Christians have demonstrated by their recent actions that they are willing to use the power of the state to marginalize and shame homosexuals. In so doing, they have demonstrated that their true aim is to turn this country into a theocracy. They have shown their complete lack of regard for the separation of Church and State—and their contempt for the values of a democratic society—equality, tolerance, privacy, freedom of conscience, and respect for human rights. In this respect, Christians have demonstrated that they are both immoral and un-American.
Accordingly, I commit myself to denouncing anti-gay Christians as both unChristian and as enemies of our democratic society. I commit myself to exposing them as fascists, unworthy of our nation’s tolerance and respect. I commit myself to exposing their hostility to science, reason and reality. I commit myself to exposing their intellectual dishonesty, and the immorality of their irrational, divisive, superstitious, irresponsible and ridiculous beliefs. I further commit myself to driving them out of politics, defunding their political organizations, debunking their propaganda, publicizing their scandals, and generally protesting any public display or expression of their beliefs.
What I propose to do to them is, essentially, what they are trying to do to me; namely, render them politically impotent and invisible in society. I welcome anyone who cares to join with me in this endeavor.