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jdegrazia's avatar

Is now a good time to buy Euros?

Asked by jdegrazia (277points) November 8th, 2008

I owe someone EUR 2k by the end of 2008. Do you think the US dollar will appreciate in relation to the Euro between now and Christmas?

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3 Answers

srmorgan's avatar

EUR/USD rates have made a tremendous change since the early summer. I was paying 1,58 to the Euro and it is now down in the mid 1.20’s. Remarkable.

On EUR 2,000 the fluctuation in the costs of purchase are really miniscule.
For example I bought EUR on 11/8 at 1.2777. That would be $2,555.00 A fluctuation to 1.3 would only cost $2600 .

The difference in purchase price is just not worth worrying about.
If this is a big deal, then I would buy the Euros now and stop worrying about it/


jdegrazia's avatar

@srmorgan Thanks much. Not worrying. Just curious.

Steve_A's avatar

This question is old but look at the euro now!!

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