General Question

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Asked by A_Beaverhausen (2443points) November 9th, 2008
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19 Answers

mccabe's avatar

Teleportation. If you saw the movie “Jumper,” you know teleporting is everything you need.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m not sure they would qualify as ‘superpowers’ but I’d would like to be able to either read people’s minds or turn myself invisible at will.

@mccabe. What they were able to do in the movie Jumper was pretty awesome.

popo7676's avatar

Just like many people, I want to be able to fly. I also want it so that it wont affect my eyes so i can still see where I’m going.

buster's avatar

Nuclear missile launch codes. Thats some real super power. And I got a couple people I’d like to nuke.

AstroChuck's avatar

Unbeknowest to the general public, mild-mannered postman AstroChuck is in reality Sexual Prowessman.

googlybear's avatar

The power to be able to understand what women want….that would be an awesome superpower which I would rent out for a reasonable fee….like $250/hr…

judochop's avatar

I would go for the superpower of mind reading and then open a consulting business and grab my law degree as quickly as possible.
And I don’t mean just able to read peoples thoughts I am up for seeing everything that goes on in their heads.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Flight would definitely be a first choice for me, but I think being stretchy like Mr. Fantastic would be pretty cool too. I’m short and I could reach stuff more easily.

waterskier2007's avatar

stopping time, or going back in time

aidje's avatar

Teleportation has been my answer for several years now. Nothing to do with Jumper, though. Terrible, terrible movie. I consider it a disgrace to my favorite power. I can’t believe I actually sat through the whole thing.

TheBox193's avatar

I’m would go with a time distortion super power of some sort. Faster, slower, jump forward ro backward, and pause. It all sounds good to me.

If I could chose two power I would couple that one with invisibility. The two would pair together quite nicely if you ask me.

seVen's avatar

I’d be a demon slayer, it would be an honor.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

id talk to animals.

Bri_L's avatar

1. Read Minds
2. Strength
3. Fly

@Popo7676 – very wise I would want the ability to control these like you said, see when I fly, not crush everything, control what and who I read etc.

amurican's avatar

To win a gold at the world spelling championships!

dynamicduo's avatar

I’d take being able to change one substance into another, but only at my direct command. No Midas hands for me.

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