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tinyfaery's avatar

Will you help me get married?

Asked by tinyfaery (44305points) November 7th, 2008 from iPhone

Self-seeking I know, but maybe if all my fluther pals went to California could reopen the move toward marriage equality. You have to search for prop 8. I would provide a direct link, but I’m on my phone. I’m not sure if residents of states other than CA can sign, but if you can, please do. The wife and I want to have another ceremony for our 10 year anniversary. Only 3 years left.

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35 Answers

tonedef's avatar

Do more than sign a petition: file an official tax-exempt status complaint against the LDS!

augustlan's avatar

Sorry tiny, you have to be a CA resident. If there is anything at all I can do, though…I will!

cak's avatar

I would sign for you, in a heartbeat; however, I live in North Caroling. Like augustlan, if there is anything else I can do, I will. Please, if you see any other resources, PM me and I will follow through with whatever you come up with!

I’m saddened that this is something, that in 2008, we are still having to deal with. Government needs to stay OUT of marriage.

scamp's avatar

I don’t live in California, but I wish you well!

melly6708's avatar

already did

.. i have one thing to say about prop 8… i think that the only reason that it passed was the “THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN” slogan that they were pushing on people.. if they really thought about the children then they wouldn’t care if they learned about gay marriage.. they are trying to erase the fact that it doesn’t exist. they are slowly creating a new generation of pure ignorant people.. i myself don’t want to even imagine how things will be when these children grow older with these ideals of others being superior then the rest…

tonedef's avatar

Hey! Everyone who DOESN’T live in California! See my first answer. There is something you can do!

loser's avatar

When I found out that Prop. 8 passed I felt physically ill. I’m going to the SF protest march tonight to vent a little anger. I’ll do whatever I can to fight this.

EnzoX24's avatar

I hate to sound like a Sadist, but I really don’t believe petitions work that well. Silent arguments don’t work for me. I’m with you in spirit, but I believe there is a more prominent way of approaching this. I will definitely be looking into tonedef’s solution, though.

This is a crime against humanity, and you can sure as hell bet I’ll be with you to end on this one.

susanc's avatar

I’ll have my LDS church 501c3 revocation petition in the mail in an hour. What freaks.

Bsilver's avatar

Either I subconsciously surround myself with amazingly open minded people, or the landscape of this country truly is changing, because most of the people I know, or have talked to are outraged about prop. 8, and I’m hearing about it in the news. I too am disheartened that CA, of all states has done this. I live in MD, but will do whatever I can to help.

AstroChuck's avatar

Of course I will. How sad that at a time when we make such strides in this country by electing Obama we still manage to shit on others.

SoapChef's avatar

@ AC I know! Sixty-somthing percent of the voters in California voted for Obama but somehow passed this thing, in CALIFORNIA for pete’s sake. Unbelievable!

SoapChef's avatar

OMFG! Thanks syz for the link. I didn’t know the Mormons were behind it. Makes sense. I am a proudly excommunicated member of the LDS church!

cak's avatar

@tonedef…working on it! Thanks for the info!!

jlm11f's avatar

I don’t live in Cali but I went to the petition link for prop 8 anyway, and it says “This petition has been closed to new signatures at the author’s request.”

And I will make sure to file the complaint against LDS. thanks for the link tonedef and thanks for alerting us of a way to help tinyfaery. I’d say more, but my sentiments just match those of others who have already posted here

Fieryspoon's avatar

I tried to sign. I got the following:
This petition has been closed to new signatures at the author’s request.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

i can offer some great floral ideas :)

skfinkel's avatar

Why did this happen? Was it a fear campaign of some kind? And these same people voted for Obama! or some of them at least.

breedmitch's avatar

@skfinkel: I read about an exit poll that shows the higher african-american turnout was to blame. These voters voted overwhelmingly for Obama and also against equal marriage rights for all. I’ll see if I can find the link.

SoapChef's avatar

Wow! So breedmitch, the Mormons started it and the African-Americans finished it? That is two opposing factions working towards a common goal! As a past, waaay past and excommunicated member of the Latter Day Saints, I can remember when blacks could belong to the church but never attain preisthood. Since this is every male member’s goal, you can see how discriminating that was. My mother asked lots of questions, (much to the Bishop’s dismay). The best answer she ever got regarding this was that one of their ancestors had done something terrible and his descendants were marked by the color of their skin. Even as a nine year old I thought, “bullshit”! The history of the Mormon Church is truly shameful. There is much that isn’t widely known. Look up Mountain Meadows massacre if you are in the mood to be disgusted.

windex's avatar

not… touching… this one

Knotmyday's avatar

Hooray for excommunication! You can join my congregation, the “Church of the Open Mind.”

augustlan's avatar

End result of syz’s link is a page where you can make a donation to efforts to overturn Prop 8, in the name of the president of the Mormon church! Let’s do it guys! Please donate!

Galicia's avatar

This makes me SO angry. My sister is gay and married in MA but now she lives in PA. I cannot even tell you the rage that boils up inside of me when I think that my sister is not given the same rights as myself. She’s going through a custody battle with her son’s dead-beat scumbag of a father and the judge granted him temporary custody because he has more “support” than my sister. They go to trial at the end of this month. Every time this guy gets his son he pawns him off on other people and never spends any time with him. The whole reson this is happening is because my sister is gay and little Noah has 2 mommies.

I keep praying that this guy dies of a heart attack.

krose1223's avatar

Geeze. This does make me angry.
@ soapchefI dropped out before I could get excommunicated. So much for my standing up for my ex faith. Bastards.

I’ll donate w/ next paycheck if I can. And definitely doing the tax thing! Printing that stuff out right now!

tinyfaery's avatar

I lurved pretty much everyone. Thanks for all the help and the extra info. You will all be invited to our wedding. We are planning to have it on a charter cruise to Catalina Island.

loser's avatar

That is so cool!!!

AstroChuck's avatar

Great! I’ll go dust off my bridesmaid dress.

loser's avatar

OMG!!! That just made me spit out my Raisin Bran!!!

answerjill's avatar

There are good and accepting LDS people out there. I would hate to see Fluther become a venue for bashing an entire group of people.

Bsilver's avatar

answerjill- very good point, one of my best friends is a member of the LDS church and he’s one of the most open minded people I know…

Let’s not assume they’re all heartless bigots.

AstroChuck's avatar

I don’t think anyone was trashing any individual LDS member but the church itself.

answerjill's avatar

AC, I know… I did not think that anyone was trashing any particular individual, either. Actually, that is the point. I just wanted to point out that institutions are made up of individuals, and not all members are of the same mind.

jlm11f's avatar

If you guys haven’t already, be sure to sign the pledge to repeal Prop 8. People from all states can sign this (I don’t think you even have to be American…)

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