Is telekinesis possible?
I mean moving things with your mind. Anyone have any articles proving it to be possible or impossible?
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40 Answers
With the right Margarita anything is possible. As a matter of fact, I just moved a vowle.
Oooooh, I just had a vowle movement…...
I turn my back and my car keys relocate themselves.
And if you are looking for more articles, please try to find my reading glasses.
If it really is, Ladies hold on to your bras!!! smirk
I dunno, but reminds me of that kurt vonnegut quote: Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.
@generalspec: You said Vonnegut! I so Kilgore Trout you…ohhand Ilurveyout too…didn’t KV make up the word lurve??/
It’s hard to prove anything is impossible. What I can tell you is that I’ve never seen a shred of evidence supporting the existence of telekinesis, nor can I hypothesize a mechanism by which it might occur.
@ gail – That means it is possible because I was trying to mentally move them.
In this article , they refer to his powers as psychokinesis but apparently, from a dictionary definition I found, this is also another name for telekinesis. Either way, this is some pretty interesting information on what you asked about in your question.
What niki said. Also, the idea that the brain can exert force on objects in and of itself does not fit with our current understanding of physics or neurology. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible – our “current understanding” of things has changed quite a lot over the last 100 years. But it does mean that regarding it as a serious possibility would require some very serious evidence.
You know, the most common misspelling of my name is Brain.
@Bri_L – My dad’s name is Brian, and when I was a kid, I used to misspell it “Brain” all the time. =]
It’s possible, I’ve seen many things, you have to really believe, and you must have a strong and healthy mind.
@wrestle – This is something that’s always confused me, and perhaps you could clear it up. It seem as though many people who profess to have supernatural powers try to excuse themselves from scientific testing by saying that their powers only work if those observing them “truly believe”. Why should this be a factor? It seems to me like a way to ensure that the observing parties can be easily swindled. Also – I regard myself as having a “strong and healthy mind”, and yet I’ve never had any telekinetic powers. Why is this?
I believe telekinesis is possible. I am also a strong believer in many other things. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Why do people have to dismiss something so quickly or immediately believe it is impossible because they don’t understand it? Now @Hobbes I think what wrestlemaniac3 was trying to say is to perform telekinesis you must have a strong healthy mind. Also I might be wrong but I have a strong feeling you do not have this strong healthy mind that wrestlemaniac3 is referring to. An example would be someone who meditates regularly and experiences very little stress have healthier minds than you and me. Those people have a better chance of the ability of telekinesis. Everyone can perform telekinesis but our psychic muscle is very small.
There are many people of our time who can perform telekinesis. For example Chris Angel has this power. Even though most of his stunts are faked and is in it mostly for the money he has this ability and he also stated anyone can do this. If you were to touch his hands you would feel an immense amount of energy rush to yours. If you still don’t believe it that’s okay. Everyone has the right to their own opinion but try and keep and open mind about things.
@PIXEL – Isn’t it interesting how, ever since we’ve had the tools and knowledge to record, test and verify claims of the supernatural, those claims either seem to be rapidly disappearing or defining themselves as somehow outside the bounds of experiments?
I don’t dismiss Telekinesis and other “Paranormal Phenomenon” because I don’t understand them. I dismiss them because there’s really no reason to believe they exist other than rumors and hearsay. Also – according to your definition, Buddhist monks have a higher chance of performing Telekinesis, and yet (as far as I know) they have never claimed to be able to do so. Why would this be?
Finally – you cite Chris Angel, and yet despite his professed ability, he has never once allowed himself to be tested scientifically. Why is this? Could it be because he knows he would fail such a test, just as every single person who has ever claimed to have paranormal abilities and who has agreed to have them tested has?
It’s not a matter of having an open mind. I and the rest of the scientific community are more than willing to consider and take seriously new evidence and information as it arises. But accounts of Telekinesis are not evidence. They are rumors and tall tales, most of which come from highly suggestible people and which have been either completely fabricated, misremembered, or exaggerated.
I’m perfectly willing to believe it’s possible. As niki said, it’s very hard to prove anything is impossible. But I won’t view it as seriously probably until the mystics can actually come up with something real to substantiate their claims. But as they’ve had the whole of the scientific revolution to do it, and we have yet to see anything, I’m not holding my breath.
@Hobbes; if paraphysics were possible, you probably could hold your breath…for a very long time.
@Hobbes I respect you opinion and I can understand why someone would see that point of view. Now you bring up a good point. Why don’t monks ever claim to be able to perform this act? Most don’t do it but if one was able he would know that there really isn’t any reason to announce to everyone they are able to do this because people as spiritualy advanced as them know there would be no point. Why would a monk want to become a celebrety? Most people that do just want the publicity and money and turn up just being good magicians and that’s why most that announce they have these powers end up fake.
Now I believe Chris Angel does not want himself to be tested because he doesn’t want to risk being called a fake even if he can perform telekinesis which would then ruin his reputation. Just like I said, he likes money.
The smartest minds in the world used to think many things were inpossible until now. Scientist have even found a way to make invisibility cloaks like in Harry Potter! Slowly people are evolving and getting smarter. Im sure one day this whole telekinesis thing will be proved possible.
