General Question

postfoetus's avatar

Can I have two MIDI controllers doing separate tasks in separate programs all in the same computer?

Asked by postfoetus (2points) November 5th, 2008

I am using a Korg PadKontrol with Ableton Live and a MIDI keyboard with Logic, but I can’t seem to get Logic to unrecognize the PadKontrol, the ending result being that I always hear keyboard sounds from Logic when I hit the padkontrol and trigger samples in Ableton ( essentially the sounds always overlap ). Super frustrating. Is there any way to completely separate the two controllers and programs?

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3 Answers

Noah_D's avatar

I don’t know personally, but I bet someone over at bwacks could help you out.

AlienBomber's avatar

You need to set the midi channel on each device set to different channels for starters. Next, you need to go into the Global MIDI preferences for Logic and Live to set the Global MIDI channel to the same as the PadKontrol for Live and the Keyboard for Logic. For example:

MIDI Channel = 1
MIDI Channel = 1

MIDI Channel = 2
MIDI Channel = 2

Then test it out. This should work..

postfoetus's avatar

oh great! thanks so much guys :)

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