PIXEL – As I said before, I’m perfectly willing to believe that Telekinesis is possible. It’s also possible that fairies and leprechauns exist, but all these things are equally unlikely without proof of any sort.
I would understand if Chris Angel had personal reasons for being unwilling to have his abilities tested. But why, in all of history, has no-one ever stepped forward to have their claims verified? Why has there never been a single reliable account or shred of evidence for any of this? The thing is, it isn’t that most people who claim to have these powers and who have submitted to tests have ended up being fake, it’s that every single one has.
The invisibility cloak thing is friggin’ awesome though.
Hehe yeah. I thought the Invisibility cloak was pretty interesting.
@Bri: When my sister was a kid she had a crush on a Boy Scout named Brian. She filled pages of her diary with “I Love BRAIN.”—written just like that. Thank you for reminding me.
lawls, Chris Angel. You know, there are lots of people who think monks do levitate and move rocks with sound and the mind. It;‘s never been proven as telekinesis or anthing of the sort.
@ Asmont – I was a boyscout when I was younger
No, WI.
Darn, 39 and never been crushed. Hehe.
I wouldn’t say that.
just joshin’. :)
@seeker: That’s not your mind, that’s the freaking wind.
@asmonet: I suggest you spend a day trying it yourself. From my limited experience it seems like the clouds disappear as I lay my attention on them to do so. I’m not saying that it works; but for me, it seemed like I evaporated 20 clouds in a row with the power of thought. To me it’s self-evident that thoughts are powerful. Again, I suggest you try it out. Me and friends walk to parks at times just to go cloud erasing.
@Seeker; Feel free to come to my house and lay your attention on my 10 tons of snow everywhere. Feed the dogs before harnessing them to sledge, however.
@seeker: Gail has more wit than I do in this case… however, small clouds are generally gonna disappear with or without you ‘willing’ them away with the power of your mind. Did your high school offer Geosystems all?
I’m not advocating anything. I don’t hold to be true that the power of thought can do that; but to me, cloud erasing is a fun pastime. Whoopee, clouds disappeared when I attempt to do so. Me and friends have done it with large groups of people on opportune days. I suggest you try it, honestly, without a skeptical attitude, and you might have some fun with it. Beliefs and thoughts can be very powerful. Seriously, I can live in my own paranoia and extreme neurosis if I choose to mold myself to be that way. For example, I can convince myself that you hate me because of my attention being focused on the belief of the thought “he/she hates me.” – it can become part of what I believe to be real. And damn it, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. Plain and simple.
Looks like you flip-flopped. No big. I’m not to invested in this one. :)
@hobbes.. you had said that physics doesn’t coencide with the possibility of ‘telekenesis’ yes?
fact1: the theory of entanglement states that Entanglement theory”, based on the transformation of entangled q.particles in
q.bits near the zero point at the ground level of Q.Energy, permits transfoming “q.particles into
q.bits” and visa versa so that “Q.Entanglement” can work as an universal intermediate exchange of
space time dimensions, in order to connect the two previously anti-symmetric geometries of spacetime
through a base of two-dimensions in space and time. <—source
in other words if you were to take into account the ‘the big bang theory’ (the point in time where everything was connected/entangled) telekinises is very possible.
laymans terms: (big bang theory) + (theory of entanglement)= telekinises very possible
if you want more scientific theories backing the possibility of this just leave a message on this board, i’ll be sure to check back on the feedback.
p.s. please excuse my grammar/punctuations e.s.l. ^^
o yes i had forgotten my second fact. i’ll save the quotes and sources and be frank.
our bodies are made up of energy. matter is actually an illusion, a personification of waves of atomic energy, waves being a literal expression.
the point being is that the tools that are necessary to conduct the act of telekinises are present, it’s the state of mind that isn’t.
i am by no means an expert on these things, merely an interested onlooker. but i won’t speak unless i have the facts to back my opinions.
Well, i asked my english teacher one day, and well, he knew alot about telekinesis…. he sated, ït´s already scientificaly proven that we´re doing it everyday, yet we don´t notice it because it´s so damn small, yet BIG… in physics it states, we are NEVER literally touch anything, why? well to put it simple, we are both mainly made up of water, and (lots of) metal(s)... and because of this, we have the same atoms (+´s, -´s & =) and since it netrons law, * if i remember correctly * , atoms, of the same descharge, can never touch without fusion. so in actuality our brain´s telling us what we precive, and if we feel what we precive, that´s some sort of telekinesis. now, if someone was able to find a way to….augment it yew´d be able to move objects, the best element to start out with (that´s visible) is water. but start with yourself first…¨ well that´s pretty much what he said, and it´s true, it´s been proven scientificaly, yet they don´t belive it. they call it ¨something unexplainable¨ when it obviously leads to your question. Is Telekinesis Possible? Technicaly, yes. are we able to do it? not in this era. When will we be able to do it? with the fast technology i´d guess about 100–150 years.
I can tell you that your English teacher is not doing a very good job following his job description..that of teaching English. I am sorry to say that if he knows as much about telekineses as he does about spelling and punctuation, you’re in trouble. Have him teleport some writing skills your way, I say sadly.
I do not think that it is possible…....
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